Movies where the underdog becomes the updog?
Movies where the underdog becomes the updog?
What's updog?
A severe and debilitating illness. Seek medical help immediately.
Give me mommy Kalama
Based Joe stepping out of the way so Trump can get reelected
her giving biden a public execution not once but twice turned me on so much
literally the black hillary clinton, why are you fucking excited again? It won't make any difference wether Harris or Bidden won their policies would be exactly the same
>they're actually gonna nominate the stronk black woman
Lmfao Trump's gonna win 40 states this time
Biden is far more centrist, hes the working white mans candidate, problem is Trump might have took that demo forever from the dems
Literally not
Biden should have gone nuts and started screaming racial slurs and shit at her
>not even african american
>put black single moms in jail because their kids skip school
based jewish man's bed wench
Don't matter, Trump will wipe the floor with whichever stooge the Democrats nominate.
>mfw retards actually believe the president matters
He couldn't even do that to *Hillary*.
You haven't hamstrung trump yet fbi
>the canddiate all the media is aggressively pushing on us will change anything
Literally a fucking retard.
I guess that's why she is president
Yes you are a retard.
no u
Except he did
This was the most pathetic debate performance I've ever seen. It really shows that Asians are too beta to ever become a president. YangGang is dead.
>inB4 meme magic ascends Yang to presidency
Real change candidates : Gabbard, Yang, Sanders
Same old same old : everyone else
they knew creepy joe wouldnt stand a chance so they went with the uppity hilbama as front runner. the oprah writer cat lady has my vote tho 2bh
The future is black (formerly diverse)
Only likely if they nominate a progressive or he turns Xitler into his bitch before next year's debates begin. Biden will be difficult which is why I'm pulling for them to nominate a lamb for the slaughter like Kamala or Warren. Or even better, the gay mayor.
We should start nuking Biden with the pedo memes now to drag him down while the progressives continue to nail him.
Elizabeth Warren seems genuine to me.
I'm a conservative but I'll probably be voting for Yang because he's aware of the circumcision problem
Remember Yang was dealing with the DNC. Someone probably passed him a message before the debate telling him to keep his mouth shut or else.
a genuine native american
>give warren an easy debate stage
>lose to tulsi
>let Biden have an easy time
>lose to Harris
How much will the dnc cheat now?
What's updog?
Kill yourself
Is she even black?
What's the problem with school buses?
Biden win vs Trump in 95% of case
Does Harris have a chance?
I don't know, she's one of them people of color so she's a n***** to me
>white people drive their kids to school in luxury SUVs
>black kids have to take the bus
Bros how did that hawaiian cutie do? She's the only democrat I'd consider voting for in this pool, maybe Ojeda too if he stayed in
>Real change
Oh ho ho ha ha ha heee hee haaa
What happened? Why’d she jump in the polls like that
Is it really his fault when they only bothered to ask him one question.
Overall average, but she did have the best moment of the first debate so that's something
Reddit candidates lmbo
>decent schools aren't in nigger hellholes
>diversitt mandates demand schools open themselves up to blacks as well as many government programs force blacks into these schools
>these schools are far away so government has to provide buses to transit the blacks to these schools
>buses are racist and these prestigious schools should be in the ghetto
What's the difference tho?
how many times must leftists try to social engineer blacks into productive members of society at the expense of whites? it never works...
Oi vey. The cattle waggons of our times.
He got you to say the word, epic troll xD hehe
played up her skin color cred
What was her moment?
Sounds like she was on Biden's ass like a fly on shit
go away whitey, youre a dying breed
Yeah, but there are videos of him sniffing and feeling up littler girls.
>I smoked weed when it was illegan and listened to music it wasn't created yet. I now put people in jail for smoking weed
She tricked Biden into saying nigger on live tv
imagine a world without white people
yeah, it's like prehistoric times
hes just having fun maggle
Harris and Biden are the only true options. Nobody knows the other people except maybe Beto but he's white and male without the establish base like Biden.
