Life is indeed meaningless
Life is indeed meaningless
based sad sack thread. somebody post hot trannies instead
Someone explain what this is and what the fuck are those shoops with the multi limbed muscle monstrosity pls
Lowest IQ thread
Why is everyone so "blackpilled" now tho? Is it just social media or are some people faking depression to seem cool?
Why yes, I do pretend to have depression to garner sympathy from naive women.
Just construct your own meaning lole. like the life for sake of life and with sisyphean struggle and basically i'm gay
basically, he's a Sneed
No shoop brother, all natural
Look up sneed
This, but non-eyeuh-ronically.
>he doesn't believe that successful people have developed a self aware understanding of the ultimate futility of their own success and the luck that took them there
I'm shaking my head at your life family desu
Life is great. Without it, you'd be dead.
>And this right here is Yea Forums. This is where I post sneed.
>What do you mean you don't get it? Dumb fucking roastie.
>Without it, you'd be dead
Then that means life is awful
I don't like these edits. Makes him look like a douchebag.
the closest I've seen someone with this face is pic related, swiss national football player
It's some chick who photoshops her bf.
How about this guy?
Looks like a soiboi.
So basically he's getting cucked by the idealized version of himself
are you faceblind
Could be worse. At least you're getting cucked by yourself.
That’s the unedited original dumbass
Life is meaningless and the world is a horrorscape at levels you don't even understand yes, but thats actually good news for us. That allows us to create our own purpose by recognizing the world as what it is, a shitshow. And everyone who tries to fit in, everyone who places stake in the world and cares for earthly things and the thoughts and opinions of other people, is just going to wind up disappointed and miserable. You only live one life and yes you're going to die, yes your life is going to be full of hardships and horrible things are going to happen, but good things are going to happen too. Life is an opportunity to experience the good things that can only exist if bad things are possible and to just give up is to deny yourself the opportunity to experience the good things that will always exist, no matter how hard cynics will pretend that they don't. Disconnect yourself from the world, from the people who hate you, from the social constructs that dictate the way you're supposed to behave, from your own carnal desires that are holding you back from the things you really want to do. Create, love, make friends, make memories, embrace the good things that can only happen if you continue to live.
How do I disconnect myself that requires a lot of meditation right? I have a lot of negative energy
>Why yes, I think that all boards should be heavily moderated and racism of all kinds should not be tolerated. How could you tell?
he's some russian male model
It's moot
No, he's some turk.
Nah, he's a churka from the caucasus who lives in Moscow
>H-how could you tell...?
>tfw not suicidal but wish i was never born
shitty middleground t b h
kill yourself tranny eunuch
Mediation helps, religion also helps, but to be honest in my experience these things are all relative and they wont work for everyone. In my personal experience, the thing that helped me was the people I surrounded myself with. Stay the fuck away from people who try to tell you how to behave or what to believe, stay away from social constructs that you feel you can't match up to, self images that you don't line up with, all bullshit thats keeping you from happiness, none of which exists outside the minds of the people who believe in them. You gotta unplug, tear down the world and make your own.
Imagine the uproar if the roles were reversed. Clown World.
Personally, I believe the world was created broken and evil for a purpose. I believe that the only way to be happy is to destroy the world and build your own around you. Do fucking crazy shit, for example I wanted to write a book, so I said fuck it and quit my job, bought a van and lived out of it for five years writing when I could at the library and working part time when I could. Started hanging out with hippies and people who were super counter culture and I realized hey, tradition is fucking shit. I could never be the person tradition wanted me to be and I didn't want to. I wanted to be me. And I fucking did it.
Let's talk about the memes, I just think its very interesting. Who is Pepe the Frog? What does he mean? It's interesting.
For a second I thought you were fucking with me and just writing the plot of "into the wild"
Did you really do that? How old are you
I'm twenty five. I was working this shithole job at this factory where I'd sit at the mouth of this giant oven and flip cake pans over for ten hours a day and in return, I got a one bedroom apartment and forty eight hours of freedom.
jesus christ Chad eat something!