Why do zoomers think this is a masterpiece?
Why do zoomers think this is a masterpiece?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a gay sex thing.
Because zoomers and an African American was in it so it automatically is a 10/10 for some strange, racist reason
>Muh Diversity
Solved that conundrum for you user.
Because it’s the first Spider-Man film since the Raimi films that have developed characters and heart to it.
It was a clever rebranding attempt by Sony to draw in fresh interest among the zoomers and demographics not usually into Spiderman.
>hey kids! We got cute weeb Spidergirl! We have happenin, hip hop black Spiderman! We have a Spidergirl!
Do zoomers really believe that? Last I checked it was all literal boomer and Xer critics that believed that.
If a black was spiderman, he'd just use the super powers to steal jordan's and lincoln MKZs. Search your heart, you know it to be true.
Homecoming is the superior Spider-Man film. This cartoon shit is for kids.
because they grew up with the MCU shit
>new and innovative art blending animation and comics style
>only existing good movie about multiverse
>humor isn't made of stupid quips
>villain isn't some dumbass with generic take over the world motivation but stays true to the comics Fisk
>killer ost
Take your pick. Some faggots here hate it because the MC is a nigger
fuck off shill
idk bro spiderman overrated anyways. Give me kino keanu dodging bullets and dudes in shades and trenchcoats fighting clones. Now THATS my capeshit son.
because they dont know who Spiderman is
It has the best I.e only not totally garbage miles so theres that
>This cartoon shit is for kids
As opposed to the capeshit for adults?
Imagine being such a faggot that you pretend your capeshit is more "adult" then any other.
>five producers
>literally all of them are jews
I’ve never seen this happen with any other movie.
I don't care I'm just a neet who faps to peni parker and for that it's a 10/10
They were told to.
Don't ask questions, just consume product, then get excited for next product.
Groid spiderman and YAAS QUEEN SLAAAAY, that's why.
because the main character is black and his love interest is a blonde white girl, more like into the BLACKEDverse
Yeah my little brother and all his friends liked it a ton
You didn't watch the movie so why should anyone listen to you?
>watch only a couple of the nominees
>think that makes you qualified to vote on an entire category
Because it presents a slick and energetic remix of the well worn Spider-Man mythology that manages to modernize and build upon it in a way no movie since the Raimi trilogy has done.
>You didn't watch the movie so why should anyone listen to you?
I haven't seen this gif in 3 or 4 years
Because I want to fuck Penny
White guilt cucks cheering that an iconic white character was blacked because they secretly crave nigger cock and hate their Fathers while blacks can't create superhero's of their own and were ecstatic that they were able to steal one through affirmative action while the whole endeavor was enabled by Feminazi Amy Pascal who's a slithering kike pushing SJW politics!!!FACT!!!
>Homecoming is the superior Spider-Man film. This cartoon shit is for kids.
100% objectively correct!!!FACT!!!
It's based how the board's beginning to use /int/ memes and trannies aren't adapted for them yet since it's new to them
Call 911 you're overdosing on red pills
I thought it was so they could get the public used to the idea of there being more than one Peter Parker so they could make their own Spider-Man films without having to coordinate with Marvel/Disney while also having Miles as a back-up in case that didn’t work
>take 3D models
>animate them at 15fps
>looks like dogshit
I don't understand how people watch this shit.
It was good. You're all cunts
>We have happenin, hip hop black Spiderman!
Actually sad that this is enough to draw today's white kids.
Yea Forums's contrarianism is unbearable sometimes
Homecoming was a glorified Disney Afterschool Made For TV movie. And it sucked. Are you claiming FACT because you're debating between controlled diarrhea vs incontinent diarrhea? And no, I'm not defending Spiderverse, I'm never going to watch it. But Homecoming sucked balls.
cringe but redpilled
The movie was extremely solid and it’s amazing that it didn’t end up as a shit show. The only real “complaint” is affirmative action Spider-Man. I can’t stand black washing but the movie is good in spite of that.
