
What's your favorite podcast Yea Forums?


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For me? It's tedious!

Hollywood Handbook

I like Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast!

I like the flop house and the tpb one. I kind of like the ron burgundy podcast too.

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Norm Macdonald Live, I have listened it every single day for last two years and I can’t stop

The screencap wasnt even that fucking funny

Panning for gold in an ever-worsening cringefest tbqh.

The flop house sucks because Eliot won't ever shut the fuck up.

Your Moms House

get off my lawn

>inb4 chapo trap house
you guys know they are retards living off of recycled leftbook memes right? here let me sum up an episode for you
>CHUD CHUD CHUD CHUD CHUD this [right wing pundit] looks like a sweaty virgin ham CHUD CHUD CHUD

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everyone in this thread should be listening to 'Who Are These Podcasts?'
it's fucking great, a podcast that roasts other podcasts. choose an episode of a podcast your familiar with for a starter haha

Doug Loves Movies
A bunch of MMA Podcasts.

either cumtown or tekwars

>talkernate history
A show about alternate history scenarios and history in general
>Dead rabbit radio
Obscure true crime and conspiracy theories
>12 o'clock podcast
Similar to dead rabbit but focus on true crime
>weaponandstuff95 Q&A
Don't know you count it as a podcast but its good for background noise

how do you get into podcasts?
i feel like an absolute imbecile listening to another faggot conversation

It's just shit to put on when you're in the car or whatever.

For me? It's the premium version

is tekwars actually good?

try the biggest problem in the universe, it doesn't feel as much as a podcast as it does a radio show.


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He annoyed me a lot at first too. I don't know how or why, but he grew on me. Stu is obviously the best though.

or if you just think podcasts are dumb, try they share your sentiment about having to be absolute imbeciles to listen to another faggots conversation


The Daily Shoah

Unironically the only funny piece of media around, Honey I Sunked the Kids is a new episode and maybe their best episode ever, bitches can’t handle a little riffing to get to a good bit

it will only work if you like the people talking somewhat that being said listen to enough and you might just end up hating said person anyways

>Prinze and the Wolf
Used to listen to this when it started but it got annoying with Freddie Prinze Jr. always repeating himself and talking like he's the knowledge master of all things fighting. And Josh Wolf just isn't that funny and I hate to say it but I can honestly see why his stand up career is what it is.

>Welcome to Nightvale
I'll listen to this one occasionally, it's good for when I'm in that supernatural mood

>If I Were You
Jake and Amirs podcast, it's been hit or miss this past year but in the beginning it was fucking hilarious

>Conan Needs a Friend
Depends on the guest but when it's just him, Sona, and Matt his comedy skills really show.

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That was chapo like 3 years ago, it’s more straightforward news now I miss when chapo was more fun

History of Rome was fun

it changes from time to time, but right now it's Tigerbelly. i just like watching comedians shoot the shit.

I think it is still pretty comical. Well everyone except for Matt. Do people actually enjoy his horrific voice and retard tier theories on the world?

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What is it?


The Timothy Olyphant, Jeff Goldblum, and Martin Short episodes are pure gold.

>>If I Were You
I listen to this and it's ok-ish.

When is Conan gonna have fucking Andy Daly or Norm on

damn this guy sounds lit af

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Fuck GAB they have a shit ui,shit memes and I don't know how to post what the fuck

Best podcast, funnier than cumtown

Underrated audio kino


I just listen to archived recordings of 90s coast to coast am episodes with art bell, occasionally ground zero

a girl played The Dollop for me and it was kinda funny and kinda annoying

1. Think of a topic you like/are interested in.
2. Do a Google search for the name of that plus "podcast".
3. Look at the results and see if anything sounds interesting to you.
4. Download an episode of anything you find that at least sounds interesting and see if you like it.
5. If you do, download more episodes of that podcast.

Not that complicated, user.

Daily Reminder that this makes all other History-related podcasts obsolete.

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One of the few out there that legitimately knows what he's talking about and is able to present it in a clear, concise way.

Also his thumbnails for videos are pure kino.

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>hitler was bad

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Seriously why haven't they done this yet. And Andy too, seems like a no-brainer

Hey guys, kike kevin here.

You obviously haven't listened to it. He goes on about how we see Hitler as bad because we are too close to the actual events and eventually books will be written about how nazism was a net positive for the world. Dan takes centrist to a whole new level.

>tell em steve dave
>uhh yeah dude
>advice hotdog (defunct but good)
>fash the nation

What are the best podcasts in the "riffing on movies" genre?