If Biden makes it then right-wingers will not vote for Biden because of his past but Obama voters will flock to support Biden.
If Harris wins, there's too much of a conservative history to hide from staunch leftists BUT blacks are incredibly tribalistic and women will be beckoned on all fronts to come out and vote for the vagina AND conservatives msy eben be drawn to her for her history.
Harris may actually win if mainstream media avoids advertising any of her past to leftist voters.
They bussed in blacks to white neighborhoods to destroy the school system of working class white ethnics
I'm voting AOC in 2020
>goes to name the hypothetical Jew
>symbolic fuck off with the mic cut
I'll be keeping a better eye on my new waifu
Don't Bernie is better.
All she does is lie, do your research next time.
>Kamala Harris
They're really going to do it again aren't they? Democrats are going to meme themselves into another soulless candidate that people won't be bothered to go vote for.
I think that is a realistic way of how Harris winning could play out, but I think Trump would just drag the skeletons out of the closet as soon as possible
What I look forward to the most is the massive spike in suicide rate among the Berniebros when he loses primary again.
Same reason I could never vote for Bernie after he got cucked by those two black hambeasts.
Yang at least has an excuse though, this shit was obviously rigged against him. He's still an open borders loon though so it wont bother me too much
Who gives a fuck about debate performance, pathetic
Yeah this time he is going to have a heart attack. I'm fucking calling it.
Literary all he has to say is Ilhan Omar.
It shows a lack of strength and assertiveness. Who cares about his IQ if hes such a beta he'll let the opposition or a foreign leader walk all over him?
She didn't have the spine to endorse Sanders despite hating Clinton.
He would definitely have won Massachusetts as it was already very close.
>all the strategizing for how to beat trump
rent free
if Biden loses, i hope he gets mad & endorses Trump
Top ten face turns in wrestling
A few of the candidates running have that one thing he could spam in campaign videos and do some damage to their image
If biden loses, I hope he gets mad & has a heart attack and dies a painful death
none of these candidates would do shit against trump
>the guy who says white people are disappearing and that's a good thing
Biden would present the flyovers with a white guy to vote for who doesn't act like a deranged nigger.
Literally all of them could die in a fire and the world would only get better. Outside of Maybe Yang and Gabbard. Yang sucks though because he's a retard who thinks scumbag companies like Cognizant aren't giving jobs to poos who only know basic Javascript while selling actually skilled local workers down the river and Gabbard is a woman.
he has way more baggage though
Not much, man. You?
Based cameraman
hillary didnt lose because of white support though, trump actually won a smaller % than romney did. She lost because negros dont bother going to the polls if they're not voting for a fellow black even if obama himself is campaigning for whitey.
Harris basically decriminalized stealing anything under $750 in California.
Fuck 2020, I'm waiting for Tucker 2024
Kamala is a retarded liar. How could anyone fall for her tricks? I unironically hope she's the dem nominee because Trump would destroy her easily. Not to mention the fact that she was in a conspiracy with Jussie Smollett and helped with his hoax.
things went to shit when we allowed women to vote
He just needs to find a hot woman VP whos a hardliner on immigration
Ann Coulter?
He destroyed Hillary in the debates. I think I might have to watch them again after this pathetic display.
>Obama voters will flock to support Biden
seriously doubt, Obama was young charismatic and bringing change; Biden is just slightly more exciting candidate than Hillary.
meh, nobody wants a dumb bitch who will just end up a puppet of the advisers they stack in there.
No Democrat voters actually like Kamala
That doesn't matter, because if the DNc wants Kamala the superdelegates will make it happen, even if nobody else wants her
She won't beat Trump though, because that's an actual democratic vote
He’s literally me
>put black single moms in jail because their kids skip school
That sounds good to me. I wish everyone did that.
Don't know who I am?
Me neither!
But you should vote for me
whoever I am
Yeah, usually when that happens a candidate mentions it to put pressure on the moderators.