I don't know. This isn't better Aquaman. And everyone hated Aquaman because it was fucking retarded like this shit.
they watched too much of the japanese cartoons and read too many of the paper cartoons you know the ones
>Why do zoomers think this is a masterpiece?
Because it's.
Let me get in your level
It's millennials gushing over it.
They don't. Man-child millennials think it's a masterpiece. Zoomers are too preoccupied with video games to care about movies.
That's how the Oscars work, especially best animated.
>Well I didn't see any of them, but my kid seemed to like X/ I've heard of X/ my cousin has stakes in the company that made X so I'll vote for that
Film geeks like superficially compost plots and obvious subtext. This pandered to them hard.
Homecoming was fucking trash garbage
They stole spidergwen's tits and ass and made her very plain.
It was really fucking good considering the shit Sony was pumping out.
The artstyle I'd great and the sound design as well.
>can't handle seeing non whites on a movie
NIGGERS is why
no but really it's ight, bbut not really that good, but good enough that the kids dig it and are like BURH MULATOO WHO LIKES WHITE GIRLS AND RAP
I just asked my 10 year old brother and he said that the animation was amazing and that Miles was really cool
>I can’t stand black washing but the movie is good in spite of that.
But black spiderman is an actual character in the comics
in what world would seth rogen be a fucking jockey he's a fat sasquatch
Because the primary audience for it is this.
Literally just finished watching it. Its comparatively unique to modern capeshit, but I did feel that the multiverse element was really underutilized.
based, redpilled and /thread
y'all take off your hater glasses and enjoy the stellar animation
>It was a clever rebranding attempt
No, it's not. It's incredibly lazy.
It’s very good. I’m excited to rewatch it on 4k blu ray w/ a good tv. But it’s not perfect the way some make it out to be
capeshit is for kids you fucking retard. also it is the best spiderman moie objectively everyone agrees but you faggots
ralph breaks the internet was okay at best and reeked of sequel you faggot isle of dogs was boring and looked like shit i neer heard of mirai but its almost certainly unwatchable weebshit
I'd put this above Incredibles 2 desu senpai
At least this user admits that's what makes him so reee
Homecoming was a terrible characterization of Spider-Man
ok you wanna shoehorn a nigger as a main character? fine, but at least make his love interest black too, what, are black girls not good enough?
This movie is pretty good desu
We do?
Because it's the only good capeshit to come out in almost 20 years.
He has his own comic series you triple retard thats not shoehorning him into the moive.
>/pol/ mad at a canonical version of spiderman that's existed for years just cause he's black/hispanic
yall are fuckin retarded. also if you didnt like isle of dogs you literally have shit taste.
nigger spider-man
that's it
He was created as part of the early era of SJW diversity/replacement in comics.
The fact that it is now years-old at this point is completely irrelevant. Trayvon Martin-inspired black Superman has also "existed for years" at this point. That doesn't make it not garbage.
Its kino because its an actual film.
It has setups, payoffs, themes, humor, drama, action, slapstick, and most of all, an artistic vision. While Homecoming was alright, it wasn't a spiderman film by any means really, and just like anything else in the MCU, its just a chapter in a giant book.
Who does he replace?
Not even raid likes black spiders. Good riddance
>Why didn't you send Salim?
>Salim was deported yesterday, man
How did Raimi get away with it?
movie's already aged like milk bc of shitty soundtrack
You contrarian numb skulls.
the writer wrote miles morales for his two black children you dipshit
I think I got to the point where the kid went to his uncles house and turned it off. I can't stand listening to black people talk. It actually triggers me at this point.
He really felt that one user! now you can rest easy tonight knowing that your dad really IS proud of you!
Did you try having sex
>some crooked teeth Brit butchering a Jew York accent
Reminder that one on Yea Forums has actually watched this movie and get all of their information on it from racebait threads where they post blacked porn.
