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Cursed image
Looks like sneed has gotten into the feed
lol he looks like he is made out of cheese.
i get it, it's sneed and he's fat cause he feed and he just gave marge his seed
Jeez, easy on the feed Farmer #2...
Big Chuck guarantees a Hard Fuck
Formerly MILK
i get it, it's chucks and he's fat cause he fuck and he just gave marge his suCk
You suckand fuck at music. Sounds like you're just bashing a guitar and yelling
>Don't make me run, I'm full of seed
can you do better?
Theres a reason I don't post vocaroos on Yea Forums
Dear mods,
can you please start permabanning every attention whoring retard posting this Sneed shit?
Why the fuck do you people post this forced and unfunny shit again and again and again and again and again?
I mean I like some good old shitposting but this wasn't even funny the first time.
There's no sort of punchline, joke or humor to it.
Why do you do it?
I can't even begin to fathom the type of human being that does nothing but Sneed post
You sneed and feed at music. Sounds like you're just a city slicker.
hahaha he looks like CHEESE
It's how they kill threads they don't like
>no punchline
I wash myself with a Sneed on a Feed.
Well pardon us Mr. Gucci loafers
Dear mods,
can you please start permabanning every attention whoring retard posting this comfy shit?
Why the feed formerly fuck do you people post this forced and unfunny shit again and again and again and again and again?
I mean I like some good old sneedposting but this wasn't even funny the first time formerly funny.
There's no sort of punchline, joke or humor to it formerly had a punchline.
Why do you do it?
based Sneed
Because it’s an endless source of angry rants from formerly comfy cityslicker redditors.
Sneed meme was never funny and never will
Just annoying
What about the Chuck meme?
Chuck meme however is hilarious
Mein Neger.
It's no wonder this is widely regarded as the worst board.
I don’t get it.
God, I love Sneed.
Oh......ooh my......oooh my oh my.
That is possibly one of the best jokes I've never gotten from the Simpsons until just now.
It’s not supposed to be funny
Then why do you do it?
What's the joke? I don't get it.
You must be 18 years or older to post here
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
Oh......ooh my......oooh my oh my.
Ask not why the sneedposter posts.
It posts for thee.
What do you mean I still don’t get it.
He looks like he is made out of feed
To torment comfyfags for their hubris. We are their sisyphean boulder.
Imagine trying to explain to werner herzog why you sneedpost. Imagine saying it, out loud, for posterity. Why does posting sneed make you happy?
I see.
But why would you waste your time posing this in the blind hope of potentially annoying a stranger on the internet you will never know about?
It is attention whoring and you know it. You do it do acquire angry replies.
Fancy german director
>user waits every day on the board Yea Forums. He waits for someone to post an image relating to the television programme "The Simpsons". And then he types the word "Sneed". He has done this for months, years now. Why does user do it? Does he know? What meaning could he possibly derive from this gesture? Is it madness that drives him? Or is it a deep sadness? What kind of man would do such a thing? Is he even a man?
I prefer when the mods 404 the thread. There’s always the next one. The purpose of the exercise is to give hope to a comfyfag that maybe this thread will be the one that is finally free of sneed. After there’s no point in the thread staying open too long.
werner ples
Is there honestly nothing else you would rather do with your time? I mean this place is a waste of time either way but still.
Oh we're just razzin' ya
I am the wrath of god.
sneedposting was the ultimate shitpost to destroy simpsons threads when they were commonplace
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again
And now it is basically pic related
I do my part. But I don’t have to stay and be in every thread. There are many more doing sneed’s good work.
That really is the perfect comparison.
This shit has become Yea Forums's banana.
Yeah but why the need to destroy Simpsons threads in the first place? At this point it's run into the ground and I'd suspect any Simpsons threads are actually started by Sneedposters to get the keks.
It literally is just annoying for the sake of it. I genuinely cannot understand how posting this can make anybody happy.
I just like to sneedpost on my work break. I just sit here giggling like a retard posting and making Sneed memes.
It's an acquired taste.
He seems like an amiable fellow. Why the hate?
s n e e d
This is the mentality of sneedposters
Agreed. Being annoying on purpose is just a mindset I can't understand, be it online or in real life.
If you were there before sneed you’d beg for it.