What was your favorite alternate earth?

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The one where I have a gf haha

lottery world was pretty perfect

user...i don't know to tell you this, but i ran the calculations and it doesn't look like that one exists. i know it seems impossible, out of literally infinite realities, somehow that never happens, but the data doesnt lie

The one where Wade acted like a complete cunt and ruined her character because the writers wanted to make her a feminist mouthpiece for an episode

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was sliders dare I say it based and redpilled?

perhaps. remember the one where Mexicans took over?

Gender swap world obviously.

came here to post lottery world

Like let's get on this lottery world shit. It would solve everything.

Hmmmm The Bubble World Quinn and Maggy lived in. The Dino World. Would take a few lads and females to set up a colony in Scottland in the Highlands.

That episode was a nightmare. Worse than the communist take over episode. Made me sick then. Makes me more sick now

someone start posting them

you know what im talking about.

I fucking hated Wade. More so in that episode. However her final episode, the clip episode one was really good. The one in Season 5. Where Remi took over as the leader. Best Season on my opinion

season 5 is unwatchable, are you crazy?

I want to study you. What other opinions do you have?

non-squeaky gate universe

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isn't that every episode?

you wanna go to the world with the sex camps

Nah, in most episodes she was just the 90s "sidekick chick" who did enough to make her seem competent and nothing else. Only in a few episodes did the fag writers turn her into Feminazi Wade who Hates Men and thinks they should be exterminated

>the one where he lands in his house to find everything absolutely perfect, except that there are no donuts. He screams and slides to the next dimension, while the camera lingers in this dimension, a character indicates that it’s raining, the camera pans to look out the window and donuts are raining from the sky

not a bad choice


How is there a contest?
There actually was a world where men were rare and used for breeding by the female overloads.

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What was that again?

lottery tickets cost negative money and if you win they euthanize you. population is kept in check and there is no poverty because that problem solves itself

The one where the professor invents penicillin is pretty kino, I miss a little sci-fi in shows, even though it's basic, it worked.

also blue golden gate bridge.

Season 4 was the worse. Season 3 was God awful. The professors episode and the introduction of Maggie is probably your favorite. Oh wait is the zombie one or the vampire one. Or how about the lipshitz one from Season 3. Season 2 was and 1 were kino. But Season 5 felt like just a chill no bullshit season. It wasnt as good as Season 2 but it was good for Remi to be granted leadership and see what he did with it. Mallory was ok. Diana was good. Maggie, I grew to like. The 2 guys and 2 girls dynamic worked best. Now go fuck yourself. Fucking loser

The one where men were a resource and were treated like top quality breeders. I don't know how that would be a losing scenario world.

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This so much this

>No original castmember except Rembrant who had nothing else except sliders
>u-uh it's them just in different bodies
Fuck off, at least season 4 had Jerry O'Connell

And it became the Quinn Mallory Show feat Farmboy and Friends. Season 4 fucking reeked. The worst season in the entire shows run. Quinn had a brother and they were from an alternate Earth pfft haha that was laughable then as it is now. Wade turned into a breeder. Earth Prime was conquered. Maggie and Quinns will they wont they. Dude I bet your like The Last Jedi and Captain Marvel too. Eat shit you fucking loser.

Whait, this show was real? I thought I dreamed it as a kid. For some reason they creeped me out. There were some giant worms and canibals in old factory.

They tried to do what the first two seasons did, unlike season 3 which was just "Let's rip off a popular movie per episode." Kinda lame sure, but certainly better than 3 or 5. Only the first two seasons are legit good

Everybody is allowed a few unpopular choices.Season 5 I get was hated. I don't know why I felt it was the opposite for me. Season 4 I was about to give up on Sliders till the Season finale. Colin never found his stride. He always seem stupid and stiff. The Slide Cage Episode was the best of that season. When the suits at fox wanted to make Sliders a more action orientated show as opposed to a sci fi. Was the beginning of the end. Sci fi let Jerry do whatever he wanted for Season 4. Season 5 felt like a fresh start. Also to see Remi step up the way he did after being the token black dude for 4 seasons felt nice.

I used to watch and really enjoyed the show. Then I think I stopped watching for a while for some reason. When I came back all of the cast was gone and there was some weird overarching plot about cavemen. What happened to the original cast and what was the caveman stuff about?

>that season 1 episode where the original Based Professor was left behind and the grumpy cunt one went with the team.

Still not happy.

The Kromags were introduced in Season 2. They were Humans but evolved different on a alternate earth that develop slide technology. They gave Rembrandt a tracking device to locate Quinn's homeworld to invade. They were all but forgotten in Season 3 when Rickman became the main villain for the final half of Season 3. It was supposed to be Quinn twin from The first half of season 3 but he and her didn't have any chemistry according to the producers. Rickman was killed off in Season 3. Season 4 made the Kromags into Interdimensional Nazis. The sci-fi channel overhauled their whole look and back story. They found Quinns earth through Remi and Invades. Quinn and Magi rescued Remi from Earth Prime but couldn't save Wade in time. Remi spent the season dealing with PTSD. Quinn had a brother and they were both from the same earth as the Kromags. Maggie was just eye candy and along for the ride. By Season 5 they ditched the Kromags as they overhauled the show. Jerry walked because he wanted more power. He took hos brother with him. Remi stayed with Maggie. The gave Wade story closure. Put Quinn in the body of his double from another Earth to help him walk again. Made Londo from B5 the main villain. Made Diana who was Londos assistant the new resident genius. Thus is S5. They tried to force Sci fi channels hand in green lighting a season 6. Which is why it was left on a cliffhanger. But sci fi said fuck you. Season 6 and 7 is carried over to fan fiction website which a bunch of us chose to make canon as it wrapped up the series.

That is one clusterfuck of a plot.

Too tired to green text but that's the best I can summarize it.

The one where the Jews were gone and for some reason there was world peace.