Do I look old? Or do they just call all men sir?
I’m 23 and everyone keeps calling me “sir”
They think you’re gay.
That's just regular manners. Sir doesn't imply that you're old. Indians have a thing for calling people "sir" excessively though.
So do southerners
You're a man user
What dose this even have to do with movie??
Am I the man?
It’s because they were raised by boomers
They think you're an upstanding gentleman, like the knights of old
you look old i'm 33 and got called sir for the first time last week
Is it ma'am?
have sex incel freak
>tfw 30 and people think im like 24 all the time
You forgot to ask for kinos for that feel.
Same age and two weeks ago Wawa cashier's kept wishing my a happy Father's day. I'm not even a dad.
All Hispanics call me sir. I don't know why but I like it.
people start having kids younger than that
You carry yourself like an autist.
>almost 30
>people call me "bud"
That means they are treating you like you are an adult.
My 22nd birthday is next week and I've never kissed a girl or had sex.
One of these two.
Does it still count if I didn't consent?
I'm 31 and get called young man
I'm 6'4" skelly mode
Lol yeah right, can you imagine?
You can do it user. I'm a complete sperg and even I have.
>tfw 35 and ppl think I'm a teenager
I'm 36 and most of my peers have kids entering middle school. I still live with my parents.
>tfw I'm 26 and old people call me "buddy"
It's too late and I'm way too far behind in the game. I've accepted my fate. Besides, girls don't want to fuck a virgin.
lol basically same. cheers?
lol i noticed people starting to call me sir more once I turned 24, I get it more and more every year.
>t. 28
>tfw 25 and people call me "loser who can't get a girlfriend and is a total disappointment and I wish he was never born"
Oh wait, that's just what my parents call me.
>not "losers who couldn't keep their pants on"
tell your mom ppl call you the load she should've swallowed. ask why she didn't.
>tfw 25 and still get called lil' fella
>tfw 30 and girls call me "Hon" and "Cutie" in front of my gf
Women are evil dude, they know that shit is gonna make her mad or start a fight, just soulless demons.
>tfw my gf calls other guys "Hon" and "Cutie" in front of me
You guys told me everything would be better if I had sex.
Beat her until she knows better. My favorite thing to hit my gf with is a tennis ball in a tube sock. You can really wail on a broad with one of those and get your aggression out while hurting her but not risking killing her.
31 and thought I look pretty good for my age. But I work retail and more and more people have been asking me If I'm the manager. I havent noticed me looking older in the mirror though...but I guess I wouldnt notice the changes. Also noticed that younger girls aren't hitting on me nearly as much as they used to.
Too bad, I was hoping that I could hold onto my youthful looks for a few more years and try to get a younger qt perma gf/wife. Guess I waited too long. Maybe Ill try nofap and see if that gives me a more "vibrant" look that people anecdotally say they have.
How did you manage it user?