What's a documentary about Elephants that will teach me about these animals? Any recommendations are welcome

What's a documentary about Elephants that will teach me about these animals? Any recommendations are welcome.

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what an absolute sweetie pie

elephants are too pure for this world

jesus Christ you people are sick

hehehehe.. he gave those gooses such a thrill. bet they'l never forget that >:3

the elephant man

My 600 pound life

>bully not so tough since slipped

>the mother/father comes over to it when its baby falls over

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sorry don't know any but elephants are dope as fuck and are almost as smart and empathic as people.

it even notices when the calf gets dizzy and starts walking over preemptively.

omg i love elephants sooo much~

recently i went to thailand and paid $20 to ride a baby elephant, it was the cutest shit ever!

do you know what you can do with the elephant for $50?

>running around like an ADHD case
Is this what incels acts like?

Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom: China's Last Elephants

They have made a lot of elephant documentaries over the last 50 years. Just google Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom and Elephants to find more.

That's just universal mother instinct. Hunting them is degenerate as fuck 2bh.

No, incels don't leave their mom's basement.

anyone have OP's video in higher quality?
the artifacts are marring my enjoyment of the dear elephantie


Just jerk off on regular porn creep.

Operation Dumbo Drop

Attached: slide.webm (360x640, 1.48M)

damn i would like to shoot and eat that elephant

got a slight chuckle from me user

Imagine being an elephant lads





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he's a big guy

Ching chong shing gong Tiananmen square

go to bed eric

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Shut the fuck up faggot, elephants are based

I may be gay but I don't want to fuck animals.

imagine being a big enough faggot to post that

those look to be
not geese

>I may be gay
No shit

you have no hope user, pure degenerate

Wanna fuck?

The Republican presidential primary elections 2016

wow! what's this guy doing under there?!

Attached: 1561301113388.webm (712x400, 2.52M)

movies about bros?

Attached: 622.webm (450x800, 2.35M)

>Indian elephant
fuck off earlet

wish I had a friend who had a chimp (that way I wouldn't have to take care of it but could chill with it and leave)
anyone have the webm of that monkey hitting the DUDE?

chimps are scary strong. wonder how humans dont share the same physical ability

>tfw no monkey bro to climb trees with
Knowing my luck he'd just rip my nuts off anyway

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Maybe because macro evolution is a lie.


ffs fuck off, you christian degenerates always ruin good threads. now it's all going to devolve into some retarded discussion about evolution until the jannies delete it

cause we use our big big brains to make tools so we don't have to be as strong
also we don't climb trees all fucking day

what caused grug to figure out 2 and 2 make 4 though? that jump has never been explained rationally

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>what caused grug to figure out 2 and 2 make 4 though?
enough environmental stress to force some neurons to connect in a new way or else we die

the weak should fear the strong

they are the cutest fuck off niggerlover

>lifts a grown up man

Chimps are really strong, but that one was also braced on the tree to help him lift.

that prime hug at the end was cool. surely he learned that behavior from humans but monke knows his cousins.



Thank you user
far, far too short


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Americans truly have the best medicine in the world. They are so good at diagnosing hyperactivity in children (what a shocker) that no one else in the world can. One can only wonder how kids grow up in the rest of the world without being drugged up.

Damn those are some nice feet

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evolutionarily speaking we traded large fast twitch muscles for more finesse muscles allowing for fine motor control in our arms/hands for more derived tool use

cute doggo

There are many videos of them calling for humans because their calf is stuck in some hole, or come running to a manfriends aid when he gets pushed by another person.
They're very intelligent and remember faces and if you've done good or bad to them in the past. Hell, some of them can even paint.

don't watch enough joe rogan

has anyone els enoticed how animals always wanna fuck white women?


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>Kino has interspecies romance

Attached: Hippo Rhino.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

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>polluting the ecosystem with light

>when the autism hits

humans didn't evolve from chimps you stupid fucking christcuck

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we evolved from god

Elephants will go extinct in the wild in two decades tops
And completely extinct by the end of the century
Such is life

I want to HUG that elephant.

aside from shitty poachers it seems like a kino existence

based fuck animal """lovers"""
>i cried more when they killed the dog
>i love animals more than people
>i'd rather kill a random person than a dog

you fucking scum have it coming you WILL get it rest assured

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Okay guys, what's this REALLY about? At first I thought it's some nice anons liking cute animal videos, but now I'm starting to suspect that it's obese anons wishing that they WERE the elephants themselves, because that would make being enormously fat an advantage instead of a social rejection factor.

>Elephants will go extinct in the wild in two decades tops
>And completely extinct by the end of the century
>Such is life
Here's your Chinese century, m8 - rich chink impotents buying ivory.

Animals live without sin. Most humans are degenerate scum worthy of death. You'll get what we all get, death. I am so very glad every last one of you is destined to die.

