I can't stop laughing at this picture

I can't stop laughing at this picture

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Is this one of those threads where people pretend to be racist against dwarfs?


At least he's a real dwarf. Poor warwick davis is even smaller because he's not a dwarf but has some other health issue, he's also in constant pain and will probably not grow too old.

And because his wife is a real dwarf unlike him, their first two children died after birth, because they catched the worst of both conditions

Is this Malmsteen as a small child?

It's called being prejudiced or bigoted against, not racist you dwarf fuck

>not a race

Wait, Warwick Davis not only has a congenital form of dwarfism that he can pass onto his children, he married a DIFFERENT kind of congenital dwarf so that his children would have to suffer from both diseases at once?

Are retarded people a race too?

Dwarves are a race, ergo you can be racist toward them. Haven't you ever read The Hobbit?


He's getting back at his genes by giving them life so that they may suffer.

>so that his children would have to suffer from both diseases at once?
They didn't suffer much at all. Any child who rolls the double midget genetic snake eyes ends up literally too small to live

He's trying to breed out the smallest guy, an ultimate asassin and a spy

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I believe the scientific term is nigger.

>Any child who rolls the double midget genetic snake eyes ends up literally too small to live

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Yes. His first two children died because of that. Notice how he's much smaller than his wife or other dwarves, and how he got that weird bone structure.

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Thats not particularly funny

imagine warwick and his wife fucking


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yes but if they inherit both they immediately die. the same thing happens if you receive two copies of the same form of dwarfism as well.
I believe it's
>25% normal
>50% midge
>25% dead

>elves aren't a race
That's how stupid you sound

I thought it was funny. Fuck you.

what the fuck is going on here

Attached: wtff.jpg (658x682, 107K)


It was pretty good.

I know they bred dead children but that is an encouraging quote. A lot of couples split up after a child dies and they managed to stay together after two. At least their marriage isn't shit like everyone else's.

Yeah, your children dying at birth, twice, because you and your wife were born with a freak disease is really fucking funny user

What kind of name is Warwick by the way, who thought it would be a good idea to give him a literal goblin name

They're rich enough to get pic related

Attached: Leg lengthening surgery for dwarf.png (500x517, 313K)

It's especially noticeable in the daughter's limbs. Warwick and his wife were probably too old to bother with it though.

he may have tons of health problems but on the other hand it seems like he has better proportions than most dwarfs, no stubby arms or hands

Attached: ay107600730warwick-davis-at.jpg (480x743, 59K)

Can she go between the two forms at will?

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I want to see him shred neo classical on a junior electric guitar

he seems like a nice man though, you guys should stop making fun of him.

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There should be a stigma against having children if you know they're likely to have a serious hereditary disorder.

This should be mandatory for manlets.

That's Euthanasia, Switzerland and Sweden had some approaches like that in the 40s/50s and it ended in horrible pain and suffering for the people it affected

Of course, that's why I am going to ridicule and taunt him behind his back on Yea Forums and not in person, because I'm a good person.

We just make fun of him because he gets triggered easily. He gets mad whenever someone on twitter says "midget" instead of "little people". He also threatened Yea Forums because of the kick in the head copypasta.
Peter Dinklage on the other hand has a way better attitude.
>"I hate all that 'little person' shit. Call me a midget, but just be real. I am all for correct terms, but please don't tiptoe around feelings. Don't be too careful, because that shuts you off from people."

I dunno how this is possible. Did they replace her bones with metal? Is this Wolverine shit actually real?

I wanna fuck that midge.

youre thinking of eugenics, and it prevents horrible pain and suffering

Expensive but it might be cheaper in the future. The cheapest places to get it done are Russia and China. Good luck in the USA...several thousands per leg.

Attached: tfw no manlet anymore.webm (854x480, 1.87M)

It's the 80s hair it doesn't look right on him

There should never be a stigma against following God's commamd, only against abortion

das racis

Davis is an activist for midgets, unlike Dinklage. He's also the father of midgets, unlike Dinklage. Of course he's much more aware of midget issues and way easier to trigger.
And I unironically can't blame him and have to admire his will to work for other people with the same height as him. He's a good man.


Attached: world's smallest pepe,dad.webm (400x400, 2.69M)

Not even a manlet but I would never do that if I was. Being tall isn't cool enough to potentially fuck up your legs.

Attached: manlets in hollywood (1).jpg (1473x481, 460K)

I wish the chart kept going. I want to see Andre the Giant, Shaq, and the Xenomorph.

Man I never felt tall and there's many people in everyday life that are just as tall or taller than me, but compared to those dudes I'm a fucking giant

>tfw I'm a statham height

It's the midget Michael Hutchence

I know that feeling. It's weird that handsome movie protagonists are significantly shorter than you.

still average enough and even good if you're a manlet race

This is bullshit, Bardem is 5'11"

Tony Cox is criminally underrated


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Manlets must fucking hang. They are bringing down the human race, literally.

