Why can't Hollywood make a good Hitman movie?

Why can't Hollywood make a good Hitman movie?

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Same reason why there are nearly no good live action vidya based movies. Good directors and writers that care about the source material and have the skill to appropriately adapt it into a drastically different medium are pretty rare. Instead the only people hired for these projects are usually hacks that glance over the basic premise and look of the games and contort it into whatever they think will sell well. They want to appeal to general audiences instead of the people that are interested in the property they're bastardizing. All they see is that it's a game about an assassin and they think assassin means big loud dudebro action movie shitfest with lots of over the top violence.

This, but also the fact that the main appeal of these games can't be replicated in film. Not well anyway. Some games are fine for movie adaptations, but some games, not having it be something you can play immediately takes away most of the appeal.

I thought the one with Skylar as the bad guy was okay

Mechanic movies with Jason Statham are better Hitman movies.

Because they don't understand that it is inherently a comedy as much as it is a thriller.

I actually like the plot of the russian one.

In the hands of a capable director and better actor and better crew it could have been John Wick.

Olyphant's 47 was good enough and the action was decent. Was a fan in 07 and I'd probably enjoy it now.

Wouldn't give the newer one the time of day though fuck that.

Why not just remake the game's plot?

47 shouldn't have romance. That's bullshit. They need to go the Leon the professional route with cunny kino and go silly with the nuns and fat crime bosses. Starring Tom Cruise.

Basically this. He was close to being in that last Hitman movie anyway

I hate when they throw in some half assed romance sub plot for the fuck of it. It just slows things down and detracts from the main plot

This is true, but the test audiences and female viewership probably respond better when you throw in the most generic love side plot that happens in every movie ever.

Max Payne and Hitman have crap stories and gamers don't care but movie people obviously will.


>mfw the best Hitman kino comes from a fucking trailer

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Goosebumps. Fuq how many hours I've enjoyed season 1 and still do through the Legacy Pack.

>no hitman kino
>no halo kino
Shit sucks mang

Bump :(

So much this. Will they ever stop this bullshit?
I remember a time when movies weren't needlessly ruined only so they could appeal to every demographic.

Agent 47 is supposed a literally emotionless Übermensch killing machine who can pull off impossible jobs, not random gun for hire who falls in love with some annoying thot.
There is no need to water the character down only to have the end result be a mess of a movie that nobody enjoys.

*supposed to be

The day I become an important producer or screenwriter my priority will be a 5 seasons Hitman series, with a prequel movie focusing Diana and a sequel movie focusing a retired 70 yo 47

>a retired 70 yo 47
Something like Unforgiven with Agent 47 coming back for one last job?
That would be fucking dope.

Staring clint eastwood

user please, I can only get so erect.

Resident Evil was the only movie franchise to actually have more than 2 films which weren't reboots because the movie wasn't a direct adaptation but rather a new story. With hitman, you can't have a good story because Hitman the Vidya doesn't have a good story. People only play it for it's mechanics and the suits don't seem to understand that. They can capitalize on the John Wick market by making it all about action yet they don't

If playing hitman is like John Wick, then you’re doing something wrong

Hitman has a shell of a story that you sometimes get bits and pieces of between murdering bad people for other bad people controlling things.

As opposed to what? A slasher?

I honestly loved the first Hitman movie. I even seen it in the cinema and rewatched it multiple times at home, last time was 2 years ago or something.

The second Hitman movie was kinda weird, felt more like a superhero movie

Hitman is stealthy. John Wick isn't on his level bruh.

I was thinking something like 47's archnemesis reappearing after being a ghost for 15 years, only that he actually wanted to be found by 47 (he and 47 are the last two Ort-Meyer's creations remaining, but he killed Diana and he's full of regret for hurting his lost "brother", so he tries to have his redemption by offering collaboration for killing Ort-Meyer's last adept who wants to replicate his experiment

You cant make a movie about some guy stealing the secret detonator to a random shipment of C4 placedin the diamond room and exploding it as he wears the bus boy outfit and stands awkwardly in the crowd.

When I saw Homeland back in the day and I saw Rupert Friend in it, I thought that he could potentially become decent 47 if they casted him, but that would never happen I thought. Then I saw the trailer and couldnt believe they're actually did cast him, I thought I've connected some mental psychic link with hollywood but then the movie turned out to be shit predictably

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Hey it's Stalin's son!