Check out our guy Maddox his podcast is fantastic

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yeah this guy is completely comfy. I listen to his show almost nightly to fall asleep

>Last Podcast on the Left
>your mom's house
>how did this get made?
>my favorite murder

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Joe Rogan can put me to sleep like no other.

If you like someone and come to hate them after listening to them talking for an extended period of time, it just means you only really liked the person you thought they were.

Based 40Kposter

so he's an actual centrist instead of a leftist masquerading as someone with rational thought

It's a podcast spinoff of If the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device called If the Emperor Had a Podcast. It's great but you'll probably only be able to appreciate it if you're already into WH40K.

The guest is called Hotep Jesus, can you really expect him to talk about anything that makes sense under those circumstances?

listening through it right now, while reading I, Claudius
based stuff

there is no such thing as a good podcast

Why hasn't a single comedy podcast even come *close* to this autist galleria

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Flop house and how did this get made. How did this get made gets pretty unbearably bad though. There are a TON of movie podcasts, you're going to have to sample around to find one that fits your taste.

Be aware of Mike's very strong anti-senatorial bias.

they're like talk radio but even lower iq I feel the exact same way none of these people are important or have anything of value to add to anything

We Hate Movies is leagues better than all the other ones.

>dumb boomers who think sleepycast was bad
Opinions disregarded

well, they don't do very much after Sulla

I tried cumtown but I just can't get past that little faggot who laughs like beavis and butthead after every damn line.

It gets to the point where you can't live without it

Watch podcasts with one person talking like Hardcore History so you don't feel like an autist.

>it's funny
It was maybe funny before 2016. At this stage, if any of those people on /pol/ are still legitimately trolling, it's not "FUN" mister Rogan, it's psychopathic. But I'd lump you in with that lot as well just on the basis of your assessment of such psychopathic behavior as "FUN".

Podcasts are for retards to simulate having friends with anything remotely interesting to say.

They are also not television or film.

Please point us to the radio board then asshole

>going into a thread to discuss something you dislike, just to let everyone know you dislike it.

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He's surprisingly redpilled. Shame about that 'we were kangz n shiet' stuff.

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whoops forgot to add youtube.com/watch?v=MxsGEsRiWXI

It would be top tier if they uploaded more. Now I just watch Oneyplays, but doesn't scratch the conversation itch, because they mainly talk about the game.

Congratulations is pretty great, good for just zoning out and getting vicariously pissed at cudas.

Say hi to Darius for me

>expecting Yea Forums to be a hugbox

Yea Forums would be a serious answer because radio.


These people are attention whores. Better to just ignore them at all times.


who was in the wrong here?

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I tried this after listening to cum town, it doesn't sound bad, but there are too many people constantly talk over each other, I barely hear anything

I don't think you know what a hugbox is.

The only one you need. May it live for a thousand years.

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>he still listens to any media by J&A even though they have fallen off years ago

Even their videos are unwatchable. They don't even feature them anymore.

cum town, matt and shane secret podcast, some of the shows on gas digital like legion of skanks, old opie and anthony

What are some good "learning" podcasts? I've been listening to This American Life and 99% Invisible but they are really hit and miss. Same with In Our Time.

learning is for faggots

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good man

If they hate all those movies then you may as well just read Yea Forums

i don't hate movies i just don't watch them but still complain about them

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>Knifepoint Horror
>The Magnus Archives

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If you listen to chapotrap House you're a piece of shit commie dickhead

>The goths were like biker gangs dude! like they rode around on their bikes and fucked these romans up.

Absolute garbage.

deep fat fried
easy allies
unexplained podcast
the occasional joe rogan podcast

Isn't Cumtown friends to that lefty faggot podcast Chapo Traphouse?

cringe, what is it, 2016?

Why would you want to listen to 3 fake people? Are you 13 or something?


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Don't even bother. Majority is trash and waste of time.

what a time to be alive
49th parahell
dog island
citations needed
your kickstarter sucks
bodega boys
chapo trap house

i listen to better podcasts than you fight me about it nerds

Even years later History of Rome is more tolerable and it doesnt cause sleep

lol go listen to another daily shoah fucking plebshit

Hardcore history
History of rome
Cppcast and the insight if you are interested on the topics they cover

podcasts can't even be decent wannabe-cheap-radio and you expect to learn from it?

>15 years since the first movie
>6 years since the second
really striking while the iron's hot, great job guys

>i was molested

>chapo trap house

I used to listen to MBMBAM right up to the point it became unbearable. Just couldn't handle Travis anymore.

