Man of Steel and Batman v Superman are the only movies that elevated the capeshit genre...

Man of Steel and Batman v Superman are the only movies that elevated the capeshit genre, but redditors will never admit it because some alcoholic wannabe film critics decided to trash it after it went over their empty little heads.
>inb4 b-but muh other mobies!
Burton Batman was generic capeshit, simply less heavy on cg, same with Raimi's Spiderman and Nolan's Dark Knight

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How are the Nolan movies generic capeshit yet the Snyder movies are transcendent? At least when Nolan stole from The Dark Knight Returns he was creative about it. Snyder just stole random shit and mushed it together with The Death of Superman.
The only good thing to come out of his movies was Batfleck, and that seems to be the only thing we're losing now.

Fuck off and grow up before you come back.

Elevation means you suck the soul out of it and make it boring?

>It's so boooooooooriiiiiiiiiiiing!

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>suck the soul out of it
>are the only movies with a personal aesthetic style full of expression
>the only movies that aren't laden with post-post-ironic self-degradation snark and "hehe, remember kids, don't take anything about this movie seriously, after all, it's just capeshit!"
>positive, hopeful messages and antinihilism in each of the two movies, with full character arcs
>fights that don't feel like something out of a sitcom
Disbarring Batman Returns and HULK, MoS and BvS are the only truly great capeshit movies

Go back.

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What was there to understand about BvS and MoS? What makes them so elevated?

it's a meme
literally it's ironic contrarian shitposting
this board is the worst board on the site, surely you've realized by now

Shut up Disney shill

Animated movies like the death of superman from 2018 blows it out of the water. Mos and bvs were somewhat like the star wars prequels, in that they had a lot of potential and they come pretty close to realising it. At its core there is nothing wrong with the storyline itself in mos. They tried something new with superman and it backfired, they shouldve stuck to truth justice and tve american way, someone who despite not being human is a symbol of humanity. Probably wouldve been better if zod god phantom zoned and not killed in a contrived way. Pa shouldve died like he does in all star if he is to die at all.
Bvs on the other hand suffers from a plethora of issues, from its marketing to how normies conceive capeshit to the movie itself. They never should have marketed it as bvs, everyone woth a brain knew how it was gonna go and everyone without one got disappointed. Secondly marvel started this trend of having 1 movie per character to introduce them, which while autistic has been one of the main criticisms of bvs, that dc is rushing to play catch up. While i principally disagree with the above sentiment, bvs wouldcve been better if they cut ww doomsday , jl trailers and the flashpoint scenario all together. They also went for this quirky autistic lex instead of ruthlessly competent. They could still have superman and batman battle, but without the heavy marketing people wouldnt be so let down by the resolution. The plot wouldve been similar, lex attempts to smear superman, and by working together superman and batman overcome him.

>How are the Nolan movies generic capeshit yet the Snyder movies are transcendent?
because Nolan is a boring, safe playing hack
there is no art to what nolan does and he can't write a good line to save his life
Nolan doesn't believe in what he does or fails to show his faith in his work
Snyder is all in, balls deep, takes no prisoners, any honest viewer sees that and respects that

i agree but i enjoyed raimi and nolan, the thing i most enjoyed snyder is that we had a glimpse of what it could have been, specially that injustice dream sequence, it felt like we could have a really decent welldone universe think it kinda felt like the injustice videogame. but unfortunely it got hijacked by wb and the mouse agents joss wheadon justice league, the hate for snyder is unecessary it felt really cherrypicked, every single thing was put under a microscope while marlel has a free pass for all their mistakes and shotcomings, snyder is an amazing artist at fight scenes and giving good aesthetics it was a crime that all those redditors and rotten tomatoe agents destroyed what could have been an amazing aesthetic superhero universe

I guess, but there still are people who genuinely believe BvS and MoS are masterpieces instead of hot garbage


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hellboy is a monster movie, not a capeshit movie
same as constantine

DCfags dealing with hard
will they ever learn

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>Nolan's Dark Knight
this film was far from your typical capeshit

yeah but his movies are still shit

>itt, child plebes debate trash, meanwhile

>pic related

is the greatest cape anything ever created

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Everything that Snyder touches is kino

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i recomend ending your life DESU

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These movies cant never be good since Superman is a shitty written character

this is probably his only decent film, just cause he had an actual book to go by. so it was not easy to fuck this up

>unsubstantiated assertions
thread dropped

Bitch please Civil War is the absolute peak of kino with Infinity War and Winter Soldier following closely behind