>Why can't Hollywood make a good Hitman movie?

Because it's a great game, but the premise is actually pretty silly, if you think about it.
>He's running, that's automatically suspicious! Shoot him!
>I've never met this man before, but he's wearing identical clothes as me, so he's OK...oh, shit! He's running! Kill him!

Then there's the genetic engineering bits. Do you address that in the plot? It doesn't actually affect the game (47's abilities in-game aren't superhuman) but adds a nice bit of flavor. However, in the movie, if he's a clone, that's something you really need to address as a screenwriter.

Then there's the kill itself. 47 is a hired killer. He doesn't know his target, nor does he care what they've done to get their names in his to-do list. He simply kills them.
That would be really boring in a movie or, worse, would just look like a cold-blooded, pointless murder, which audiences don't like.
Thus, the screenwriter needs to give a reason to 47 to complete his job that makes him seem like a character the audience feels good about liking.

I think he means "John Wick" in terms of being a very simple, but extremely effective action movie.

The first Hitman film was a fun action flick and Olga Kurylenko got nekkid. I don't really care that it isn't faithful to your shitty video game

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Detective Picachu is kino of 2019

Will the Diana prequel include many shower scenes?

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It's the same problem that applies to any game adaptation. The vast majority of games have terrible premises that work only because of the game design and what the game mechanics allow the player to do. Then you add terrible screenwriters and directors on top of that who don't give a shit about the source material and just focus on the easy money and you have a recipe for disaster.

Pretty sure they only made the second movie to keep holding the franchise hostage, plus money.

Watched Keanu Revees 2 today, it was pretty ok well executed bore fest. Simply nothing, Skipped most of the action.

Fuck the retards that want john wick as an elusive target in H2, it would lower Hitman.

Just adapt Birth of a hitman and done.

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Why can't IO stop making those stupid sniper maps?

if it was a horror movie set in a megacorporation's HQ where you have 400 employees, out of which the top brass and select low/mid managers are 47's targets it would be fucking amazing
Just from the perspective of a security guard, member of the board and some team leader / project manager, one of which is a target. Kind of like Predator

Takes about 1/10 of the time of a normal map to make. mostly just art.

It was an experiment in MP leading into HITMAN3 Co-Op mabey. or somthing asymmetrical, ghost mode is the next step in figuring their shit out.

But yeah, hard for me to play more of without unlocks for the other maps or more NPS doing their own shit for contracts.

Agent Pikachu crossover movie when?

>megacorporation's HQ where you have 400 employees

lol. 500 employees or less is the definition of a small business in the US. The company I'm currently working with could be defined as a megacorporation and it has over 1,500 employees here at its HQ location alone.

It could be done in a movie. It wouldn't be much different from a heist movie like Ocean's Eleven.

>adapt a vidya
>it’s shit
>adapt a different vidya
>it’s shit
>adapt another different vidya
>it’s shit
I don’t know why hollywood fucking bothers anymore

Isn't the entire point of the game to get the kills however the fuck you want?
Super sneaky assasin that make the deaths look like an accident or a psycho going postal in a sports maskot suit shooting everyone around.
I always tougth the cool thing of the series was the freedom it gives you to decide your own playstyle.


>I don’t know why hollywood fucking bothers anymore
Because vidya makes a colossal amount of money and keeps growing while Hollywood is shrinking.
>Kids like the vidya, let's make a movie of it.

Maybe because they have the potential to be great low-brow fun

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Soon, brother

A really faithful hitman movie would involve a man crouching around incredibly populated areas making chandoleirs fall on people, its downright silly

The only way you could make it work is if maybe you had 3 different targets in the film and each hit was from their and their guards perspectives

Protip: they don't care if the movie is shit.
They only care if it makes money and if the audience will watch the next one, thus making more money.
They couldn't care less if you actually like it or not, only if you watch it.

But the keyword fir hitman is silent assassin, ny negro friend

Doom, Max Payne, Tomb Raider, Hitman, Resident Evil... these all have fine premises that would work as movies.

Because producers are braindead and have no idea what the fuck they are doing in any instance.

Even doom?

because video game movies suck

>games have a shooter gameplay control sheme
>the first game literally ends with a huge shootout and there is no other way but to go in gun blazing
>somehow this is "playing it wrong"

If Eidos want people to avoid that, they would just use the same mechanics as Splinter Cell 1 - Double Agent where it's almost impossible to go in gun blazing.