Adam Buxton podcast is nice

The Todd Glass show is great

the main reason that the right hates chapo is because none of their podcasts are actually good and it makes them jealous

Kek, based

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its pretty impressive that literally everything you listed is dogshit

bodega boys is good

no they're actually good

SleepyCast was kino

I just wish they made more episodes before they all fucked off

>Hey I’m not funny
>Me neither
>Me neither, but I have a super annoying contrived laugh I can do at will
>All three look at each other
>in unison “Let’s start a podcast!”

Fash the Nation has the best political analysis out there

The thing is, i have no way to know what those podcast are about aside from YKS.
You should describe them briefly if you want to sell them to us (or me anyway).

>chapo tranny house

Adam Buxton is comfy as hell
>those episodes with Louis Theroux where you see a whole other side to his personality because they've been friends for decades
>Louis gets hopped up on Monster energy and starts singing "IIII WANT TO SWIIIING ON THE CHANDELI-HIIER"

The Scathing Athiest

no politics or current event bullshit

infinite relistening value

I used to like How Did This Get Made before I realized every episode was essentially the same and the 16 election broke them (and all of Earwolf)

I think they've gone downhill somewhat since they started doing more Patreon exclusive stuff. I love their impressions though.

Fuck HDTGM though and their reused dick jokes and shitty liveshow audio.

Myth of the 20th century

dick show
in our time

Procrastinators Podcast
Pizza Party Podcast


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The Dick Show is my favorite. I like to pretend that Dick, Shean and I are best friends. They give me good advice and laugh at my jokes. Dick is like a father to me, and Shean an uncle

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interesting topics ruined by Yea Forums autism

Wish he would do one with Louis and Joe together for maximum childhood friend bantz

>another triforce bro


Anything that has Psychicpebbles in it, that guy cracks me up

What does 'contrived' mean exactly?

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in this context it means their laughter isn't genuine or naturally occurring

Podcasts are not Television or Film, they are garbage eceleb redditness.

news and also just shilling whatever nobodies dumb book or socialist netlix or whatever the fuck

unfunny fat hack gets drunk and shouts his unfunny shittier opinions. is saved occassionally by actually funny co-hosts and d&d

My brother. Surprised how many listen to Knifepoint but not Those Snowy Nights.

This sounds like the title of an Anal Cunt song
I’ve been listening to last podcast on the left. I feel like those dudes lurk here

This American President and Revisionist History are also great.

they did lurk here, but left more for reddit or listener suggestions. Am i dumb if i think side stories ruined it and not every one is not a single topic sidestories? I haven't listened for a while.

Are you one of the creators? Because your podcast is fucking garbage.

Why does Joe Rogan always try to add in drugs into the conversation. It gets so freaking annoying when everytime some expert is on the show he starts asking about drugs with the subject.

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Like the official podcast a lot, mostly because I Kaya's autistic ramblings remind me of my own. It's also fun listening to them shoot the shit with a guest.

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>Called 'We Hate Movies'
>They all LOVE Endgame

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Works best when you're commuting or have a job that involves a lot of walking, like I do.

kek quality rogan impression

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who is this queer?

just watch Rogan bro, what are you gay?

Love these guys. This and old Loveline episodes are all I listen to. I need to find some more.

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Oh word. I love the way he styles his stories so much but didn't want to dislike him if I listened to his Hitler ep. I'll have to give it a listen next week. His whole episodes are strung together so perfectly


The Masked Engineer is unironically the best episode of any podcast I’ve heard. Also the Malkmus episode was good

I just want Woolie and Pat to lp together again. Solo streams just aren't the same.

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The PCP is really shit podcast though, they usually just talk about youtube algorithms or drawing tablets or some other boring shit, and I'm still beyond buttblasted that this cadre of youtube media critics finally made an episode where they talk about a piece of media but locked it behind a paywall.

That's not what he was saying. He made that comparison in Wrath of the khans, since many historians nowadays have a somehow positive view on the legacy of the Mongol empire. After that comparison he goes into detail about how fucking horrifying the actions of the Mongols were, even if they were impressive and efficient. So the introduction with the Hitler stuff is more to show the Mongols in another light than to glorify or promote the third Reich.

I like Film Sack, though obviously I don't agree with all of them all the time. Scott and Dunaway are usually the closest to on point though. Also they occasionally release unedited episodes on YouTube and you can hear their pre-show banter:


Listen to audiobooks instead, or this

>imagine downloading and saving this picture
What the fuck is wrong with you bongs?

PCP is great. Where do I find the other one?