Wow I didn't know so many Indians browsed Yea Forums

>MCU shit

>Implying Batman Returns isn't the gretest capeshit ever made

>le DC is only liked by indians may may

>Thor makes 200 million more than Cap 1
>Cap 1 80%
Damn were they really that mad because Heimdall was black

*Hum sah sah hai plays in background*

DCEU is for shitskins niggers and faggots you fuckin lozers

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Comics: DC
Toys: DC
Video Games: DC
Animated tv/film: DC
Live Action tv/film 1960s-2000s: DC
Live Action tv/film late 2000s-now: Marvel



>late 2000s-now
more like early 2010s-now
The Dark Knight blew Ironman out of the water and the incredible hulk was so bad they recast him AGAIN. Marvelshit didn't take until 2011 when they made Thor and Captain America. Arguably, because Thor and Cap1 are terrible, you could push it back until the first Avengers movie.

>didn't take until 2011
*didn't take off

>the Marvel Cuck Universe will stay popular
Top laff

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So is the MCU, reddit

Snyder knows what he likes and he doesn't give a fuck. There's something to take away from MoS and BvS even if you don't like capeshit.

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so I'm watching Shazam right now and so far the acting is so bad, but the story's good
also the shyster cripplejew sidekick is annoying as fuck
how the shit did it get pic related?

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Spider-Man 1-3 are the only good super hero movies

we got the timelines mixed up mate, ever since American SJWs took over the media, daring and emotional stuff such as the kinos crafted by Snyder are against the moral codes.

>I desperately cling to movies that are generally panned for being horrible because I want to feel like an intellectual superior
>I will pretend that every bit of symbolism is really too deep for most people to understand, despite both productions being as deep as a thimble

kys brainlet


This. Exactly BECAUSE people understood them that they realize how bad these movies are.
Snyderdrones are genuinely mentally retarded and thought they were "deep" and "intellectual" due to literally being too stupid to make sense of the bad writing in them.

Most of the most recent MCU movies are also extremely sincere. To the point of being corny, almost. They aren't as good as something like Batman v Superman but you can't accuse them of not being genuine.

Buh you dun undastan
Chwist behind Clawk is symbol jizm

I completely disagree with this. Most of them mock the very concepts of the characters their based on as a way to get cheap laughs or gloss over ridiculous plot contrivances, e.g. handwaving the nonsensical time travel in Endgame with “none of this make sense xD I get emails from a raccoon!” or Taserface in Guardians or Surtur in Ragnarok, etc. The last flick they pushed out put Thor in a ridiculous fatsuit playing Fortnite for a gag and turned Hulk into a dabbing millennial. They are absolutely very self-consciously insincere - with perhaps the exception of Norton’s Hulk and Cap 2 - and feel the need to undercut all stakes with a deluge of inane quips to keep the attention of their target audience, e.g. manchildren like

Reminder that Inhumans was intentionally bad just to stick it to Ike.

>turned Hulk into a dabbing millennial
he was clearly a boomer trying to stay in touch with his zoomer fans and failing you complete brainlet

also the time travel shit was elegantly done, more so than any other movie that uses it

you are too stupid to understand movies that are made simple enough for literal children to understand


Yeah but the plot and dialogue were still shit, so I dunno if the visuals and thematics make up for it
I'll give you it's nice how it's not all deadpan irony
I'd also put WW in with those two.

>the time travel shit was elegantly done, more so than any other movie that uses it
How do you even breathe with this much mousecock down your throat? Embarrassing

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The plot may have been a little overwrought for a single film but the dialogue was exceptional and it’s certainly an exemplar of the genre in that regard. The alternative is anus jokes and calling people Squidward, let’s keep that in mind

I will always love based Snyder posting.....

The Blade trilogy and Raimi's Spidey trilogy is all the capeshit I need. The rest is just
A) Muh grimdark realism lmao.
B) Look how progressive we are!
C)Cookie-cutter big laser in the sky lmao.
or D)Pretentious trash.

They arent even movies but higly budget tv-series. I cant say to someone out of touch with MCU "lets watch infinity war or Civil war". He would not be able to understand anything.

You would not have the balls to tell that to anyone in real life in fear of looking like a complete retard
Your taste is horrible. Not your taste in capeshit, but your taste in baiting

I feel like you're confusing cheesy action movie humor with self deprecation. They're acknowledging and commenting on the pulpier parts of their series but it doesn't seem to me like they're mocking them. They play the big emotional moments straight. Hindu's death in the second Guardians, Tony's funeral, the people disappearing in the snap... they don't roll their eyes at these scenes. I think the wisecracks and self aware jokes are more an attempt to add humanity rather than to ridicule their own premise. It's debatable if it's always succesful but I wouldn't call it insincere.

