What are the best movies about jealousy?

What are the best movies about jealousy?

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H-how old are these girls

Left is 12, right is 14.

have with your kids dental bills with these two harbeingers

>you are a pedo if you are sexually attracted to these girls


How come Americans let their kids walk around dressed like strippers and street walkers? I'm not saying garb them in burkhas but fuck, they look like they're gonna head off to a modeling photoshoot.

they're brazilians

I'm not a pedo but

Attached: nn.jpg (430x641, 46K)

Imagine being brainwashed enough to think being attracted to these is wrong.

>obsessed euronigger cant take ten seconds to google and see they're brazilian

dumb shit

if it was good enough for great grandpa

I want to know what the chad looks like.

They look too small

What are their names?

I feel very sorry for you.

They are literally indistinguishable from adult women. They'll probably still look like this when they are adults.


>They'll probably still look like this when they are adults.
white women look 80 by the time they turn 18

They'll probably look worse, like all women.

Both are 18

too old


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a literally are a pedo

As based as this is, I sometimes wonder if some threads that post underage girls that look like they're of age are just honeypots and entrapment from FBI. I've seen it on botted youtube videos that are sanctioned from the rest of the site that have like 20 million views and are fishy as fuck but when you look at the comments of these million viewed bait fishy vids, it's almost alll bots.

Fucking gay

Here you go

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Its not illegal to like underage girls, the fbi doesn't care unless you distribute cp

>left is better

First of all you are not a pedo if you are attracted to these girls. Pedophilia is being attracted to girls who are PREPUBESCENT.

These girls would have been sold off and married to some man at this age, 200 years ago.

>200 years ago
So would prepubescent girls.

What are the odds

Time is a demon, user.

Attached: timearechanging.jpg (600x724, 133K)

you're very blue pilled and naive. fbi don't give a fuck about anyone other than cp creators and distributors.

Seriously? Pic related is more my type, and the OP girls look like children. Just admit it, damn you.

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Gross she's all asian and shit

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Dont post grannys motherfucker gay asshole

>I like overweight christmas cakes
Good for you. But, please keep in mind that what you posted is not the only type of adult woman that exists and it's not even really what I'm talking about. The girls in the OP could easily be mistaken for young adults in their early 20's without context.

The girl in this pic is a 22yo college student and looks younger. Those girls look between 16-21. You're actually just a hag chaser that likes tits.

Attached: YOgzDou.jpg (1920x1920, 2.28M)

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It begins

at the time of the video one was 14 and the other was 16 and they both look like it, but feel free to show me more ""children"" like that, also sauce on that pic


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Shut up gay grannie fucker

Imagine the smell