Golden Retrievers are wholesome af

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SuperBuddies has everything, even aliens

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Yes, golden retrievers are wholesome as fuck. I completely agree with you. I love golden retrievers so much.

Attached: gentledoggie.jpg (739x720, 130K)

Dont you have some goatse or gyro pictures to masturbate to

They are cute and also proponents in the ALL TRANNIES MUST FUCKING HANG! Movement

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They're the best dogs in the world

oh what is that what is that

Is gyro supposed to be meatspin?

I completely agree with you.

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Close, Great Pyrenees are better though. Pic related is my GP / Springer mutt.
>born and bred to protect the weak, small and infirm
>incredibly intelligent
>always by your side
>eternal best friend status
>a GP was elected mayor of a small Minnesota village

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user, I hate to break it to you but...

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Is army dog ever going to get the help he needs

Can someone post the sneed one?

I can't find it

America just abandons their veterans what do you think
although army dog did make the decision to smash the afghani children’s skulls in with rocks himself, against his CO’s orders. Kind of have trouble having sympathy for him because of that

The real private Connor ate a chocolate bar on September 22nd 1977 after years of suffering from PTSD.

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You should watch the spinoff.

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Was it over the line when he planted puppy porn on his wifes new bfs pc and got him arrested? He did do it to protect her.

He knew it was better to frame him than give him a chance to actually hurt a pup.