The story is the weakest part of Hitman games. They're at their best when you're just fulfilling contracts. The opposite is something like Shitsolution.

Of course. They could have easily turned it into a good horror action movie. And the first person sequence was neat, even if the movie was otherwise bad.

The whole point about Hitman is that 47 is a Tabula Rasa for the player to project his "le perfect hitman in exotic James Bondy settings" fantasies on.

Don't get me wrong, Blood Money is my favorite game of all time, but 47 is not an interesting character narration wise. He is simply a game mechanic. Whenever they tried to give him an emotional arc in the game it was cringy (Absolution). All Hitman storylines are dumb af and only get in the way of a solid hitman simulation.

In short, I love Hitman, but I can't think of a worse game to make a movie about.

this really is fucking kino. thanks for sharing this user I hadn’t seen it

>47 is a tall handsome muscular male
>cast that guy
Can you at least tell me about your thought process.

Doom and horror...? Sounds good on paper but what about the back story?

There doesn't need to be an emotional arc in a Hitman movie.

This. Hitman is fun because of the gameplay. The characters are irrelevant.

Then go and watch john wick or one of the million of other shitty action movies with characters that don't matter

A horror action movie where space marines fight demons doesn't require any elaborate narrative.

Are you saying that movies must always be about emotional arcs of characters?

>cunny kino
>fat crime boss

They tried that with Hitman Absolution which had all that you mentioned. Everybody hated the game, and a movie adaptation would have been much worse.

No, I'm saying that we don't need a Hitman movie and if we got one it would be indistinguishable from shit like john wick

Hitman isn't a shoot em up game.

I was the guy you responded to and for the record, I like John Wick.

Maybe you can make a Hitman movie work from the perspective if the target as a horror movie. Maybe. But the point is there are way better properties to make movies out of than Hitman. It simply isn't a story based game. The game is good because of its mechanics and that doesn't translate into a movie at all.

You could make a good thriller out of it where the tension is how 47 will pull off a complex assassination having to improvise increasingly elaborate ways to get the targets as the plot unfolds and complicates the mission. Think Mission Impossible's heist scenes but with killing dudes. Making a stealth game into an action movie is obviously a dumb idea.


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It's not about the story. It's about the experience. It's about BEING the hitman and getting away with all these crazy methods of killing people.

>this bullshit is somehow a foolproof "accident" kill
>showing up at a prison, killing the target and then immediately escaping the island by jumping into the waters is somehow supposed to fool people into thinking it wasn't a professional hit
It was a decent hitman movie, but they should have left the whole idea about accident kills at the door, because they sure as fuck couldn't write any such scenarios.

hey, i can tell which one's tina because she has a cowboy hat

Unironically love this movie
Mainly because of the Jaime Pressly-Holly Valance-Sarah Carter combo
That's some top-tier 2006 waifu action

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yeah i know he doesn't fit the bill frame-wise, but in the homeland show he was basically acting up as 47 already - cold, mechanical killer dude. And lets be honest its gonna be really tough to find the same facial aesthetics guy to play him, and I thought Ruper just had something interesting going on. When people suggested either Mark Strong or Statham play him I never was convinced, especially not in the low budget, trashy production like this movie ended up being, guess Mark could've pulled it off well though. I was worried about Rupert not looking the part when going bald, and yeah in the end I'm not even sure he was the right fit for it, maybe in a better movie with better production. But fuck me if I didnt have the weird mental whiplash from this whole thing. I'm never going to try and wish anyone else to be a videogame character ever again just to be sure

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It's really hard to adapt the videogame feel to a movie

It was like Charlie's Angels but with hotter girls and better action

They did a good job with the blade runner series

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So kind of like hitman 2 (2018)?

Yeah kind of, I like the idea of Lucas Grey's character but I hate the whole Illuminati plot they chose, and I definitely don't like the 47 killed Diana's parents subplot bullshit.

I think the main focus of a Hitman show or movie should always be 47's childhood and the history of the experiments

because its just not possible
silly murder sandbox can't be turned into a movie


The idiots that run Hollywood can't understand the simple plots of even video games.

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You can't take Timothy's hair away and expect him to bring his usual swagger.

