Can we get a comfy simpsons thread?

Can we get a comfy simpsons thread?

I'm sitting here looking out my window right now watching it snow slowly. Have some season 3 of the Simpsons opened up on my laptop and I am enjoying a nice cup of warm chocolate.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>during summer


Attached: sneed.jpg (1080x1013, 427K)

>What is the southern hemisphere?
>What is high altitude?

>ignore all sn**d posts
>hide all sn**d posts

Fucking pieces of shit. I can't believe that you stupid imbeciles ruin every comfy Simpsons thread with this shitty garbage of a meme pushed by underage indians living in their mom's basement. I hope each and everyone of you fucking bastard subhumans get forced to watch your family getting gangraped by a bunch of spics while all you can do is beg for the punishment to stop. Fucking faggot pieces of garbage

Fuck off tard also Sneed


Shouldn't homer be 28?

Didn't him and marge have Bart right out high school? Isn't Bart ten? If none of that is true then what the hell were marge and homer doing in their early and mid twentieswe never got to see

>formerly pay attention to all chuck posts

Attached: S N E E D.png (1028x524, 14K)

Season 11, Episode 5

No, but we can get a comfy sneeds thread.

Attached: 34523.png (1020x756, 1017K)

the magic of anonymous sites

>Someone bothered to save the pasta I made for shit and giggles like 7 months ago
I don't know how to feel. Thanks user. I salute you.

Attached: cc775b4ee0dd1916c70be56c3248aa3abb2d0e98.jpg (229x269, 15K)

>Um, yes, I need to speak with Sneedsfeedandseed Formerlychucks.
>Okay, hold on. Hey anybody here named Sneedsfeedandseed Formerlychucks? Got a call here for a Sneedsfeedandseed Formerlychucks. No, sorry no Sneedsfeedandseed Formerlychucks here.

Based and sneedpilled.


Formerly Friendly Fraternity

snow's fow and sow


Do you think your post is clever?

I sneed it.

Do you really Sneed to know?

sneedophobes have no place on 4channel

Attached: sneed protect.png (912x1216, 1.4M)

I do infact believe this post was made my a highly intelligent individual.

Uhh, guys?

Attached: farmerno1nascar]].webm (992x558, 1.15M)

based & sneedpilled

Scorpio's torchio & rimorchio

snows blow & show

Yeah that's Farmer 1



Attached: 729.gif (1100x450, 326K)


What the HELL is the southern hemisphere?

Uh, yeah. I'm thinking he's back.

>tfw you had too much feed but cucked Homer by fucking and sucking Marge

Attached: 1561715811826.png (1440x1280, 1.6M)

Well look at the city slicker and his fancy southern hemisphere

Haha I don't know who this guy is but he looks like he's made of SNEED hahahaha


I want to see Bart and Lisa fucking. The animators have that power. They have the skills and tools to make this happen. But they don't do it. Why? Why deny the world of something that is so greatly wanted? I want to see those kids filled with heated passion and having frequent sex, tenderly at first because they're cautious and nervous, but as they start getting into it the sex should become faster, harder, more full of energy like the horny kids they are. We need to make this happen. Should we do a petition or something?


Ignore the sneed spammers. Which location in the show would be the coziest place to visit? Pic related is my pick.

Attached: Sneed's_feed_and_seed.png (640x480, 222K)

Seed, or feed? I guess its never Chuck, huh?

Attached: tenor[1].gif (498x203, 286K)

Snow? At this time of day? At this time of year? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your

Based and incestpilled! I completely agree with you.

In other words, you want to see them fucking and sucking?

Formerly Chuuuuuuu

If you don't want people to catch on you're actually a sneednigger you should probably stop saying comfy when you make these threads.

Fuck off with this shit my AC is leaking working overtime.

This psychological torture from Sneedposting is similar to rape. I'm enjoying it, but I don't consent to it.

>tfw Yea Forums rapes me
>"you mean fucks and sucks you"
What the fuck?

Sounds like you got Chuckolded

I've not a fan of the sneedspam but I find it hilarious to watch how it has completely obliterated any Simpsons discussion anywhere on this website. Its fun because The Simpsons is utter shit and deserves to be forgotten (formerly remembered).


Someone made a YouTube video of it. It's somewhere

This. The golden age of the Simpsons has been discussed to death, as well as the Zombie age. What else is there to talk about? If the /comfysimp/ general was allowed to stay it would just turn into a /vg/ general where hardly anyone talks about the thread topic and just talks about their real life instead.

Attached: sneed time.jpg (901x1200, 229K)


Formerly Chuck st.