Miles was created by a literal kike obsessed with replacing white heroes with niggers to replace Peter Parker after he killed him off. In fact he even brings Peter back to life to tell Miles how much of a better spider-man than him he is and to fuck his girlfriend. Just because he’s been around for years doesn’t automatically make him good, in fact it just shows that the comics industry deserves to crash and burn. Kill yourself cuck enabler
I will only have sex with Brie Larson. None other will do.
Isle of Dogs was kino
its not choppy faggot
no he wrote miles for his two black children you fucking idiot
why shes hideous and a terrible feminazi
you mean his wife and DeShaun's two black children lol
imagine being a mass replying redditor faggot
what do you think that smells like bros?
I guess I have a fetish for dykes, tomboys and man-hating women. Its like I want to dick them back in their place.
>s-silky smooth it's an artistic choice for it to look like shit
What a cuck.
salty bags and coins
You mean the nigger children he adopted because enjoys raising other men’s children
Apply what I said to the comic then.
It's the best Spider-Man movie since the second Raimi one, even better in some ways.
Raimi 2>Into the Spiderverse>Raimi 1>Homecoming>Raimi 3>TASM>Never saw TASM2
Also, my daughter loves Spider-Gwen, so that helps too.
I hope your daughter follows Gwen’s example
I already told her that's not happening.
Movie was fun. You’re all so bitter and miserable.
Because it's a pretty good movie
I’m sure Gwen’s dad told her that too lol
Because zoomers have legit the shittiest taste in media that I've ever seen.
>fortnite streams
>mumble rap
>youtube shit
>that qt on the far left
Picked up
no but forced miscegenation definitely is
holy sneed; go run at your local park, talk to a runner. Girls that run are usually nice.
Not on their own no, but when they replace established white characters that’s when they problem arises
Nice joke but homecoming is for kids
>movie has a black person
>Yea Forums cries for years
starting to sound like those es jay dubyas that you guys hate
if you actually watched the movie you would know it’s actually very anti niggering out. his dad is a cop and miles is just a normal good kid. he doesn’t even hook up with gwen either but Yea Forumss obsession with BLACKED must make it impossible to watch when their fantasies about black dicks isn’t realised in the film
Call me when they start getting shit banned for having niggers, then we'll talk.
Till then, they're just taking the piss.
But you know that.
>are black girls not good enough?
Kill yourself, seething incel. The white race will continue with or without you.
It’s confirmed she’ll be blacked in the sequel. This is what it has all been leading too
I want to impregnate Gwen Stacy
Too bad user, she's reserved for black studs, not wh*toids like you
Gwen makes my pee pee feel funny
you don't know how to read, do you?
she's his girlfriend in the comics, or did you missed that?
kys dumb turkroach
Me too. I want to put a mulatto baby in that tummy
That pic is exactly how white progressive females see themselves and blacks.
So? Gwen gets impregnated by Norman Osborne in the comics too, that doesn’t mean it’s good
>"s-she's not getting blacked"
>proof of her getting blacked
>"that doesn't count!"
he's also half hispanic btw, not black
Seethe more whitey, make sure to pay those reparations on time
the only good part of this movie was spidercunny
>One of, if not the best movies of 2018
>Top 50 films of the decade
>Top 200 films of all time
It's a great movie? Gripping from start to finish. At this point hating Spider-verse is akin to claiming 2+2=5. Everyone will just look at you like you're crazy.
I know you won't be able to admit it until 4 years from now when some nassally nerd on Youtube makes a 2 hour video explaining why but yes, it really is that good.
It was a decent movie. Sort of the same as Parker's origin. I thought that Miles was the worst thing about his own movie. People also seemed to love the choppy animation, but I felt that it looked unfinished.
>I felt that it looked unfinished.
Personally, I thought it looked almost like a Rankin Bass holiday special in certain shots. Kind of neat.
because it was a solid movie
the virgin ethics in media journalism
the chad academy voter
If it was good it would have made more money
You want the truth?
