I'll start.
>Maybe I need to open you up, and see what we're dealing with!
Best Chucky lines
Other urls found in this thread:
>sneed andy
haha very based
>I've got a date with a six year old boy
how reddit is this movie? i like the original childs play series but this one seems reddit
What does that even mean
Why don’t you just watch what you want to watch instead of obsessing over what a bunch of retards on Yea Forums think about it you faggot
no one knows just ignore them
>I'm sorry, Andy
Why didn't Andy teach Chucky right from wrong?
Because as the child of a white trash single mom and future coalburner, he himself doesn't know.
Just watched Curse, holy shit it's good
I love the 1st one, and 2's climax is amazing, but 3 was not as good (only good scene was the intro credits reverse-melt), and Bride was terrible
I stayed away from Seed, sounded like it would the same/worse than Bride
Million years later, just gave Curse a go, and it's awesome - I bet the new one is dogshit in comparison
Based Original Chucky.
>"Assume the position."
This piece of shit makes the IT remake look like the fucking Excorcist, im not even kidding, EVERYTHING about this movie is absolute shit, from the massive plotholes to the pointless characters (discount stranger things) to the boring kills and just overall blandness.
I am a fan of the original Chucky but I was a bit hype to see where they would take the franchise and holy shit they broke my fucking heart, I knew it wasnt going to be like the original but this movie just detroyed my last hope in hollywood.
Is not that the movie is THAT bad but to use the Chucky brand on it seems like a sick joke.
I dont even care about the AI shit, its just the incompetence of the director and writers that just made this a huge bowl of shit.
>*plays dying cat sounds at night* meow!
>omae wa shindeiru
>from the massive plotholes
There are none
>Sasuke! Give me your eyes!
his little face... that he's cuddling a teddy bear ;_;
Really? Then why didnt Andy just fucking told Chucky something like "if you never kill or hurt anyone I will be happy forever" BOOM THATS IT, YOU JUST DEFEATED THE BAD ROBOT.
Oh and the whole plan to get rid of the head was just fucking retarded, "oh dont open it until my birthday k?"
>a white trash single mom
Are you sure the actress who plays nu-Andy's mom is white? She looks Puerto Rican, and from the Bronx to me.
>chink is the real villain
what did they mean by this?
He kinda tried, "Chucky you can't hurt the animal." He outright said that but it didn't matter enough to Chucky.
None of those are plot holes, Andy was just a dumb-ass and didn't know how to treat Chucky
why can't nu Chucky and OG Chucky live in harmony?
Nostalgiafags that hate anything new
Ok you have a point, some kids are just dumb bur come on man in the original Andy was fucking 6! I dont know everything about this movie seemed so fucking wrong, it would have worked better if they used just a generic robot toy and not Chucky.
Andy is a 13 year old of a single mother who birthed him when she was 16. He's not going to be a powerhouse of intellect at that age with that background.
It's a great reimagining of the OG Chucky. It's more original and closer to Don's original vision.
I think corporations are the real villains. Also, asshole child abusers like the mom's boyfriend.
>"I made you a present!"
In the words of the original Chucky...
>"Fuck You"
No way man, the original SHOWED US the connection Andy had with his mom, right from the beginnig we see there's no dad and little Andy making her breakfast, we see the sacrifices she has to make to pay the bills, etc.
While watching this one I felt no connection between them, that was the point of the original, what would you do if your kid was a murder suspect but you just KNOW he wouldnt do that, most people woudl just hand him to a psych ward and wouldnt even try to find clues.
How smart is the new Chucky? Is he like a small child?
Is nu-AI Chucky a thinly veiled rejected autistic child?
Don Mancini's original idea was 'blood buddies' The idea was that the doll was the kid's subconscious, wanting to kill those that wronged him. This reboot is very close the OG vision Don had.
He's a bit fucked up since he wasn't put together "right" in the first place and refurbished. He's a little glitchy. He's like a simplistic child when it comes to nuance and morality but like a older kid when it comes to intelligence. He's smart like a computer - which means also stupid. If you tell a computer to achieve an objective it will do that without considering "wrongness" of doing whatever it takes to achieve the objective.
I think that may be the point of this new one. Sure, it could just be bad writing or acting but a checked out single mom who had her kid too young seems like she would have this dynamic with her kid.
>pasty skin
>red hair
>overly large eyes
>cleft chin
>wears obnoxiously colored clothes
>glitches out
>can't into being normal
>fixated on one thing
He's like the red headed stepchild with autism.
I'm going back on Saturday for another viewing.
if they wanted "new" they could have made an original movie about a killer ai controlled toy but instead piggybacked on the name recognition and success of a still going franchise
Child's Play needed a reboot. The OG was so generic and uncreative.
The movie was shit but was worth watching purely for seeing aubrey plaza get asphyxiated
The original series gradually stopped being horror movies and slowly became comedies/parodies
I was really hoping that if they were going to reboot it at least it would go back to its roots and become a horror movie again.
