Democratic Debate (Televised)

>hey white boy
>remember 40 years ago when you fought for black rights?
>well you didn't fight hard enough
>I'm black by the way
What the fuck was her problem?

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She looks like a ligh skinned samoan/hawaian

she's less likable than hillary and all people could complain about was why Hillary was not likable in 2016 and russians

She sent people to prison for weed.

Her parents are an Indian and a Jamaican. Just like Obama she is a fake African American.

Good. Cry more druggie nigger apologist

She shares the exact first and last name of WWE legend Kamala (Harris), the Ugandan Giant from Deepest Darkest Africa.

she also slept her way to the top with some 60 year skeletor. disgusting

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>all people could complain about
Not her disastrous record as foreign secretary, or silencing women who were abused by her husband or impunity to the criminal justice system despite people being charged for the exact same thing she did?

You could see the serious dismay on Biden’s face as he realized he was working for the wrong side his whole career


wtf i love her now

whats the point of a debate if the participants share the same opinions on almost everything and shout at anyone who doesn't?

H-How could Yang betray us bros? I taught he was one of us? ;_;

Fuck this shit

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>Yea Forums - Television & Film
>Televised event

>trusting a chink

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The peer pressure is real.

To see how diverse they are, obviously.

That girl on the bus? Albert Einstein

>dude give free shit to people who aren't even citizens of the fucking country
How the fuck does anyone rationalize this?

To see who shouts the loudest obviously.

she's not even american black she's carribiena lol.

Registering as a Democrat now

Is it weird if you find Kamala Harris hot?

They pay sales tax.

Ok retards lets do the same for alcohol and tobacco. Get in the cell

what? lyla storm is a politician now?

makes you look good, and it's not everyone else's money you're spending so it's cheap and easy

wtf I'm going to vote for Kamala now

so do tourists, should we cover them as well?

what kind of retard question is that?
>no, we shouldn't allow emergency health services to help some guy who just got his leg mangled by his exploitative bosses shitty threshing machine at the farming job he's doing for $5 an hour
The sad thing is retard hicks & white trash would rather die themselves for curable diseases than vote to have a country where they'd get proper healthcare just in case a mexican got the bed next to them.

>you now remember when the democratic party used to be for the working white man
what went so terribly wrong?

Contain your asspain, reddit. This is actually on topic.

Only 1 relevant libfu this election

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She's right, you know.

But muh socialism reee

-minimum wage
-labor laws
-Anti trust

>TELEVISED debates
You lose, shitbiscuit.

what’s the matter,


That low quality post didn't have any (you)s and you fucked it up.

she was right though

I know you're a fucking spic. Fuck you don't ever reply to me ever again

I don't think anyone here is old enough to remember that

Why are you making things up and beating one strawmen? No one is refused emergency medical care. But there's no way in hell we should be giving illegal fucking aliens full service healthcare on our legal citizen dime, you mongoloid simp.

Zion don is not a friend of the right wing

wow they’ll give me anything I want?

oh wait, I’m not a nigger, a faggot, or here illegally

That's basically what more or less every other developed nation does.