100% Honest, no memes, and no trolling.
The movie was not bad, but it was 100% overrated. The animation and often times color scheme/style hurt to look at. If any other studio tried to pull off this cheap 15fps crap they would be ripped on by the same people that claim to love this movie. Which brings me to the real point.
This movie was released in order to compete with DC's Aquaman. Literally every time this movie was brought up someone just HAD to mention that "It was a better movie than Aquaman" and "I liked it more than Aquaman" or the classic, "bro you can't seriously think Aquaman was better than Spiderverse!". Now that the movies are on Blu Ray and have no attachment to each other whatsoever, more people are realizing how average or mediocre the movie was. Last time I asked a colleague about Spiderverse that said it was an okay movie, this was the same colleague that said it was "way better than Aquaman", now he doesn't ever mention the two in the same week.
Based and 69pilled.
t.blacked subscriber
Rami 2 is shit, waaahhh why won't mary jane go out with the pizza boy who lost his job instead of the chad astronaut.
Rami 1 then 2, the rest are just complete shit
marvel fags in a nutshell
watched it
it's shit user.
Sorry you need a nerd to reassure your own non formed opinion.
How so?
Spider-Man noir had the best lines fite me
When your a kid everything is fresh and new and exciting. The opening intro to broodwar is a prime example. While it is actually pretty well done (for the time) it's nothing groundbreaking, but when I saw that as an 11 year old kid, it fucking shattered my world. Because of that it'll always hold a special place in my heart.
Similar feels for the sc2 intro
real glad they ruined stukov's story in broodwar for a "i recognize that character" moment in sc2
Or Duran. They had a literal Harry Potter wand battle scene between Duran and Kerrigan where they both shoot laser beams at each other that collide and they struggle to out laser the other. Shit makes me fucking sick.
Probably smells like poop
Yeah, not like Miles Morales has been around for years and been targetted to Millenials forever. You fucking idiots will hate zoomers constantly, vast majority of ticket sales to Spiderverse were millenials, get real.
>waaah I hate whatever is popular even if it's good
- Yea Forums 2003-infinity
Simple, it reminds them of video games
Usually I'd say "because it looks pretty so they overlooked the mountains of other problems it had" but it didn't even look pretty, it just fooled everyone with muh low FPS CGI look, which everyone with half a brain recognizes as a cancerous trend that merges the worst of both worlds
You faggots just hate it because it stars a nigger. It was actually a genuinely good movie, with lots to work around with.
Spiderverse is the epitome of the "Soul versus Soulless" meme, where Spiderverse is the "Soul", and that OTHER Sony bullshit, The Amazing Spiderman series, is the "Soulless".
You fucking racist boomers dont like anything. It was a fresh take on a beloved franchise that unfortunately underperformed. Fuck you.
>ok you wanna shoehorn a nigger as a main character? fine, but at least make his love interest black too, what, are black girls not good enough?
It's because white women are a status symbol for niggers. When you see a black man with a white woman, it's because of his ego while the coal burner is with him because she hates Daddy. They're just accessories for each other.
But see a white man with a black woman and you know they care/love each other because neither gets anything out of it socially.
>Spider-Man movie adapting and combining two of the worst Spider-Man stories in recent history written by some of the most notorious writers to ever work on the IP
>completely misses the point of the titular character and downplays him
>low FPS meme visual style
>atrocious rap soundtrack
>dishonest marketing
>unfocused direction
>rushed production
Zoomer standards are THAT low, yikes
playing games on console and phones makes them accept the terrible framerate
>calls me a zoomie
>probably browses discord
>probably has an epic "meme" folder, where you saved all your faggot shrek and sonic memes
>">tfw t-too intelligent f-for rap"
How much more of a faggot can you be?
why does everyone with a mask in marvel movies constantly take off their mask
>Homecoming was a glorified Disney Afterschool Made For TV movie.