A Democrat isn't winning. Sorry, but if Hillary couldn't beat Trump, then nobody can.
>Harris over Warren
Fuck's sake the bitch is basically a fucking cop
Btw I’m gay fuck Mike Pence n shit.
Is that the fag mayor?
iran and china won't respect an ass bandit
Democrats are unelectable until they get the lying and insulting potential voters under control.
cops are the best
>I raped women when it was illegal and still rape women when it's illegal
Who are you quoting?
Harris is a prick with regards to crime.
Biden is a dipshit centrist who will let Mitch the Bitch gape his puckered asshole.
Yang has no charisma.
Warren is the best option but will never win the centrist vote as a woman or energize the democratic base enough to compensate.
Bernie is the only reasonable option for the Dems but they'll die before they let him be the candidate because the idiots will hold Hillary losing against him, either because of the incorrect perceltion he didn't support her enough or because they'll refuse to accept blame for picking her over him.
imo Harris' past as a prosecutor works for the general public and is only a problem for woke Twitter. It gives her the credibility that she will do the hard things, it provides a lot of balance for her liberal policies
I was quoting this guy
>watching this shit
jesus christ i didn't even know he was on, wondered where the fuck is my boy yang.
Don't forget Beto is a fucking underqualified hack whose only left by Texan standards with no major successes to point to as proof of his capabilities and the rest are literal whos to the public.
A person who gets fucked by dogs
Realistically what is the chance that Warren will get the nomination?
Nothing much how about you kill yourself?
This is why you never have kids, especially daughters.
wait a minute that spade
Honestly pretty good so long as she holds firm as she is now. I'd put her, Harris, Castro, and Gabbard as the favourites if Biden continues to self-sabotage and the DNC continues to despise the idea of running Sanders.
gabbard (only for antiwar, does she even have a platform on other issues?), warren (only for antitrust, shes shit on everything else), delaney, and deblasio (maybe)
>research Tulsi stance on issues
>most of her shit is from years ago or no stance found
Didn't Kamala Harris call Smolett a friend and 100% believe him?
Every single one of these candidates is a nut.
she mad
jesus christ
Than Trump? What in the last four years has shown Biden has way more baggage than Trump? Like every other month is a heavily documented news story about the endless financial frauds Trump committed or had people commit on his behalf. This is not even counting the endless stories about Trump sexually abusing women, which a candidate other than Biden would happily hammer on for hours.
Liberalism is literally a cult. Their main strategy is to get people to join their side and cut off everyone who might undo the brainwashing.
I hate shillposting but this reeks of a Biden campaign intern
there isnt video evidence of trump molesting a half dozen little girls
pls no more
>week later
Dad, I need money.
The rest of the family are cucks for not backing up the father. I didn't expect Twitter to not praise her over this though. I'm always confused at what the "line" is for libtards because it's always random and not actually based on any sort of reasoning.
If kamala wins im not kidding im leaving for iceland
I will learn your language, respect your culture, I'll become autistic and eat sursstromming, just please let me live in the only place whites are left alone
>I'm always confused at what the "line" is for libtards because it's always random and not actually based on any sort of reasoning.
It's based on a convoluted hierarchy that allows you more leeway if you fall into certain demographics (which you need to stake beforehand).
This is the real difference. Democrat accusations don't work on normal people because they've all heard about the boy who cried wolf. There's no evidence, never has been, never will be, on Trump's "harassment" of women. Meanwhile, there's tons of video evidence of Biden (which YouTube will probably start to censor soon). The libtards have never had an accusation against Trump that stuck, because they don't have any real dirt on him. This is why they keep pushing the Russia hoax and fell for /pol/'s peepee fanfic.
poor guy. I truly cannot comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter and then sending her to college.
I'm a Warren supporter. Trump is just so laughably bad that even a horrible candidate like Biden would still be preferable. Biden is arguably the worst candidate of all the non-"literally who?" dems, and he still has a better record than Trump.