Should we get the government to put them on lists as a next step? Or use corporations to bully them???
How do we force the young to accept us bros?
the drop in acceptance is actually because of an increase in latinos
who knows the real numbers.. But it wouldn't be surprising, that is what you get when force-feeding irrelevant stuff to general people who don't give a fuck about others sexual activities.
Bet if you removed the T and Q from that question it'd jump back up again.
Will the left ever admit that child drag shows are a mistake?
Trannies are without doubt gonna drag the whole movement down with them at this rate
In about 50 years or so, once we all become wiser.
Atheists and faggots annoy me more than subversive Jews and touchy Muslims do. I know that's me focusing on symptoms over the disease, but those two groups just make me feel pshyically sick to my stomach when I see or hear them.
Literally kill yourself
Wow what a great thread about television & film
So it’s literally fake news then
This is clearly due to a lack of exposure. We should force more LGBTQP into every form of entertainment medium for all ages, especially child programming
My conservative southern uncle like seven or eight years ago was this fucking close to accepting gays. He was all ready to give them a chance. Then they had to go and shit the fucking bed in 2016 and ruin it. Now he's swung back around and despises them.
And honestly I can't blame him these days.
Really makes you think
Did he get his feefees hurt?
Fags had to double down and start pissing and moaning about nonexistent shit, as fucking if Trump was going to literally round them up and execute them after the election. It was embarrassing.
Imagine the outcry if straight men messaged an underage girl
The only person who won't lie in public about being fine with homofaggotry is the person so viscerally disgusted by it that they have a near autistic response to the mention of it. At that point you're probably disgusted by anal sex in general as well. At the end of the day a good majority of people will talk about being okay with people "doing whatever they want in their own home with a consenting adult," but that same majority will shit talk lisping effete queers when they're in private.
The entirety of modern politics revolves around jews weaponizing the incessant need for white people to pander to small interest groups in the hope that it'll make them seem more bourgeois than the next guy.
Time was even you poor dumb slobs felt as though you'd every right to sneer at Breitbart. Sad thing is you were right.
So is 45% the new meme percentage?
We're going to have to start indoctrinating them in the womb with hypno therapy instead of flushing them down the toilet.
He probably realized the slippery slope was real. Only a few years ago it was 'just tolerate the gays' and now it's 'if you don't accept our draconian rule we'll dox and harass you and get you fired.'
Happens every single day
if you fags force it even more it will plunge harder
For no reason at all
>a few years ago it was 'just tolerate the gays' and now it's 'if you don't accept our draconian rule
You're a fucking idiot.
By fucking off and dying
>gays are not victims IM THE VICTIM
Listen to yourself
>its real
Soon it will be even lower
We should give them vaccines that implant gay thoughts
liberal minded people are a dying breed too smart to procreate
How is this determined?
Good, unbiased news you've got there.
I can see why that'd be troubling to a cockcraver like Andrew Breitbart.
and now
Pro-gay is really cringy Boomers idea of of being """"cool"""
I doubt Zoomers want any part of it
>breitbart stats
top fucking lmao. you might as well make a strawpoll on /pol/
Nah. They'll just start suiciding the kids and then double down on the oppression narrative.
I've got a good handle on what the LGBTs do but what are the Queers actually about?
it's honestly all trannies fault, most normies don't care if some dude happens to date a man instead of a woman but trannies are the homophobic stereotypes of being outrageously obnoxious, needing everyone to cater to their every whim, being extremely easily offended, being ultra degenerates and literally trying to convert children but actually real, they should really have nothing to do with LGB since they're not even a sexual orientation
Drag? Pun intended? Lel
cope harder tranny
>double down on the oppression narrative
unintentional irony==best irony
ok shareblue
demanding that you accept xeir pronouns
Zoomers for the most part at the very least think gays are weird in my experience. The only ones who are majority fag advocates are Millenials
No bully but how did Breitbart happen to come around to doing this poll? There's plenty of ways results for polls and surveys to be tainted