Cheesy action movie humor isn't self-aware.

You cant tell me the Martha shit was good dialogue
Yes the point of the scene was good but execution was terrible


I think its becoming known in the zeitgeist that DeVitos Penguin is a all time classic character much like William Defoe as Green goblin. I don't think we need to trash Burton at the height of his powers just to make Zach Snyder look good.

To me all Batman that is Burton Snyder and Nolan is great in its own way.

It was a Christmas classic released at the wrong time basically.

Snyder is a braindead hack who only got a job because no one else wanted to do an edgy remake of Superman, and his wife was a producer.
1. The Dark Knight trilogy
2. The Spider-Man trilogy
3. The MCU
4. Burton's Batman
5. The X-Men series
All better than Snyder's drivel.

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Log off snyder

Yet they made more money than Fatman vs Pooperman

>I'd also put WW in with those two.
soulless-NPC drone detected.

Who cares, i'm not a Disney CEO. At least i can watch a Snyderkino with a friend without the need to waste 60+ hours of my life.

Yes yes
Objectively speaking, Civil War is the superior movie
You may enjoy your DC movies with some orange jillebis

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>Objectively speaking, Civil War is the superior movie


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>lift themes and quotes from Homer
>suddenly your flick about boys in spandex punching each other is high art

Civil War feels like a low budget mockbuster of Batman v Superman.

That's exactly what it was. The script leaked to Disney and they just decided to copy it and force Spidey in it.

What is this pathetic cope?
If you make a rant and then just scream "reddit REE!" at everyone who counters a point, you aren't making an argument, you're just being autistic.
If you honestly think these movies flopped because of fat fuck reviewers who are so irrelevant their sole contribution to the scene is a percentage meter that captures their broadest conclusions then you live in a fucking inverse world.

>stripping away the campiness and child-like wonder from a movie based on a superhero comic book and grounding it in reality equates to elevating the genre
Even Alan Moore knew that can't be a critique without the critiqued.

I’ve got one word that can shatter your delusions and aggressively yank you back to reality. Don’t make me say it DCuck.

literally a baby's first fan fiction on the same level as "God is actually the bad guy"

cute, now find literally anybody else who absorbed these highfalutin """"""""themes"""" of BvS without having to download the script, watch the film 50 times and sit up night after night trying desperately to find some shred of value in a failed blockbuster by a hack failure of a director and father both.

If a message isn't conveyed to the audience effectively then it isn't a message, it's some abstract wank only pajeets who are bizarrely obsessed with your franchise are ever going to dig out -- it's not even worth mentioning in discussion about the film.

Disliking WW is a clear sign of being a soulless NPC, though

>The script leaked to Disney and they just decided to copy it and force Spidey in it.

>The MCU

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Honestly I'd say it's only Batman v Superman. I love that film but it was a total fluke that just so happened to combine a good writer (Terrio) with Snyder's visuals and some decent actors. It was lightning in a bottle and no capeshit will ever be as interesting. Man of Steel was ok but had some horrible contrivances and that retarded fight at the end (that BvS retconned into being interesting.)

Finally someone saying it like it is. BvS is fantastic but it's quite notably also the only good thing to come out of the DCEU. Well. Aquaman was kinda fun.

Yes, the MCU. Unlike Zack Snyder's movies, they aren't visual and audio vomit, have actually well written and acted characters, and didn't flop on release.

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Batman and Robin Is the only gud capeshit

>well written and acted characters

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Not an argument.

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Batman (1989), Batman Returns (1992), Spiderman (2002), and Spiderman 2 (2004) are the top 4 best capeshit films ever made.

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This is obvious bait but Infinity War/Endgame showed what the genre is truly capable of.

Making a statement doesn't make it fact either. Give examples of well written and acted characters you cock mongler

It's full of shot for shot recreations of the comics and still seems to totally miss the point.

How dumb are you that a superhero movie was over your head and you’d have to watch it “50 times” to grasp its themes?
Wtf why would anybody ever admit to this?

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Nice digits.

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>Man of Steel and Batman v Superman are the only movies that elevated the capeshit genre

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I actually liked MOS but that’s mostly because I didn’t have nostalgia for golden age Supes due to being a zoomer back then. BvS is absolute fucking garbage though and fuck you for this low effort “muh elevated capeshit” thread.

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Snyder makes edgy capeshit for try hard fags who think they’re to old for comix. It’s not deep it’s not subversive it’s literally all flash and no substance. MOS was only as competent as it was because it was riding of the back of the Dark Knight trilogy.

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>think they’re to old for comix
I am, and so are you.

Robert Pattinson will be the one to fix DC. I believe.

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