>The Dick Show
Only worth listening to if you've been part of the 5 year BPITU saga

>Joe Rogan
That Duncan Trussel one he did recently was fucking hilarious

>Completely Necessary Podcast
No idea why I listen to this, Pat is a dick, Ian is cool for the most part, but I feel like it's the only videogame podcast I can listen to. Use to like the IGN ones with the people from Comedy Button but they become insufferable over time.

>Ear Hustle
Podcast made in a prison, it's cool.

Shamefully going to plug my own podcast Badvice Podcast. We bring in internet advice columns and see if our advice is better than theirs. Pretty meh but the sound quality is 10x better than half the shit out there, it makes me so upset when I hear a podcast with bad quality, like who the fuck is sticking it out to hear you through this garbage?

He frames Hitler in a negative light multiple times, even in his first episode, but neglects any history orientated around why the world was that way from the late 1800s to the early 1940s. I don't think I've even heard him mention Aldrich or John Morgan even once.

>Last Podcast on the Left
Maybe you could defend the early episodes but it's been pure shit since shortly before the Oklahoma City bombing episode.

Clemdog’s personality is the ultimate pleb filter

So far I've only found one podcast worth listening to.

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My cousins is pretty good

Based or unbased?

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Even the poorfags can now listen to most of it.
Get on it.

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For me, it's:

>The Adam Carolla Show
>The Adam and Dr. Drew Show
>Take a Knee with Adam Carolla
>The Ben Shapiro Show
>Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast
>Cum Town
>"YOUR WELCOME" with Michael Malice
>Part of the Problem with Dave Smith
>Get Off My Lawn with Gavin McInnes

Been listening to that, pretty good so far. Any opinions on Revolutions? His French Revolution season was great

>hm, why did I stop listening to PCP
>let's check out a new episode to see what's the gang up to
>Hippo starts screaming in first 2 seconds
Oh, yeah...

same shit desu

Philosophize This. It’s great.

>he gives his money to (((Aukerman)))

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Mysterious Universe
True Crime

lmao dan carlin is fucking awful

>>how did this get made?
I just tried to listen to this and had to turn it off after half an hour, everyone screaming over each other and interrupting really gets on my nerves

a Star Wars rpg campaign called Campaign. it's soi but kino.

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paul sheer is one unfunny faggot

CTH started as a lefty rip off of TDS.

Ive been thinking about getting into the who's right podcast but I can't find any of their episodes before September 2017. Anyone know where to find them?

Same here. For me it's a toss-up between Andrew and Kaya, ironic since I honestly started listening for Charlie.

Good premise but the casters are shit.

Is this an actual thing or is it a joke ad? If it's real, is it worth trying?

Badvice sounds boring as fuck but I'm going to check it out just to see if you somehow managed to have decent mixing. Listened to several podcasts and none of them can keep everyone at audible levels without making one person distortedly loud.


cucked and Magepilled

>Hey Jamie can you pull up the opening plane scene from the Dark Knight on youtube real quick


Probably CSB (Castle Super Beast), it's one of the few i listen to in a regular basis, i stopped following about 20 podcasts or so in the last year

This drastically overestimates how impressive a state that only lasted for 12 years and destroyed the lives of its own people that extensively will seem in the future.

It's not even like Napoleon, whose conquests were also lost in his lifetime, because Napoleon was an actual military leader and responsible for the flashiest successes of the state he led. Hitler was not a military leader, and while he made some good calls as overall commander, he didn't personally win the Fall of France in a manner even remotely resembling how Napoleon won Austerlitz.

PCP lectures >>>>>>>>>>> PCP podcast

Any podcast, that dont talk about politics and is just fun?

Cum Town, but the past 8-10 eps have been very weak, as in I'm not sure if the boys are gonna be able to keep it up

Sleepycast will forever be the top podcast
Triforce is great, though Lewis can get a bit grating
The Official Podcast is fine every once in a while but holy shit Andrew fucking sucks
Supermegacast is good when they have guests on

this thread keeps on getting posted, and it's always the same lame responses

>Cum Town
who actually listens to this podcast? when the first links are reddit, you know the podcast is trash
or is this just proof that Yea Forums is now reddit?

>when the first links are reddit
>when the first links when Google searching this podcast are reddit links

it's for wagies to consume while they do their monotonous wagie tasks

>>Get Off My Lawn with Gavin McInnes

"Ryan, shut up, you don't have a job..."

