Appears in only one (1) episode

>appears in only one (1) episode
>becomes more popular than most of the characters of the show (including asuka)

how did he do it

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Asuka is like the one character he isn't more popular than nowadays.

i wanna play with his benis so bad fellas

Kaworu fucking sucks and I hate him
Fuck the fujoshits

Kaworu's undiscriminating love reaches even the most jaded of us, OP.

yeah, i bet he sucks real good hmmh

anigay is trash fuck off back to or

>is the only character that isn't an asshole
wonder why he's so popular.


user, ask for thyself another kingdom

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>more popular than most of the characters of the show (including asuka)

You are delusional. He rarely, if ever, even gets mentioned in discussion or media within the fandom, and at that it's either only because of memes or because of gay pedophiles.

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Came here to post this

Don't forget
>reboots the whole universe just so he can win the Shinjibowl again

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Mate in the most recent census he's the 2nd most popular character

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should I bother with the next series?

Based Kaworu is so popular because he's literally the only character on the show who isn't an abject piece of shit.

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Because Kaworu is pure love. Not sexual or any of that shit, just love that is pure and unconditional.
Can you imagine someone telling you that they love you unconditionally?

>Because Kaworu is pure love. Not sexual or any of that shit, just love that is pure and unconditional.

I completely agree with you.

Frigg off
kaiji is based.

Yes, because I watched epaiode 24.

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Yes, because I frequently imagine it because I watched episode 24.

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It may be hard to imagine Kaworu's love because it's so foreign.
A partner's love isn't unconditional, because if you can't reciprocate or make them satisfied you break up.
Parents sometimes abandon their children.

The closest would probably be god's love, except you're given proof in person, then when you think about it, being loved and never being judged no matter what is a kind of love that is so pure and heartwarming you probably won't want anything else.
That's Kaworu's love, and that's why he's popular.

lmfao u r a wally mate

He's the most charismatic character

Kaji is kind of an asshole sometimes but overall a decent guy.
Shinji is not a piece of shit, he just has issues.
Rei isn't either as she's barely human in the first place.
Asuka isn't either since she's just fucked in the head.
Misato is arguably a piece of shit, but I'd say she's just a normal person in the end.
Fuyutsuki isn't since he's just some guy fixated on love that was never reciprocated anyway.
The Nerv staff is mostly comprised of fairly normal people by the show's standards.

Among the main cast, only Gendo is an actual, genuine asshole, and that's because he's just Shinji if Shinji had kept pushing others away for the entirety of his adult life.
Ristuko is also kind of a cunt but she's more pitiful than anything else.

>Asuka isn't either since she's just fucked in the head.
Being fucked in the head is no excuse to be rude.
Rei has the issue of identity crisis, and Shinji is fucked up, but they aren't as rude as Assuka

Kaworu is the guest star in the last act who's paid a few million just to show up and wink at the camera

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Nah he wanted to do gay buttsex on him lol

Asuka is rude for understandable reasons, her mother seriously fucked up her view of personal relationships. I agree that she's a very unpleasant person to be around but I wouldn't call her a piece of shit since she's not fundamentally bad.

Absolutely BASED Kaworu BTFOing thots left and right for 25 years straight, one of the very few male characters I'd go gay for and that says a lot.

He represents the perfect archetype of the bro, in an Ancient Greece way.

Wrong, he mostly has fans among the male audience.

>Asuka got 10x as many votes as Rei
Literally impossible this shit was brigaded

I'm a contrarian so the fact that Rei is less popular makes me happy

>becomes more popular than most of the characters of the show (including asuka)

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