Lynchian or Lovecraftian

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Lovecraftian dark comedy

Lynchian. Its a sort of banal, mildly repulsive horror. Well within human comprehension, but deeply unnerving. Not world shattering, rather, an every day horror that you just nod at and walk past, trying not to think too deeply about.

For me, it’s based Skylar

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What happened to Jazz can some one fill me in?
Threads disappeardd and i fell out of loop.

He killed a Muslim

season ended

season ended but
>TLC renewed the series for a sixth season which will air in 2020.

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God I miss /jazz/. So much OC even if it all got reposted to oblivion there was always more beign made

i liked our general format of the first 20 posts being pasta shit was cash and inspired others for even more pasta

Has he given birth to the teratoma Anti-Christ yet?


Not really I just want an excuse to share this image

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If he still has BLACK male as his partner i would say Lanksyan

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what is dialiation


Jazz's surgeon got let go from the University of Miami for sharing photos on instagram of sex change surgeries he had done. He also apparently botched a bunch of sex change surgeries. Some people are claiming that he really wasn't let go from his position over the photos, but because Jazz's surgery wasn't the success everyone claimed it would be.

Video of one of his tranny patients discussing it:

Another transgender talking about her botched surgery by Jazz's doctor and discussing how it's pretty much impossible to sue one of these doctors

THAT'S RIGHT, Jazz's surgeon, who was one of the better ones and had done tons of sex change surgeons, had complications on many of his patients.

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It's almost as if genital mutilation is a bad idea.

didn't the doctor also get the operation i though he was tranny aswell



At least the other two brothers turned out to be chad.

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>At least the other two brothers turned out to be chad.

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I can hear the kvetching in fagtown from here.

It's both Lynchian and Orwellian.
