Name a comfier movie
Name a comfier movie
The Sneed and the Chuck
Tokyo Drift
Eva a cute.
This movie made me wish I had friends that were a different race than me.
Why? I wish I only had white friends.
Ferris Bueller Jacks Off
Transporter 1
That asian girl's face bothers me
>introduce black character
>he's a joke and a thief
It was comfy. It was diversity done right. I'm sure real life is probably different sadly.
Yeah you got programmed from the goybox. I have nonwhite friends and they're cool and all but I'd much rather live with only whites.
Get some latino friends, they throw litty parties with good food
then let Ludacris be your avatar for the movie
How do you make latino friends?
stalk some cholos sister and eat her tuna for a month
By not being a buster.
I honestly can't
this, tokyo drift is the best fast and furious movie
It’s getting lame
Impossible if the first film exists
E J E C T O . . S E A T - O
4 is way too far down. That was good
I pretty positive you meant Transporter 3 and you're absolutely right. That movie unironically cured me from depression.
I think all of them except 7 are at least good
It's definitely the forgotten movie of the franchise.
I'd swap 6 with 7 but this is pretty accurate
its like the start of the Rock franchise but at least sort of subtle I think its better than soulless 8 easily
Every F&F fan should be grateful for Justin Lin
This is correct too. They might be dumb as fuck but still nice action in each of them
If you live in a mexican heavy area there's usually a few at the local bar after work
for me it's
2>3>5>1>>>>>>mexican pisswater that are unwatchable and i have no memory of those shitty movie.
reading people discussing the 4 and 6 being better than 7 is truely hillarious
because it's irrelevant, killing Lenny and then somehow she's alive but with amnesia, that was so fucking stupid, they shouldve used Leo from the first one in 6
You've already fucked up by not having number 1, peak fast and the furious
after three every car became very bland, the Lancer and the spyder in 2 were hideous though, but still memorable
litty bro's the shaw and hobbs movie thread is that way
nah the first one is allright but it's not really fun, the whole drama with the evidence poiting to the asian dude and OULALA turns out it's toreto, it's also very ugly.
2 3 and 5 are colorfull bromance with loud music, simple plot, sun, girl, ridiculous car, so fun movie entertaining and not pretending to be something else like the others from the franchise.
the 5 is a really good entertaining movie that turned the franchise around, and since it got so popular all the next movie were absolute dogshit that tried to make it serious and not fun.
because big studio exec are fucking retard
Tokyo Drift was good because it actually innovated. Fast Five was a good action movie but it left street racing behind
patrician answer, famalam.
I was too young when the first one came out and now having recently watched it I was wondering why the fuck would they want to steal some dvd players. Who the fuck would want those?
DVD players equal power on streets in 2000
it really is comfy. peak early 2000s aesthetics and soundtrack, incredibly soothing southern florida lighting. no vin diesel
T. Chuck
the only thing that ruins tokyo drift for me is that 30 year old bald motherfucker playing a teenager
>t. Clay
The man from Earth
Yeah but the first one has the most memorable scenes.
>bullshit, no one likes tuna here
>Dude I amost had you!
>You almost had me? You never had me! You never had your car!
Good shit. Was the ps2 game based on the first movie any good?
the first one is the best because the stakes are not very high. the second almost overdid it already which is why the rhird is better, brought the stakes down a bit again. after that the street racing was gone and the power creep was out of control. overall they're all comfy tho
i also forgot, the first one had the race wars. default win right there
TD>1>2>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else
Did this one even have Vin Disesel? The first one was 1 of like 6 movies I had on vhs as a kid so I watched it literally 100 times or so, but this sequel I only ever watched once or twice.
yes Vin was in the first one
>stare at these soulless characters for nearly two hours and hope some interesting car shows up
Nah pal, the first one is the best. Cheesy streetracing > weeaboo's wet dream drifting
this movie is boring and generic as fuck
is that guy related to johnny tran?
Anyone care to explain why Tokyo Drift is better than the first one?
>why the fuck would they want to steal some dvd players
Back in 2000. DVD player cost almost 1000 dollarinos.
It was part of the reason PS2 sold out on launch despite having no gaems.
Anyobe listen to the Sal and Q podcast where they watch the Fast and Furious movies? Pretty fun listening
>he didn't have that one kid in high school who was already balding
Vin Diesel isn't in the second film. And in third he only does a brief cameo. He is in every other part though.