90% of the entertainment of Hitman is found in the sandbox interactivity of it. Why the fuck would anyone want a movie of it? Sure 47 is a fun character, but he's not that unique of a protagonist compared to most Hollywood action heroes. Fans of the games enjoy them because they're just that, games.

If Hollywood thinks they can look to video game IPs as some kind of salvation, they're shooting themselves in the foot. They're just going to show how much more the games themselves can offer fans of those games.

If anything they should make original new stories in the same world as the games, not try to adapt them. Give fans something extra, not try to reformat the games themselves to screen.

Heaven forbid Hollywood have original ideas instead of pale copies of popular things. Of course if they had talent and creativity, they wouldn't be looking to games for ideas in the first place.

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Fassbender would be great.

It already exists

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They miss the point and shove action sequences every 10 minutes.
Hitman is a slow burn, and would fit better as a TV show, target of the week, with a thin overarching plot developing in the background between hits. The movie or show should be about 47 finding, following, learning the target's movements and finally 47 to going for the kill, and showing him in various outfits to get to his target. The closest the last movie got was a nod to a mission in one of the older hitman games where he dresses up as a firemen.
Also clones should be just that clones, not Tyrone 47 or literally stunt men pretending to be 47 clones, and no super powers, Absolution also missed the point on this department.

>Absolution also missed the point on this department
I don't know, in a hypothetical tv show I feel like having a 47 on the run for a season or just a few episodes might be interesting

they keep trying to make them action movies rather than Ocean's 11 style movies where instead of planning a heist, he's planning an assassination, and add a suspense thriller edge to it.

Hitman can actually use an action scene in it, it's not like SA is all everyone ever does. Genocide is often fun and sometimes good from a plot standpoint (Blood money ending).
They just really overdo it and it becomes really bland and unmemorable.

I could go for a Hitman movie that has 3 assassinations in it - 2 slow burn ones where the plot is being developed and a final sequence where the agency/47 figure out they are being fucked with for some criminal benefit and he kills the entire terrorist cell/competing agency/evil crime building full of people. 30-40 bodyguards and 3-4 targets in an escalating sequence that starts slowly with infiltration, garrotte and knives and snowballs into full scale action with silverballers and possibly a few explosive devices.

>retired 70 yo 47
47 doesn't really age much.
In his 70s he'll look and feel 40 at worst if even that.

Hitman has is not a deep game to make anyone care about the setting. It’s shallow murder fantasy with fun mechanics.

Ocean's 11 but instead of money, it's murder. Add in the voice actor from the games (since he looks exactly like him), then lighten the mood every so often by having Agent 47 have to interact with people. The recent hitman games have been goldmines of deadpan comedy, with 47 having to sell a house, open a bank account, serve food, and talk about a psych test.

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I think the best way to do it would be like Blood Money - have almost every kill be accident SA kills, with one or two more direct kills featuring a couple quick and brutal fight scenes to help imply Agent 47's better than just being an architect of accidents and then build up to a Blood Money style ending that's a much more drawn out and brutal fight where he fully acts on the implication that he's a much more dangerous man in direct combat than he looks.

I really enjoyed the recent Hitman 1 and 2 theyve made. Which older ones should i go back to?

probably the best video game trailer I've ever seen desu

>murdering sociopaths deserve even more attention than they already get
How about physics movies instead, pal, that g'damn flying car isn't going to build itself.

A "hitman" is just another loser.

>If anything they should make original new stories in the same world as the games, not try to adapt them. Give fans something extra, not try to reformat the games themselves to screen.

A show about the rise and fall of Rapture could be fantastic. Do a Fargo type deal where each season focuses on one group of people in one era, with the characters from previous/future seasons showing up in the background. A movie just replicating the story from the game would be absolutely awful.

Flying cars are the brainlet's dream for the future. In practice it would be impractical, expensive, and do basically nothing that a car and some stairs couldn't already. On top of that, every person who owned one would require a pilot's license, it would be near impossible to gauge speed limits, people would constantly get themselves killed as even the smallest crash would be infinitely more devastating to the human body in a flying car than in a real one, and airspace would become so polluted that it would be too difficult to tell where people would be coming and going. Air traffic control already monitors every aircraft currently flying, try adding several billion of them. Plus borders would be more difficult to enforce, it would be noisy as fuck, and if your car breaks down mid-air, you're fucked. Also don't say the lord's name in vain you filthy heathen.

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