Oh N

Oh N.......

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his troubles are over. try not to be jealous

I only know this scene from Family Guy. What movie is it referencing?

The nice guys.

Why are they so excited about getting made, if getting shot in the head is involved? I'd think they would dread the day.

Acceptable Blokes

the godfather part III

The Wise Guys


The Good Men

oes! Water to my back head, my only weakness!

The alright lads

waddaya mean
waddaya mean

he'd rather whack 'em

paulie hated phoneposters

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>is posting on Yea Forums

Fucking zoomers, it's Goodfellas.

...egroes are destroying society

You think I'm funny?


Where's his Shinebox though?

Shrek 2

He only wanted to be made a little bit

the good friends

He was a funny guy

20 fuckin shineboxes and not a peep

The Chuckle Brothers

and dats dat

heh? heh? henry?
*friendly slap to the cheek*

4 U

HAHA! We did it R*ddit!! :)

You sir have an upvote heading your way!

Thanks for the gold kind gentlesir!

Why did his ghost turn up at the end? I thought it was meant to be a mafia story, not a supernatural film

This movie sucks. Scorcese is a hack

The Big Guys

It's very good system.

>when you're about to start a new *ahem* thread but janny reacts too fast

I'm gonna go prep the bull, prep the bull

Home Alone

Back then people just recommended problem child 2.
YOU go back to

The decent dudes

We ol' switchedaroo the ol' movie names around #narwhalbacongang

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They shot him cus he was gonna say nigger, how progressive

>I only know this scene from Family Guy.
They did a gag about it?

kill yourself humongous nigger

I love the scene where he says “...leave the gun, take the cannoli...” hehe

I never understood wanting to be a made guy if you just get shot in the head. Never made sense to me.

Alright dudes

lmao reddit would spoonfeed him the answer in an instant sperg

The Stand Up Blokes

The Sick Cunts

Why the fuck did him getting shot in the head require 3 camera cuts? That shit looked awful

Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)

Decent Dudes 2: Better Brothers

Had to have some more camera cuts to make up for the single shot through the Copa kitchen.

Dunston checks in

Lethal Weapon 5: A Good Day to Lethalize Weapons

Why did they shoot him with a water gun?

I still don't get why he didn't just duck when he realized what was happening.

Kevin finally stopped taking shit from Harry and Marv.

You have no idea how seriously NY/NJ Italian-Americans take their hairstyles.

The last Home Alone movie.

Great post

EDIT: STOP being elitist guys, let people do their own thing


why did scorhackse think he could attempt a kino without a single gabagool scene?

everything was PC to PC

>"Even since I was little, I wanted to kill niggers"
How did they get away with this line?

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Rip my inbox

Wreck It Ralph

It was a good time

When did Yea Forums become reddit? Are we going to start pun and song lyric threads now?

Mob gun money man

Cry me a river, baby dick

Battle bros: straight out of Lil Italy 2
Its a old vidya on ps1 newfags like you don't get it

Israel has no right to exist
