How come this entire nation of 50 million people has never produced a single good movie?
How come this entire nation of 50 million people has never produced a single good movie?
russia would sabotage it
making movies is harder than it looks
Atleast post the new map
fuck off, Plemya was more than kino, but knowing this board of course you're too pleb to know of it
Is it that movie where random deaf people with no ating experience are trying to portray love-hate relationship on screen for 120 minutes?
fake country created by communists in 1922
>fake country created by communists in 1922
youre wrong though
Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors
If anything the Russian commies wanted the concept of Ukraine gone
the only bad part in that movie was the initiation fight which looked fake as shit. other than it's one bleak movie and a little too close to reality.
OP is delusional, Janny, take him to the infirmary
Ukraine as a self governing state didn't exist before 1922. It was just a border region between Poland-Lithuania, Russia and the Crimean Tatars.
East slavs can only produce kurwas
Kurwa is poland trademark, and Poland economy is on rampage
Chernobyl was pretty irl kino
>fake country
what does that even mean?
Well FUCK Stalin for adding those western Ukrainian cocksuckers to the country. Fucking worthless forest niggers.
>A .jpg is my proof
>Ukraine as a self governing state didn't exist before 1922
the Ukrainian "national awakening" doesn't seem to have occurred long before that time either, although it sure as hell happened.
character race Ukrainian==automatic -50 point penalty on Luck attribute
Ukraine is basically retarded Russia
t. Half Ukrainian
*There's* a trouble spot for you all right.
Literally meme.
It's not a real country.
sure it is. no-one will enjoy this comparison but it's like Poland with all the same problems in miniature
and the same quite hilarious habit of blaming (((((((them)))))))) for everything
You mean blaming Russians?
>yesterday the Bandera Prospect in Kiev was renamed back to Vatutin Prospect
What are some good comeback movies?
They can't even explain what the name means and where it comes from. They had to lie about it to children in schools. 90% of the country don't speak the official language. That's what fake country means.
All their creative energy vent on making corruption schemes.
literally life of slavic bydlo
nothing kino out there