Are there any films about the decline of once mighty civilizations?

Are there any films about the decline of once mighty civilizations?

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>men were taller 70 years ago
I know you're /pol/baiting but even you can't be this retarded

Is that the chick from Sleepaway Camp?

>average height in the 40s was 188 cm (6'2'')

yeah, and black people wuz kangs too

Men of all races are getting increasingly tall and feminine. The average British male (Anglos are the human default so this is the best metric) was 175 cm tall in 1970

>gets shorter over time

Its a part of his tranny fetish.

>us whitebois aren't real men, we are so feminine ^_^ we should all dress up as women and worship black MEN. All white girls are desperate for black men and i'm a white girl too!
They need the race baiting in order to feel less of a man and more like a woman.

bollywood movies

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I'm taller and weigh more than the 40's dude. also my dick is bigger

Women shame me for my thick body hair. What now?

Imagine being so fucked up on hormones and pills that you think posting these retarded as fuck pics is going to make men want to become hideous freaks like yourself. Go dilate fucking faggot, you'll NEVER be a woman, and trannies will never be normal.

Keep typing in English sweetie

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No need to divide Europeans user

me in the right

This is literally just white guys and americans


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>175 cm tall in 1970
yeah i dont think so paul, thats not even the average for whites now

dude someone MADE this

you sound EXACTLY like a nazi, you do realize nazis hated all non blonde hair blue eyed males right? they would have genocided most european men and women. Allied spies confirmed hitler was a homosexual and photographs prove nazism was a homosexual cult. hnit;er also had a deformed micropenis and likely preferred to be feminized and dominated. follow your leader!

Some European neckbeard /pol/tard envious of black cock.

Sissyfication is the thinking man's fetish, I go on derpibooru and fap to sissyfied stallions.

Cmon put some effort into it at least.

I actually fucked that up:

>Lead author Dr Gregori Galofré-Vilà, from the Department of Sociology at the University of Oxford, said: ‘We believe our results shed new light on the development of health in England over the very long run. Since the early 19th century, average heights for Englishmen have increased substantially, reaching 175 cm in 1950 and 177cm in 1970, being among the tallest of any population worldwide. Our data shows that average heights in England in the medieval era and between 1400 and 1700 were similar to those of the 20th century. If mean heights are a good measure of well-being, it seems we are now in previously uncharted territory. Within the last 100 years, the average heights of Englishmen have risen more than at any time in recorded history.’

In any case the 'feminisation' of whites is a misleading meme. It is occuring but not in aggregate (more homosexuals/transexuals are appearing but the 'mode' male isn't changing). If anything this is liberal form of eugenics where the less masculine males are encouraged to leap out of the gene pool

he based

woah is this happening right now?
fucked up dude we should do something

look at the time op

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Fucking BASED!

FUCK white "people".

people are definitely getting taller yes

What absolute horseshit. The Average man was not 90kg in the 40s. Working class were probably 70kg and strong as fuck. If anything modern, and future men will be heavier because they're obese cunts nowadays.

They should be obese and balding

tranny threads are in full force right now

Pic related isn't just about the decline of masculinity but it's a pretty big theme in the film

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People were short as fuck back in the 1900's though, what the fuck are you even on about

>a bunch of malnourished farmers were taller and more physically robust than modern men

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It's part of nature, birds have cloacas because the used to rape the shit out of birds. Think duck dick, or cat dick. The bird broads having enough of this shit, mated with the smallest dicks. Eventually we got all the dancing pretty flirty dude birds that have to do everything just for a chance to mate. Strong people just take what want. Weak people have to work together. These things have an inverse relationship. If it was really a genetic deadpool then the solution would be to fuck your sisters friends not just her. The reality is you need to go where shit is dangerous for strong big dick genes.

how can we compete?

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I wish I was that hairy. Having no chest hair looks ridiculous.

leftmost is homosex aesthetics, just saying

Dude has his thumb on the scale. Measuring from the side and not showing where the bottom of the ruler is. He’s adding two inches through being a sneak

something must have pissed them off probably dilation accident

I am a pussy and still have a big dick. Thoughts?

Fuck off cuck