>Nice joke but homecoming is for kids
Peter Parker is a fucking kid in high school and the movie perfectly reflects that. Or are you those fucking losers who have to live vicariously through him and cry "WHHHHHAAAAA, WHY DOESN'T HE ALWAYS MAKE WITTY WISECRACKS AND HAVE A MODEL HOT REDHEAD GIRLFRIEND?!?". STFU and go fuck your waifu anime pillows you cocksucking faggots.
Homecoming beautifully encapsulated the character while making some much needed updates. We already had five movies with the same origin story. Time for something new, HC gave us that but you cretins will keep crying that it's not 100% like the comics!!!FACT!!!
Wrong on all accounts, how about you try to make an actual argument that pertains to the subject next time
Not him but your original argument is subjective so wtf are you on about?
it wasn't even the best animated movie of the year
This was surprisingly good despite the silly sound track at the end of the movie. My pals brought their girlfriends and they also enjoyed it without context
Literally nothing subjective about it
my friend also brought his friend to watch the movie with us and even though he doesn't like Dragon Ball or anime in general, he enjoyed it.
This is an Aquachad board, please go back to your home with your shit opinions
>This is an Aquachad board, please go back to your home with your shit opinions
Aquaman is literally everything a comic book popcorn flick should be!!!FACT!!!
It's a decent film of Spider-Man. After all the shit they've eaten recently, It's a major improvement. I watched this and the Raimi trilogy recently. Even Spider-Man 3 is leagues better than this.
Aquaman was fucking fantastic compared to Spider-Verse, it actually showed respect to the source material instead of making a mockery out of it
Top kek grow up kid
>watches capeshit
>tells others to grow up
Based toriyama dabbing on the capeshitters.
any link to the new spiderman movie yet
>>rushed production
>Aquaman was fucking fantastic compared to Spider-Verse, it actually showed respect to the source material instead of making a mockery out of it
I think it went a bit too far in places such as pic related!!!FACT!!!
>If any other studio tried to pull off this cheap 15fps crap they would be ripped on by the same people that claim to love this movie. Which brings me to the real point.
In fact the animation style was inspired by 3D anime. When it happens in anime people complain, but now that this movie did it it's suddenly "revolutionary."
Sexy underage girls yum!
What happend in 2003?
>it actually showed respect to the source material instead of making a mockery out of it
>Muh capeshit faithfulness
> Search your heart, you know it to be true.
Name 1 movie that got banned for having whites
This site spun off 2ch and forever ruined normal fags much to their betterment
It was just a solid movie with stylish visuals and a well constructed plot. Not an intangible world masterpiece but by far the best Spiderman movie in my eyes
>muh low fps
This movie has been good for exposing brainlets
>not knowing what stepped mode is
Open maya you dumb niggers
Call it what you want, it's a dishonest way of trying to emulate the integrity of 2D and it still ends up looking like shit
What makes it "dishonest"?
He looks black as all hell. Also Hispanics hate niggers so idk who the fuck they were targeting when they made him
capeshit AND with a black protagonist
guaranteed success
It was the most kino animated film in a long time.
Fuck you nigger
Because the original reason for animating on twos was genuine concern for the feasibility of the project, animating on ones would've been far too expensive and time-consuming, whereas CGI has no such constraints and only does the effect to deceive you into thinking it's as genuine and hand-crafted as traditional animation
Same happened with movies and 60FPS vs 24FPS
Isle of Dogs was good. Not his best narrative but the visuals were incredible
You're allowed to, and I'm allowed to call it out for looking like deceitful shit
Nobody is fooled into thinking it looks like hand-drawn animation, and you are just projecting your own dislike of the movie onto the creators by telling yourself that they were hatching some nefarious plot against the viewers.
How is it deceitful?
Is James Baxter deceitful because sometimes his 2D animation looks like 3D work?