Attached: images.jpg (232x218, 9K)


Natural and normal - quotes have been paraphrased for readability

Low estimates indicate a significant portion of men are sexually aroused by female children
>Consistent with previous data... 26.25 % exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli... In recent studies, 12 to 32% of community college samples of men reported sexual attraction to children... [a]
>In a sample of nearly 200 university males, 21% reported some sexual attraction to small children... In another sample with 100 male and 180 female undergraduate students, 22% of males and 3% of females reported sexual attraction to a child [b]
>In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult [c]
>all 48 soldiers showed penile response to adult females, as did 40 of 48 to adolescent females, and notably, 28 of 48 showed penile response to the female children age 4–10 [d]

High estimates indicate the vast majority of men are sexually aroused by female children
>In another study, “normal” men’s erections to pictures of pubescent and younger girls averaged 70 and 50%, respectively, of their responses to adult females [e]
>89% of community males exhibited some sexual arousal while viewing slides of female children [f]
>Penile plethysmography (PPG) has shown that about 9 out of 10 normal men are sexually aroused by prepubertal children; (88.7%) [a]


no thanks

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I love sneed so much bros


How am I supposed to resist when a cute black woman is into me? I think God would understand.
Also, sneed.

Attached: 1534719462832.jpg (124x35, 2K)

You remember that she has aids.

Attached: 7c2.jpg (960x960, 105K)

Enjoy your ban, Moe.

>underaged indians
havent heard that one in two years

>>and all the other fucks I won't even bother with
Fuck off faggots and your stupid shitty meme. Stop spending all your fucking time shitposting about a shitty one time joke from one of the worst seasons in the simpsons. It's fucking pathetic, I bet your parents would've aborted you if they knew their adult son would be a fucking neet posting forced fuck and suck memes in a serious television discussion board. Just kill your fucking selves already, the world will be better without your pathetic asses infecting it.

formerly chuck's



>southern hemisphere
>thinking anybody in southern hemisphere is relevant in any shape or form

Explain why you shouldn't be nuked


>american education



Fuck OP for being a false flagging jackass. This thread was a Sneedpost from the start. Fuck me if we can't have have any serious discussion for once.


sneed if true

I always see that character posted in sneed threads. What's his connection to sneed?

and Suck me if you waNt to havE a sErious Discussion


Have sneed incel


*have Chuck's

sneed for you

>in june
You have a serious emergency on your hands

Attached: 1501821384868.jpg (4032x3024, 2.83M)

Hey guys what do you think of my new sneed video?

Attached: apu2.png (657x527, 13K)

>chuckolds like this actually exist
Have sneed


I wish bans actually did something

I give it a feed outta sneed.

Where does Allen fit into the Sneed / Chuck dichotomy

fucking hell user I'm getting elsagate tier video recommendations after watching it

>t. SEETHING janny

Obviously this toilet would have been flushed if that were true you brainless retard

>Where does Allen fit into the Sneed / Chuck dichotomy
He needs tungsten to live. Not sure what that implies.

Attached: Allen Wrench.jpg (640x480, 56K)

Can we get a sneedy simpsons thread?

Aw hell yeah my good chum, don't mind if we do. I said I sneed sneed here and a sneed sneed there my friend. A good old suck and fuck from chuck is all I need in my sneed feed. Fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies fuck the jannies


I had the same thing once with my other video, does not tagging your videos havee anything to do with it? As far as I know tags don't do anything anymore

Janny just pruned like 15 threads he doesn't fuck with sneedChads anymore because he knows sneed cannot be defeated.

I think Homer dated Marge for a few years after high school before knocking her up and proposing. They were probably in their early to mid 20s when Bart was born, making them 30+ in the time of the show.


Thi sneeds to stop

Based, redpilled, he cute and Sneed.

Attached: STICKIED.webm (800x800, 2.47M)




Attached: sneedvangelion.jpg (1000x1000, 662K)

I still don't get it

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Fuck,sucked, and Chuckpilled

Attached: old town sneed (formerly chuck).png (1400x787, 814K)

>Caring about some third world shithole
You faggots can't even get the weather right, it's supposed to be hot in July retards

Remind me which month was named after an american, again?

Attached: caesar.jpg (411x321, 37K)

formerly water

May, as evidenced here.

Attached: Mayflower II on the Open Seas.jpg (690x548, 141K)

I gave you all the keys to succeed, yet you still failed. You've embarrassed yourself. Commit amerikiri.

blessed thread

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Formerly cursed thread.

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Attached: formerly nightsky.jpg (2560x1440, 695K)

Now watch me Sneed
Watch me Seed Feed
Watch me Chuck, Chuck
Watch me Suck Fuck

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