Don't mind me, just pirating this ham.
Don't mind me, just pirating this ham
Other urls found in this thread:
>t. retard corporate bootlicker
is the ham still there after you took it? If not, it's actually stealing baka
good idea, meat is a scarce commodity on the ocean
But that's stealing, sir
is it really so wrong for a poor man to steal a movie in order to entertain his family?
Don't mind me, just pirating this hooker
i remember this meme
you wouldn't download a ham
Pirating is completely moral, Jesus himself endorsed pirating when he pirated all that fish and bread for his sermon.
>take a man's ham
>no ham remains
>observe a man's patterns of 1s and 0s and arrange your own 1s and 0s in an identical pattern
>original 1s and 0s remain untouched
literally I'm stealing your post right now by reading it with my eyes and remembering what it says, by your logic
I'm a post thief
Nothing wrong with that, as long as it's not a small, privately owned shop. Victimless crime.
Don't mind me, just pirating this thread.
Don't mind me, I'm just pirating your money.
Why do poor people think their opinions matter?
Get back in the bread line faggot
Your stealing not pirating
Pirating keeps the ham at the store and you take a copy of it.
Completely different
I guess you created a copy and the store still has the original one, causing them no loss whatsoever. Otherwise it's not pirating bro
Go ahead champ
Its not my ham, why do I give a shit?
Did you raise the pig? cut that ham? No?
You're stealing, stay poor faggot
Don't mind me, just pirating this post.
This is a much better analogy because the hooker is still there. However, others can't use the hooker while you are so it's not perfect.
That's stealing, not pirating. Pirating would be if you somehow made a copy of the ham and walked away with it while leaving the original ham in its place.
>b-b-but i didn't want to play it in the first place so that's why I decided to commit a crime in order to obtain access to it
Pirates? More like mental gymnasts
there are two other holes available though
das rite shlomo of pedowood I want you to die from starvation
>after pirating it there would be two hams
That's based, not like stealing
I do my best to not give American corporations a single cent.
how is that different from stealing? you literally just got away with a free ham
>b-b-b-b-b-but I didn't take the original!
So? You still took one.
Based and Redpilled
>Did you raise the pig? cut that ham?
The store owner also did neither of these things.
>He said after posting on an ad supported website from a device created and purchased from corporate America
No, you used your own resources to copy it. There's no stealing involved.
Think of all the fishermen and bakers who he deprived of business.
So you copied it and didn't pay for it. How does that help the seller.
>no one posted it yet
for shame
I'm the one you replied to and I was just pointing out how silly the whole 'well I wouldn't have paid for it argument' is, because if you wanted to play it you wouldn't go through the effort of totally not stealing it in the first place.
Let's all be real though, the only reason pirates lean so hard on the TEHCNICALLY NOT STEALING thing is because it makes them feel better.
They would be out of a job without God's ability to fill the sea with fish and the fields with wheat.
>ad supported website
>in 2019
the only way this place makes money is as a fed datamine operation and playground for shilling outfits
Store owner didn't do that
Person who buys it does that
The thief (he didn't pirate) does that
So your a retard?
Huh? Two hams are better than one for the general interest of society. Stealing it would hurt the owner but if they still have their ham it's 100% harmless
Pirating isn't stealing, the act differs in a very meaningful manner.
t. someone who hasn't pirated in 6 years
>How does that help the seller.
Why would I care about the seller?
Noooo! The money generated from that post would have been used to pay the mods!
The pirate shows his true colors. I fucking knew it. Saying it "isn't stealing" is a cope mechanism. You just want free shit and you know it.
I always seed any hookers I torrent
Wait a second.
They don't get paid.
They do it for free user.
I hope you never watch any streams, listen to music on youtube (outside of shit like vevo) etc.
>You just want free shit and you know it.
Yes. It's still not stealing.
I'd steal that ham. No ragrets. If you take any successful businessman, any billionaire in the world, they'll tell you the same thing: they'd steal that ham. Because nobody ever made a dollar without taking it off someone else. You don't owe anybody anything. Take what you want, if you can keep it it's yours.
Remember that it is stealing to get your own paper and then follow the instructions in the pic to "pirate" your own lantern.
>he doesn't know how streams or music on yt works
>he's trying to pivot
Nice try bud
Stealing is just getting free shit idiot. You don't pay for something that is stolen. Atleast own up to it being stealing instead of being a faggot who tries to mental gymnastics his way to a moral high ground
In that case then the shopkeeper stole that ham from the pig
You can't win this argument bud. Keep grasping for straws.
>Stealing is just getting free shit idiot. You don't pay for something that is stolen.
Is breathing stealing air?
I pirate because I want to see Hollywood and the western game industry collapse in my lifetime. its principle. I could pay for it, but why would I give people who hate me and mine my money? Ridiculous.
I'm talking about streaming websites that show movies/tv shows. And yeah, me uploading some bands song on my own channel doesn't bring any revenue to the band. Also, do you have any actual argument to what I said or did you just realize you are wrong and have to cope?
Any good private mega forums? I'm part of snahpit
Is stealing?
I always sneed them myself
Air isn't owned by anyone so no.
If someone made a shitty paper lantern and someone else stole it then yeah. Terrible analogy though nice try.
But then the owner of the original lantern would no longer have a lantern
this way he still has his lantern, but I also have a lantern now
>I'm talking about streaming websites that show movies/tv shows.
You literally said music. Anyway, I don't think you know how movie/tv show streaming websites operate.
>me uploading some bands song on my own channel doesn't bring any revenue to the band
You'll have to look into yt's policy on that. Typically the band decides if they want their shit to be allowed on whatever. Most are okay with it as long as you don't monetize.
>Also, do you have any actual argument to what I said or did you just realize you are wrong and have to cope?
What argument? We were talking about a ham and you tried to pivot so hard to streaming. My advice for you is to just say it's stealing and move on.
This is why your analogy sucks. The concept of a lantern isn't owned by anyone.
>this way he still has his lantern, but I also have a lantern now
Who is he? A lantern company?