How true is whs this? Was Evangelion really that popular back then even before Netflix bought it?
How true is whs this? Was Evangelion really that popular back then even before Netflix bought it?
>named after an amenity
>uses 'proportionate' instead of 'proportional'
> writing a ' news' article about anime
Eva is controversial mainly for a) the plot/resolution (not helped by poor translation in the West) and b)waifu wars. Further fueled by rebuilds.
Eva is ubiquitous in Japan still today and the West was no different often touted as a staple, a deconstruction of the mecha genre.
Is it true that you have to hate yourself to love the show? No of course not that's absolutely retarded, normal people use empathy to understand feelings of others without first hand experience, so its possible for mere mortal normies to comprehend the show even if they don't connect with it.
I believe anno has said that the moral of the show is aimed at hard-core anime fans telling them to get out into the real world and stop obsessing over fiction, but again there's no reason you have to be otaku to appreciate the message.
On the other hand what is reality? For the obsessed that make anime their life it is real for them let them be.
Finally misato is best girl rebuilds are trash.
>eva is the first thing people on the internet have loved to a retarded degree
it's pretty fucking true. anno got death threats after the final episode aired in japan and this was the mid-90ies and before social media. the clickbait has a point in this case.
The first 14 episodes or so we’re cool, it was just these kids learning how to deal with all the responsibility of piloting those giant robots and saving the earth. Then it got weird. Naked people floating in front of the sun, flashbacks, 10 minute long recaps. Long monologues and voiceovers. People acting irrationally. White people on crosses. No thank you
Misato a soiled whore actually.
I appreciate that he signs his post. People had class back then.
>a show with this much homo lust
>full of toxic masculinity
>inversely proportionate
Most japs at the time viewed Christianity as a spooky and ominous thing. That’s why there are so many religious symbols in the show. Different times
I just want a qt shy blue haired gf and Asuka fags to fuck off.
>I believe anno has said that the moral of the show is aimed at hard-core anime fans telling them to get out into the real world and stop obsessing over fiction, but again there's no reason you have to be otaku to appreciate the message.
Based Anno.
The William Shatner of Japan.
>Netflix's Evangelion
10+ episodes of Asuka screaming, “I hate you I hate everything I hate myself!” That was stupid
With a bit of cultural distance its an extremely spooky and ominous thing. Its actually strange how normal we think it is. The strongest evidence for this is people who get interested in the occult, because drinking the blood of an immortal god crucified 2000 years ago is so conservative and boring.
vgh reports spike in opiate theft
>Netflix invented Evangelion
When you put it like that it actually sounds kind of kick ass. Drinking a dead god’s blood. I might have to rethink my view on the church life.
While Eva takes this to an extreme, the idea of taking your characters and breaking them utterly was a very 90s thing to do in novels, films etc.
If you look at interviews into the 00s, directors start saying explicitly they aren't going to do it.
proof that they really only hate things because they are old
>I believe anno has said that the moral of the show is aimed at hard-core anime fans telling them to get out into the real world and stop obsessing over fiction
They attend events like Comiket, make stuff together (just like Anno and his friends did), go on trips to visit locations from anime... seems fine to me. And it's not like people who don't watch anime are all leading rich lives of adventure and excitement. Like salarymen who don't do anything except work in an office.
There is no homo lust in the show
>because drinking the blood of an immortal god crucified 2000 ye
It's a metaphor you dip
What I wanted from the show was just for it to continue the way it was for the first 14 episodes, only we get some mysteries answered about who and what the angels are, and the childrens become a better team, and everything works out in the end and everybody’s happy. But I’m a pleb
I think Shinji wanted to fuck that guy at the end that he crushes with his unit number one. The one that he took a bath with
>Internet distributed tv shows are now ORIGINAL NETFLIX
I hope there is a day of the rope soon.
Tell that to the Pope.
The Pope is retarded
all this time and were still the same retards
only for one man though
have sex