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She does look attractive for being little.

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Attached: Manlet Clooney.png (457x586, 654K)

>Ausemens saying he looks like INXS fag that necked himself
>Everyone with a working brain sees he is the bite size Tommy Wiseau

North Korea pls nuke Australia already pls

Attached: Game of Manlets.jpg (2048x2048, 137K)

I only started finding her attractive after she killed the Night's King.

She can laugh all she wants, he still won.

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At least handsome manlets can still be tall in movies and photos. I'll never be handsome no matter what.

This nigga borrowed Iron Man's shoes.

Calm yourself you autistic cunt, he's not one of your brethren.

what movie is that?

That's not from a movie, he just brings that around with him

No he didn't. He fucking lost.
At the amount of thots he have drooling over him the faggot chose to marry to this. LeL

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Knowingly inflicting that on someone should be considered as immoral as fucking someone when you know you have AIDS.

He knows nothing, user.

She has a great fuckin body. Right up there with Jemma as far as hot midges go.

Attached: hollywood-height-chart-full manlets.jpg (3000x1488, 2.25M)

So dwarves would be prohibited from having sex with other dwarves? What's wrong with you guys?

Where's even the problem with being a dwarf? They're just small. I could still shitpost and live the exact same boring life I live now if I was a dwarf.

Don't act like you guys are so much better than the fucking goblin just because you don't sleep in a matchbox

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t. dwarflet

The Rock is 6'2, Hemsworth is 6'2/6'3,

Reminds me of pic related

>tfw imaging midget feeding off the energy of the deceased

You dont marry a thot, retard

Fuck forgot pic

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Checked and based

I'm of above average height, it just pisses me off when assholes take shitposting too serious again. Like we used to be "ironically" racist on Yea Forums back in the day, and then the assholes came and today everyone is a fucking racist. We make fun of the midget for fun and because he is easy to trigger, not because being a midget is the same as having AIDS. And now people are starting with bullshit like midgets shouldn't be allowed to fuck other midgets


You're getting mad that people are shitposting but not including a "just a joke guys" at the end of their posts? Essentialy you're saying that this shitposting is too mean and you can't handle it. It's ALL shitposting, stop being a baby

>marrying a thot

what a fucking idiot

Dwarfs from LOTR =/= Dwarves that actually exist

>It's ALL shitposting
That's what people said back then, and just a few years later look where we are. I like to pretend that it's something to learn from.

I hope so

They should he allowed to fuck anyone they want, but they should be chemically castrated first. It would be the best for everyone so that then in a generation or two there would he no more dwarves and no one would have to suffer that fate. I like Warwick but him breeding an army of dwarves is just selfish and weird.

Imagine how strong they'd be if they killed their other children.

A manlet should never do this This is corrective surgery, not just leg lengthening. She's able to walk better and keep a more correct posture. Leg lengthening for normal people is just asking to be in pain 24/7 to be vaguely more attractive to slightly more of the general populace.

Nothing you said changed my mind that manlets should be forced to have this surgery.

Cringe and basedpilled

Daughter is kinda hot.

Lads I'm in love but I'm also poor and American.
She won't have me. ;,,;

ofc no sperg faggot could have ride his few years of fame and banged some hollywood puss with thots on the side. instead he marry some bong inbreed goblin

Manlets are better looking than you already and would just dominate the market you Lurch-faced bitches capitalize on for your one half decent feature.

I try but I can only imagine me fucking his wife while Warwick watches.

Calm down little guy, you're gonna pop a blood vessel. Now climb up on that chair and let's talk.

Mini Vanilli

>Absolutely SEETHING manlet

Holy shit you mad as fuck huh shortstack?

Joke's on you tiny, I'm 6'3 and good looking. Hey, did you know you're going bald?

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*kicks your knee*
*watches you topple as your legs shatter under the brittle length with your medically weak knees, your heart going out in the process due to being too small for your body since we're outgrowing our organs*
Can't hear you down there.

Attached: 1560070425470.png (348x355, 175K)

*touches your back*
*watches you grovel for me to stop, it's long since gone bad in your old age of 30 for a tall person*

>it's long since gone bad in your old age of 30 for a tall person
fucking delete this right now

Attached: backpainwere[1].jpg (800x480, 32K)

*Punts you into the Shadow Realm when get within five feet of me*

That skellington has tits. You a grill? Wanna be my gf? My height isn't the only place I'm small if you get my drift bb.

my fucking sides

nah, I'm just a brainlet that linked the first pic I saw. having a tall gf would be awesome though.

wtf you're not me stop pretending and taking my potential gf wtf.

She's mine now. I'm gonna suck her penis all night long. Get REKT.

No reason left for me to live anymore.

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You guys ever think about getting your dad really drunk and then assraping him? Just to show dominance of course, not gay.

Everyone thinks about that. I mostly think about it with my mom though.