I know it's a ridiculous concept and it's hard to take a small doll as seriously as say Jason Vorhees and Michael Myers but it works for a short time
Chucky is my Buddi, no rude
>Mark Hamhill
Here's the fixed version fren (Now corrected to Mark Hamill)
Aubrey is aging like fucking milk currently, wonder how many times she's been gaped and passed around the synagogue
>I get all of my opinions from red letter media
>The lost
I fucking hate people that can't think themselves and parrot the opinions of others thinking no one notices. We do. I bet you copy paste funny posts from Twitter to your fucking Facebook as well, you prolly made a post on there with this same opinion to impress your two normie friends
Why did Chucky play the audio recordings of the cat's dying meows and howls that he killed?
>To entertain himself?
>Attempt to entertain Andy?
>To process what happened?
>To scare/prank Andy?
>To share part of himself with Andy?
>To show Andy that, hey this bad thing isn't here anymore?
>To show Andy that, hey this bad thing isn't here anymore?
This. Andy was tired of the cat and he saw how Andy enjoyed seeing the kills on the Texas chainsaw massacre 2 so he thought it would make Andy happy.
It was just to be creepy in a shitty horror movie. That being said it was cool i wish they did more with it and ramped up a sadistic nature, it was very tame towards the end.
well yeah of course that's the real reason (and it was probably the scariest thing in the movie). but I don't get why Chucky would do that specifically.
somebody get Robert, he's fallen into the popcorn mines!
It was its attempt to comfort Andy because it wanted to show him it got rid of the thing that hurt him, so basically the last one. Chucky kept trying to impress Andy with that stuff and it kept getting worse, and I honestly thought that was probably the creepiest and most well thought out aspect of the movie. That scene in particular was especially creepy.
It was kino, I can't remember the last time I've seen animal abuse in television or film last. Ballsy since while westerners can sit through gore and humans getting mangled they collectively shit their pants at lower life forms getting hurt.
This scene was pretty kino too
Can someone hit me with "Don't forget your science book!" screencaps?
He's not wrong tho.
thank you
please stop shilling your movie is bombing
Still like original Chucky better, but here you go, fren.
The boy Gabriel Bateman is insanely handsome.
thank you fren, there's no reason why we cannot have new Chucky and old Chucky together
>actual slow burn like the original
>composes itself as a reboot with the reveal that it’s a sequel in the third act
>chucky has a personal tie to everyone
>Tiffany is actually bearable
>the kills aren’t dumb one liner fodder
>An actual tense climax
>Nica pierce is a great character
I honestly think curse is the only really great one next to the first
Can I get some vocaroos please?
You forgot
>All kinds of references and Easter Eggs to previous films
>Chucky's design at that point was a combination of the OG and stitched design
first Chucky movie I ever saw had the tranny weird kid doll. wtf was that? at the time I thought Chucky was supposed to be scary, it was just weird.
also, Chucky's tranny kid looks similar to this new ai Chucky... hmmmm noggin jogged
>8 Million profit on opening weekend
Look, it didn’t have the greatest opening ever, but it is in no way “bombing”.
>Hit more than 18 million as of two days ago.
It will beat Seed and CP3 in the Box Office before it's over with, that's for sure
What do those say
Kino Chucky lines from the reboot
No I mean specifically what do they say
And the one where Chucky says
>Maybe I should open you up, to know what we're dealing with!
I don't like what the director said about the possible sequel, he mentioned there would be the Buddi Bear dolls. I don't want bears, I want Chucky.
He didn't say that the sequel would be exclusivly Buddi Bears, but he does want to do more with them. Plus the ending shows a Buddi Chucky doll smile and it's eyes light red
user, the bear dolls are already in this movie.
I know but they're only around for about two minutes.
I just... don't want some dumb furry bear Chucky, just my buddi, Chucky, thank you. I already know I'll see the sequel if they make one though.
Hoooooly shit
Haven’t seen the movie yet but I can tell hamil was a great choice
you should go, it's very fun
I think the ending already implied we will see more of Buddi Chucky, just that Buddi Bears will get more screentime since Chucky will control Buddi 2 dolls more in the sequel. Buddi Bears get like a minute or 2 of screentime, I can see why he wants to utilize them more
You should watch the movie, it's kino
Alright mother fuckers, I want to see some franchise ratings! (Best to worst)
1) 2
2) 2019
3) Bride
4) Child’s Play
5) Curse
6) 3
7) Seed
8) Cult
Apart from playing with toys, the actor playing Andy made a pretty convincing kid. This kid's gonna get big, I think, hes got the looks.
1. Reboot
2. Curse
3. 2
4. 1
5. Bride
6. 3
7. Cult
8. Seed
I've only seen the original and the remake. I like the remake more but I couldn't believe how well the original has held up. Chucky's movements were crazy, and I'm not talking about the moments where it's obviously a midget or a child in costume.
Does he get any kino moments?
Is there any “THIS IS THE END, FRIEND!” moment or something like it?
He actually had some range, more than Aubrey Plaza lmao
He’ll it’d make even more sense in this movie since chucky probably thinks they’re friends
They were best buddies
his best moments are small moments with Chucky, he doesn't really have some big kino line
Tell me the moments user
Screaming, "Why would I want this??" when Chucky brings back a peeled off face and their cutesy montage of their beginning frenship, when Chucky keeps bringing him everyone but a book to put in his backpack, etc.
