>zombie outbreak
>military gets overrun
>civilization collapses
Would this really happen in real life?
Zombie outbreak
>zombie outbreak
just wear metal armor.
Return of the living dead is the worst. You can't really kill or burn them. You'd have to put them all in cement at the bottom of the ocean and hope it doesn't leak or shoot them into space or something.
Zombies aren't real dude
it's impossible in American due to guns
*spits blood at you*
maybe in the UK with their cute teeny tiny little army
disease control is really a joke
Yes, they are. Cope.
Imagine UK ""army"" versus return of the living dead zombies
It'd be a fucking comedy to see fuckers who can't even deal with knife wielding foriegners deal with nearly unkillable running zombies
>run out of water
>run out of oil
>chop down all forests
>pollute beyond recovery
those are realistic scenarios
no in reality they would just bomb the shit out of wherever it started and kill everyone there before it can spread
are we talking like an airborne mad cow disease? Yeah possibly any other type of zombie no.
16 years old would easily deal with them and have fun at the same time.
Like in the sequel?
That's not really how it happened, a lot of people did escape and civilization didn't really collapse. Also, they weren't zombies.
Shit. Are we talking about general zombie outbreaks or the zombies from 28 days later?
while they can bomb the shit out of anything incredibly fast they have a ton of red tape to get through., plus all the incubation period and diagnostic time before they figure out they need to bomb. Thats like a month of potentially infected people traveling around the world.
If it was like in 28 days later the actual zombie shit would be less of a problem and the spread of infection would be the real worry. Its like ebola but it chases you around
not in america also I don't leave the house so there's no way I'd get turned
vacation time
This. Only the UK got isolated.
The thing about the 28 days later virus is that it spreads fast but the infected only last a couple of weeks alive since they die from starvation.
The infected in the movie were like recent ones at that time.
Nah. Zombies are shit one tank division could kill 1 million zombies.
Wow, it really is true. You Americans actually are fucking dumb.
>mfw they're all happening right now
And there were very few infected overall too, partially because a lot of people escaped and because a lot of them already starved to death. Compared to the number of people living in a place like London there were nearly no infected.
guns vs biting people
gee i wonder who will win
someone post the webm of 11 UK “cops” trying to take down a bum wielding a pipe