Spider-Verse isn't the first CGI animation to attempt the trick, it looks horrible everywhere, from faux-anime to quasi-2D, and Spider-Verse is no exception
I am so goddamn sick of him. Or rather I am sick of people talking about him.
>Is James Baxter deceitful because sometimes his 2D animation looks like 3D work?
Yes but in a good way, his reveal would make a viewer say "holy shit someone drew this by hand?", whereas the faux-2D reveal would make a viewer say "so that's what looked off about it, shame they didn't have the budget to properly animate it traditionally"
So? This doesn't mean the creators were conspiring against the viewers.
Does The LEGO Movie trigger you this much too?
Using a method that's inherently deceitful means you're being deceitful by default, whether you want it or not
The LEGO movie actually pulled off its trick and had as much work and effort put into it as you would need to do it on a real scale, no expense was spared
It's not inherently deceitful, you're just claiming it is because you think that if you didn't like the movie then it must mean the creators had nefarious ulterior motives.
Enjoy your animation equivalent of putting artificial dehydrated pulp into artificial fruit juice because it makes people think it's fresh and healthy
I have no idea what you're babbling about.
I want to fuck Doc Oc
All I remember is the scene in the trailer where SpiderGwen BTFO the males because woman power and shit. I lost interest immediately
This is the most based thing I've ever fucking seen. Typically scat fags are betas because they literally get shat on but this absolute chad literally shoved his nose in that ass and fucking yanked that shit out.
Mass reply? Well, I guess you gotta do SOMETHING while you wait for the dilation station to free up.
I bought a PS4 pro just to play Spider-Man (then I sold it a week later when I completed it)
I'm one of the biggest Spider-Man fans in the world and I still haven't seen into the Spider-verse
I'm just sick of how modern movies/shows lazily introduce a strong female character by having her emasculate everyone as soon as she shows up, with every male character going "woah she's tough!" it's a sign of shitty writing and I feel like I'm watching fanfiction
KEK this made my day
>where SpiderGwen BTFO the males because woman power and shit.
Holy shit that's not what the scene was about.
What is wrong with you faggots?
I only saw the trailer I didn't watch your stupid cartoon film, learn to read
So you made an assumption and spouted stupid shit.
Nothing about that scene was girl power.
>Homecoming beautifully encapsulated the character while making some much needed updates.
Go back to AICN you fucking neckbeard homo. Harry kicked you out of bed so you come here to take a shit? You have Harry's cum on your breath. FACT!!!
That's what the trailer framed it as, so it's a shitty trailer. Regardless of the context I doubt the film is much better
>That's what the trailer framed it as
No it didn't, that trailer didn't imply she was stronger than the other two. I think youre just creating shit to whine about.
I expected shit after Battle of Gods and Resurrection F but this was actually good
fuck it's hard being black and coming to this site to have a genuine discussion without it turning into nigger this and nigger that
Based and redpilled
yeah, me too, fuck gambino
>this beat out isle of dogs.
Absolute shame
Give me one reason why it's bad other than the typical "MUH NIGGERS MUH SJWs"
>Homecoming is the superior Spider-Man film
Imagine being this much of a fucking moronic shitpacking faggot.
They can’t. They haven’t even seen the movie
>watching trailers at all
That's not at all the reason to animate on 2s
Its the only good capeshit that came out after the MCU shifted cape movies into pseudo-serious cookie cutter shit
look libtard we know your movie flopped but it's over, stop trying to shill it
What's the reason
Not gonna spoon-feed you. If you don't know about animation, don't try to talk shop
It has some of the best animation I've seen in a CG movie
that sums it up pretty well yea
Because it was complete and utter fun
That's the recipe for a zoomer masterpiece.
>Yea Forums is so low IQ that they'll eat up the worst capeshit has to offer, if it looks pretty enough
Damn, really made me think
neck yourself
Because it's the first thing Sony Pictures has done with the property since Spider-Man 2 that isn't an embarrassing dumpster fire.