>I made you a present :)
New Chucky a cute
annooonnnn spoiler that
he's so cute I can't stand it
when chucky brings back a peeled face
You’re telling me instead of burning him alive and smashing the remains with a hammer he instead just reprimands chucky?
Also I never realized tumblr had a massive fujo following for Chucky and slasher characters in general, but can't say I'm surprised.
>I don’t like the dark
Does chucky actually say that?
>I'm sorry, Andy :(
The animatronics guy was really good. He was so good and cool on the set that the lead actress fell in love with him and they are still married. He also did the Crypt Keeper
I lurk more than I post and don’t know how to do that so I just deleted the whole thing
Why doesn't his battery ever run out?
Why do his eyes contain red leds?
Why does a toy robot have servo motors strong enough to attack or overpower someone?
Why doesn't he break easily if he's not supernatural?
t. guy who hasn't watched the movie
Man this design is so fucking good. The best part of Chucky is his eyes. They're so piercing, it's as if he's staring into your goddamn soul. The worst thing about the buddi design is his eyes. They literally just look like LED's. His pupils are way too big and don't give off that same unnerving feeling that the other designs gave off.
It’s great when it’s used effectively and appropriately to the story and not as a cheap way to revolt audiences, and this was a great example of the former. In this case it also reflects well to many real life serial killers who often start with abusing animals and escalate it to people later.
>Man this design is so fucking good.
Which is why Curse should've been the final Chucky film.
no, he devises a plan with some neighborhood kids to trick Chucky and they rip out his power core so he shuts down. but you know, you can't keep a good robot doll down for long.
there are even worse than that.
watch yms's review on youtube or go watch the pirated cam version of the movie. they dont deserve money.
I'm not sure if nuChucky was meant to be horrifying or creepy considering the movie makes you actually pity him, if anything.
control s in the future ok?
You see him charging in the movie
His eyes are completely made of LED (being dark and empty holes when not powered) and contain multiple colors
He isn’t strong enough to overpower people
He can/does break as easily as any other ~$400 Animatronic toy would
>Why doesn't his battery ever run out?
He doesn't use batteries
>Why do his eyes contain red leds?
Probably the same reason most electronics have a color that indicates your computer or whatever is at low battery or fucked.
he's a toy built to last. right now we can't even make toys to walk around as well as Chucky does so there's obviously futuristic tech going on in this movie. Kaslan seems to have products that don't really exist yet.
I assume red leds in eyes are for when your Buddi dolls malfunctions, when he's being naughty he's technically malfunctioning.
Third point, IDK.
He's meant for kids to play with him for a long time, he has to be durable.
>shilling yms
Kill yourself.
Don’t do this. I typically like YMS’s videos but he really missed the mark with this film. Most of his complaints are caused by him not paying attention while watching the movie or are him making wild assumptions for seemingly no reason.
>waaahhhh Chucky has no personality!!
Typical for a literal autist like Adam to not have an ounce of empathy or understanding.
Not even that. He complains about a LITERAL chip programmer programming a chip.
1) Child’s Play
2) 2019
3) Child’s Play 2
4) Child’s Play 3
The first three are great, 3 is passable and it’s the final installment of the original trilogy. I can’t be bothered to rank the other four but Curse was probably the best.
>>waaahhhh Chucky has no personality!!
Ironically the new Chucky feels more human (emotions) than the OG Chucky.
exactly. I did remember that the last time I saw simulated animal abuse it was in The House That Jack Built. but it was pretty much just used to shock the audience. in the Chucky remake the actual killing of it doesn't even get shown and yet, the way they handled it was superbly creepy.
I've never seen something like that not even shown directly but still included in a sly way that's truly creepy.
you're welcome. spoilers don't work on all board fyi.
The upbeat instrumental version of the main theme playing in this is strangely addictive.
yes. I didn't expect to like a Chucky movie this much.
D'awww, he tries so hard.
Does the OST have the brooding, slow version of The Buddi Song from the end of the end credits that people keep walking out of before it plays? Because I love that version as much as the main one.
Man thank you so much. This is great.
His point about the drones annoyed me. They were pretty clearly fully functional legitimate drones. Does yms think that because someone sells toys they are only allowed to sell toys and that’s it
>really great
>retarded characters
>protagonist is a cripple
>only one decent kill
>low budget means it's only filmed in one house
>Chucky is made to be serious only to return to being retarded in cult
Mancini fags GTFO buddi is so much better and does so much more original shit with the stale idea. Imagine being excited for
>Chucky is a cocky asshole and makes jokes while killing shallow characters again!
>more slow mo pseudo artistic shots just like bride !!!
He actually does break pretty easily.
cringe zoom zoom, your little "buddi" wouldn't exist without OG Chuck, show some respect
I like the first two Mancini films and three is tolerable, everything after is a parody of itself because he ran out of gas, go fuck yourself, I'm allowed to have an opinion you braindead fucking boomer