>What's a documentary about Elephants
I wish i knew.
Fascinating animals for sure.

what was his FUCKING problem?

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>t. projecting degenerate

theres more to life than death, most people care about their fellow man

stop being a degenerate and break the (((conditioning))), you're not bad by default(even niggers)

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She could crab my trunk any day

Eat a dick, cuckservative.

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>chad pitbull
you mean chav. You poor fuck.

Antifa elephant.

trolling or not, fuck you

Well you aren't human, congratulations

who said that? yeah I agree that caring about animals is stupid, my penis just isn't so small I need to signal that in a thread that's just comfy videos of animals dancing for our entertainment

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The Protector

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Attached: Elephant charge.webm (480x360, 689K)

Attached: Elephant family.webm (720x422, 2.74M)

Attached: Elephant goose.webm (400x400, 1.79M)

i don't think you're even allowed to hunt elephants. they're just poachers, and all poachers in africa deserve a terrible death and eternity getting tortured in hell.

Why are young animals much more playful and curious than adults? It makes it seem like the younger animals are more intelligent since the older ones kind of just stare off into space and stand still.

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good looking clan dynamic. elephants really are based

Are Elephants the only animal brave or stupid enough to stand up to Geese?


Attached: Elephants in the water.webm (1280x720, 2.3M)

someone post webms of humans rescuing elephant babbies and mama elephant reacting

did you know that they abuse the shit out of the elephants you can ride? go to a sanctuary if you like elephants you little shit

this is less funny when you realise it tripped fell into the sliding pose and there's a big cliff at the end

What are geese's fucking problem? They are absolutely vicious.

Because they are learning. When you mature and don't change the environment of course you no longer seem to be "playful" since there's nothing new to learn.

>niggers are scary strong. wonder how humans dont share the same physical ability

How do you call it when you see a certain word, you're sure it means one thing and it actually says something different only because these two things are practically identical in the collective subconscious?

Attached: elephant memory.jpg (527x991, 175K)

existential dread hasn't kicked in yet

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Cold winters. Plan ahead or die loser.

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So do elephants make their trumpet sound through their trunk or with their mouth?



Young animals (including humans) are naturally curious and adventurous, when they get older they just want to stay alive and keep the status quo

kys chink


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/pol/ brainwashing

Absolute chads.

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The adult male elephants aren't so cute if they go into Musth bros.

All animals are inherently terrorists.

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>5'11 vs 6'0

How much does the lil' guy weigh?

Attached: Elephant Stabs and Kills Buffalo.webm (854x480, 2.69M)


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it's actually through their ass


Lyuba a cute :3

another meaningless comment

What a fucking asshole.

Elephants look really weird

>tfw hippo's are just misunderstood

Attached: Hippo Dental Care.webm (854x480, 2.71M)

Attached: Hippo Bites Land Rover.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

Attached: Hippo and Croc.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

Attached: Hippo v lion.webm (888x500, 2.87M)

that lion has cute balls

most animals understand the concept of less and more

Did he died?

>lions become visibly nervous when the hippo starts biting the car

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Based Deviposter

Attached: lambnockeros.webm (720x404, 2.84M)

god, animals are so shit at everything

>drove literally all of them to extinction
is this peak cope?

Attached: gjahktapia.jpg (288x234, 42K)

Attached: elephant vs car.webm (656x448, 451K)

worst poster on this board.

based elephants showing streetshitters what happens when you're dumb enough to let giant wild animals live right next to you

Attached: elephant slides down to the river.webm (720x720, 1.06M)

There's that scene in The Jungle Book

$20 can get you one hell of a ride in Thailand

You should learn to find joy in the simple things, you miserable piece of shit

NO! He's having fun

Attached: elephant friend.webm (648x720, 2.93M)

Ding ding ding
This man gets it

>I like em big
>I like em chunky

Why is that river pig ignoring the lions??

>Animals live without sin
Animals regularly commit:

They also kill their own children pretty regularly


>In India, an elephant was helping locals lift logs by following a truck and placing the logs in pre-dug holes upon instruction from the mahout (elephant trainer). At a certain hole, the elephant refused to lower the log. The mahout came to investigate the hold-up and noticed a dog sleeping in the hole. The elephant only lowered the log when the dog was gone.
that elephant's name? Albert Einstein

Hippos have 2-inch think skin which accounts for a quarter of their body weight and is incredibly tough. It's enough to make them more or less impervious to smaller calibre gunfire, and lions have a hard time piercing it, let alone doing enough damage to bring one down. They'll only tend to go after younger and isolated hippos, and only then when they're pretty desperate as it's unlikely to work anyway and hippos are reasonably happy killing lions if they're bothering them (they drag them into the water).

Why does this look so uncanny?

imagine being such a soulless piece of shit
seek help


Fucking chimpanzees man, those things will fuck you up.
