>ITT Trivial things that automatically make you drop a movie and/or TV show
ITT Trivial things that automatically make you drop a movie and/or TV show
Black people
chill with the racism, this isn’t Yea Forums!
Sex scenes that as nothing to the story. Sometimes it feels like they, Netflix especially, add sex scenes just for the fuck off it.
>Big brapper actress doesn’t stop the movie and talk to me through the screen breaking the fourth wall before climbing out into my room and hotdogging my pulsing cock for hours with oily cheeks
End up dropping all the potential kinos boys
Race mixing
Sex scenes never add anything to the story.
Interracial relationships.
I mean to say, have nothing to do with the story
>"We should be called X-women because we women do all the job in here"
>Says cunt to the dude in wheel chair who is in a wheel chair for saving her ass
Basically dumb progressive shit like that
I stopped watching season three of Jessica Jones because there was a tranny in it right at the beginning
Anything centered around action movies where nobody every reloads, people magically die and fall down (no blood, no gore, no bleeding out). Same when people get the old stabby stab and die instantly (even though they're stuck in the gut). In general movies that use violence to resolve conflicts but do it in a saturday morning cartoon way.
>figure of authority gives you a scientific explanation for an unrelated phenomenon with the situation at hand
I hate that shit, is like technobable but they actually looked for something that exists irl...but for a different and unrelated situation, it's even worse than technobable
All the Netflix shows leading ""men""" look exactly alike, the generic white actor. Daredevil, Marco Polo etc. All short, evertly sensitive and scummy looking. Couldn't finish watching the 2nd season of Marco Polo because of it even though I have an azn fetish
I personally hate when they have a villain that, if they put some effort into developing them, could be very interesting, but instead they just have them be cruel and mean, and do irrationally evil things, so that when the hero inevitably murders them, you don’t feel bad.
Sex scenes can tell you more about characters idiosyncrasies, their choices and move the plot. It has to be in the writing first, otherwise all you get is
>This is what sex looks like kay
Any movie made after 1960 being black and white.
Wilhelm scream
Two characters who outright hate each other end up getting together
Didn't matter how funny Superstore was, ended up dropping it because I saw the writing on the wall
Black male/white female pairs
White male feminization
Any movie after 2010 with a black main character or secondary character in a multi-racial tv show or film, a woman main character or secondary character in a multi-racial tv show or film and marxist liberal propaganda tv shows or film no matter the race of the casting.