why is in the everloving fuck would a poor farmer with no money bye a protocal droid just because they comes as a pair??
What use would two water farmers who don't speak to anyone want with a robot with a billion languages?
such a major plot flaw
why is in the everloving fuck would a poor farmer with no money bye a protocal droid just because they comes as a pair??
What use would two water farmers who don't speak to anyone want with a robot with a billion languages?
such a major plot flaw
They address this in the movie. The protocol droid will be useful for interacting with traders and scavengers.
How the fuck did you determine that to be their financial status anyway
They had two speeders and that T-16 in the garage, that's like having two cars and a boat
droids can talk to machines/computers
I thought they specifically said 3po was there to talk to the moister vapirators...or the computers are the farm. He says it's similar to binary load lifters. Right when he is bought
why would they do business with scavengers?
They sell moisture to the empire!
they had no money to send luke to school
and no it isn't like a car and aboat
lastly, you think they dont have computer interfaces, just vaporisers who sit there without being programmed and they never had no way to interacrt with them before a random protocal droid turned up?
get real
>they had no money to send luke to school
They didn't WANT to send him to school.
because they had no money and couldnt afford to replace him..poverty is a circle user
Yes because that's the technology in the show nigger dumb nigger.
In the 70s the internet, USB, and laptops didn't exist.
You dumb sooner nigger
>why would they do business with scavengers? They sell moisture to the empire!
Think of it like this: "Oh no, my moisture machine broke, if only I had some way of communicating with that alien fucker over there to bargain for that new part he has..."
Learn to listen to dialogue you feel cling zoomer scum
OWEN What I really need is a droid that understands the binary language of moisture vaporators.
THREEPIO Vaporators! Sir -- My first job was programming binary load lifter... very similar to your vaporators. You could say...
OWEN Do you speak Bocce?
THREEPIO Of course I can, sir. It's like a second language for me... I'm as fluent in Bocce...
All right shut up! (turning to Jawa) I'll take this one.
Or maybe Owen was just being overprotective, where exactly is it stated they're poor?
farmer doesnt have a way of programming his machine for years until random javas come along...
Or maybe he just got some new equipment that wasn't programmed properly
Nah son they got paid to watch him.
It was uncle ben, not daddy, and not stranger.
That's the reason the prequels exist to explain why he wouldn't have trained a baby, like all other Jedi.
Because Beru wanted a droid that spoke Bocce for whatever reason and Owen just gave in and bought so he wouldn’t have to hear her shit
why would a grown man without a solid job and gf buy a gaming pc? what use does he have with that?
such a major plot flaw
everyone speaks a different fucking made up language and it seems like the kind of place where you get shit by bartering. seems like a translation droid would be incredibly useful
>They sell moisture to the empire!
Surely there would be a better source of moisture than a fucking desert planet.
maybe desert moisture is some hipster shit that rich empire people pay top dollar for
Good point. I actually kind of want to try it now that you mention it. Wouldn't mind paying 10 times the price either.
Clearly no one in this thread knows anything about this situtaion
Casual faggots
>be Xer
>grow up with OT
>always thought C3PO was a hand-me-down butler droid from whoever Leia's foster parent "Organa" was
>no, Darth Vader fucking built him when he was a boy
>on Tatooine
You are not allowed to complain about any other example of fanservice in any other form of media if you put up with this fucktarded shit.
>reading SW books
Are you doing life in prison and finished all the Proust, Dickens and Pynchon?
ok nerd
>They sell moisture to the empire!
No, they sell water to the city slickers in Mos Espa.
wow, you know they maybe just got new equipment. Or their old droid malfunctioned. Plus, Owen probably got a huge discount after the Jawas tried to sell him a malfunctioning R2 unit.
>why is in the everloving fuck would a poor farmer
robots didnt exist yet you stupid fucking nigger, you dumbass chicken-frying coon
They have machines you can do nothing with unless you have a very speicifc type of OTHER machine to tell it what to do.
>they have no way of using machines unless a Butler robot is there...
None of you people have obvious ever worked with reap machinery or computers before...
What was the Tax policy on Tattoine?
They bought them from Jawas, that’s like buying a $20 iPhone from Tyrone
Lucas making everything related was kind of retarded. The droids didn't need origin stories.
Who the fuck is Bility?
Who the fuck buys moisture anyways? Sounds like a money laundering scheme.
People who live on a desert planet.
It's because they knew his dad was fucking Darth Vader and didnt want Luke to go do the same shit
It’s not a question of whether Owen couldn’t reprogram the moisture collectors or talk to Bocce speakers, it’s a question of how FAST. C3po could clearly do it much faster than a human programmer
Everything that happens in the OT and even the prequels has a meaning and been carefully thought about by the author, that to an almost autistic level. The sequels are the exact opposite, there isn't a single event that happens for a legit reason, they're just aping scenes from the Ot and patched them together in a nonsensical way. Resulting with a hot mess full of plot holes
langauge doesnt operate at speed
Coming up with new instructions does, retard. A robot can diagnose and fix problems with another robot much faster than a human can