It was great, deal with it faggots. It was unironically better than Infinity War and Endgame
My dad liked it too. It had a TON of fanservice.
Also, look at the competition. Spiderman has a distinctive art style and a new character thrown in every ten minutes, it excites peopl.
>silly sound track
Because they weren't born yet during the true Spider-Kino like Amazing Spiderman 1 & 2.
No it isn’t.
I'm honestly confused that Sony was allowed to use the 616 Spider-man. That Peter Parker has to be at least 40 years old, but the comic book version isn't even married to MJ anymore, let alone divorced her. I just can't believe they had permission to use the MC official Spider-man. It would have been better if they got Raimi's Spider-man.
Why are /pol/fags obsessed with shoehorning black cock everywhere?
Is it latent lust?
Homecoming was shit
Im just here waiting for a gay spiderman........ am i gonna die waiting or what
It’s just middle aged pedo execs who think kids like ghetto black people. Girls and their moms want to see Tom Holland.
There probably one somewhere out in the multiverse
I sure hope so I hope he's good looking
>the protagonist is black, therefore it's bad
>it's animated, therefore it's for children
Why do I still come to this place?
show me one movie that contradicts those statments
hard mode: not coming from japan
Not a movie, but The Boondocks
probably the best spiderman movie after the first two tbqh
what didn't you like about it?
He didn't like that a black latin american was the protagonist and wore a spiderman suit
I don't like them either but I still liked this movie
>identity politics tainting your taste in art
Who do you think owns Hollywood lmao
>>killer ost
otherwise I mostly agree
Can you just fucking end this thread now? It's really been too long.
Cause it's good
>it actually showed respect to the source material
implying this matters when talking about comics made decades ago with a lot of different social context involved
Didn't expect to see such a based post in this thread.
I never said I liked it or that it was artistically high-quality, dumbass.
I watched the movie yesterday and I can say with certainty that I will only remember the Vulture because everything else is forgettable.
normies eat up any pandering buffoonery
She's a chestlet, the nigger of woman. He can have her.
>be famous, apex strength superhero loved by millions
>but be black
>your only option is a run of the mill chestlet
Wtf bros, racism is real.
I'm a zoomer (born 24 years ago), this is the only movie I have ever seen in my entire life, and clearly it is pure KINO
Same except I kept the ps4
It's not him
What is a zoomer?
fucking dying here
Lust and jealousy.
That scene lasted all of 5 minutes and she wasn't even the most instrumental part of actually saving the day.
Jesus Christ, this is why we're relegated to Yea Forums.
>The Amazing Niggerman!
Nah I'm good.
Replace nigger great-value peter parker with ben o'reilly and maybe i would have been interested,probably wouldnt of even been made since a good chunk of this movie is nigger culture anyway. God what steaming pile of dogshit,literally just a pretty movie THATS it. Zoomers are tasteless dogs i swear
That's a lot of Dr.Pepper products.
>One of the highest rated Spider-Man movies ever
>Animation so revolutionary, Sony had to patent techniques to keep other studios away
>Made back it's cost and some
It was easily the best Spider-Man movie since Spider-Man 2. Anybody memeing otherwise is just a salty faggot who reeeeeees at the mere mention of women.
So why does everyone get so bent out of shape over stuff they don't like but someone else does?
fucking kek
Elephant shit smells like grass.
> Consider yourself as an user
> Call people using trendy words
OP is so alternative!
This is not a new word, it's used in Casablanca but who uses it now?
that's digits are problematic holy based
oh shit
visually speaking spider verse was definitely the best of the bunch. storywise is always a debate but you can make the argument for that as well.
also it has an amazing credits scene, post credits scene and music in general.
gen z
born in the late 90s or sooner
mass repliers need to be banned on-site.
maybe you could make the argument that it's better animated but even that's a stretch. as far as story goes it's definitely subpar compared to spider verse.
it's not better than 2