Are there any other Hacks that have surpassed these two?

Are there any other Hacks that have surpassed these two?
They still market themselves as "from the creators of Matrix"

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Why are those men dressed like women?

They are women you transphobic bigot

Can't change DNA.

No. They very clearly possess masculine craniofacial skeletal morphology. Female skulls are much more gracile and have round sockets, while these two skulls are very robust and have square shaped eye sockets. I mean, just look at the robustness of the musculature on their necks. They have tendons and ligatures that could only be formed through undergoing puperty exposed to significant testosterone levels. These are men. Why are they dressed like women? Are they female impersonators? I understand that kind of thing is popular in Vaudeville these days.

Formerly brothers.

Obligatory thread-derailing comment about transgender people!

Do they still have their dicks?

Trans women are women
Trans women are women

dogs are cats

holy fucking shit
I'm glad I wasn't eating right now

Trans women can give birth
No wait, thats women

If they were women they wouldn't be mentally ill.

>The Matrix was directed by two women
Was this statement true in 2000?


Considering that they basically stole The Matrix’s plot off of somebody they’re probably the biggest hacks out there. Bigger than M Night even

you don't interact with many real women do you?

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mental illness

I'm a white boy living in Japan. What do you think? There aren't any trannies here, and if there were you'd never know because Asians female impersonators can actually pass. Cheers.


infertile women aren't females
little girls aren't females


>nfertile women aren't females
This except unironically

sick chromosomes kiddo

>muh chromosome argument
Have you ever even seen your own chromosomes?
Do you have chromosome inspecting goggles on that let you see other peoples chromosomes?
Bet you're xx faggot

>I can't see it therefore it isn't real

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Shit! What's happening with them?