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nice spacing faggot now go back

Official podcast, just four guys talking about random shit


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Sardonicast? Go fuck yourself efap is a million times better as far as cringey youtuber capeshitters

Bigger dogshit ripping off dogshit. Incredible

Listened this when I was 16 with the original crew before I realised all YouTube "drama" is just TMZ gossip for zoomers. Chad's new podcast he does with Max is pretty comfy though.

ryan got fired
I love how gavin has this persona of being le macho man then the second ryan buys into his bullshit and gets sent to jail for a couple days because he didn't acquiesce to his girlfriends crazy, gavin drops him after sticking up for multiple men who have been in the same situation

really makes you think

I was hoping that was a joke. I want Ryan back already.

Wait, do peanuts really grow under ground?

This is literally the only podcast worth listening to everything else in this thread is aids

Hollywood Handbook is the GOAT comedy podcast and the ultimate pleb filter

Yes it's real, yes it's worth trying. Though his producer sort of ruins the show a lot.

I think he was getting sick of Ryan's shit anyway, and missing work because of a crazy bitch that Gavin already knew was bad news was the last straw. I'm hoping Gavin will let Ryan beg for his job back. I've been watching since his first show on CRTV, and it improved immensely once Ryan came on board.

I love NotFunny buzzsprout.com/187804

The president of the DSA

Holy shit you sound like a faggot

yep Gavin needs a co-host otherwise he gets too full of himself
fuck off, you're a boomer who found /pol/

It especially helps if the cohost is a retarded millennial. Milo is a charming guy, but he's incredibly vain, and I can't get behind how much he hates regular conservatives like Ben Shapiro for petty, gay reasons. Yes, Ben hates you, Milo, but he said you and Laura Loomer shouldn't be banned from Twitter. I don't see why he's obligated to praise you both too. And I don't understand what he has against Dave Rubin at all.


>I got an office job for the sole purpose of sexually harassing women
based Anal Cunt

and what’s the DSA?

everyone seems to hate Dave Rubin lately. I think it’s just the trendy thing to do these days

I like Dick, he seems like a cool guy and he posts here, but I can't stand Sean, the fanbase and the vast majority of guests

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Democratics socialists of america. Pic related

Because he has no opinions and flip flops alot

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dave rubin is a boring, middle of the road bonehead who's only shtick is
>wow CONVERSATIONS are so important, we just need to TALK to each other
ok but who does he even have on his show? other jews who only disagree about economics or whatever other menial thing?

congratulations with chris delia
cum town
history on fire
america first with nick fuentes

>hurr durr muh "illegal" immigrants
>hurr durr muh white people
>hurr durr muh guns
>hurr durr muh abortion
>hurr durr muh crime rates
Fuck off to Russia, bot

Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast
Rad Dude Cast
don't fucking @ me

>If Dave was truly interested in having intellectual conversations, he'd invite Chris Cantwell on to discuss the possibility of a white ethnostate.

>If Dave was truly interested in having intellectual conversations, he'd invite someone from The Young Turks who openly hates him into his show to talk about why it's wrong to interview conservatives.

Neither of these arguments persuade me.

>show is based around having a guest each week
This is always a pretty huge red flag, if the main host cant carry the show alone why bother

Pardon My Take for sports and comedy
The Dollop for crazy stories and comedy

I stopped listening to the rest since quitting my office job.

Conan's Pokemon bit in Bill Burr episode was one of the funniest things I've heard in my life.


Todd Glass is great unless he decides to go on a bizarre rant about gay rights or some insane topic, where he gets furiously angry at a strawman he creates.

>dude the only reason libtards hate Crowder is because their youtubers are cringe

Yeah, it's tough to recommend mine cause it's like you either like who we are instantly or fucking despise us, but hopefully the mixing isn't complete shit to you

The dude on the right is the epitome of style over substance, 2bh. No wonder Manly Tears is such good friends with him.

absolutely not, unless you are one of those fuckwits that still quotes the original anchorman as a form of communication. because thats all it is

Replace Ape and Gorrilla with Nigger and it makes more sense.

>The Dollop
Hilarious or depressing real life history.

>Somewhere in the Skies
UFO podcast with great interviews

>Deconstruct Yourself
Meditation podcast with great interviews

>Dead Rabbit Radio
Fun spooky paranormal shit

creepypastas read aloud with decent voice acting

Chris Cantwell and the Young Turks are both retards. Ridiculous strawman.

Joe once said it was remarkable that the "tiny island" of Thailand with "so few people" were able to come up with Muay Thai. I thought this was just a stupid mistake.

But then I put some thought into it, and realized Joe was confusing Thailand and Taiwan.

Joe has gotten flack for not going into conspiracy theories anymore, so in one week he has two fringe conspiracy guys throwing around whacky theories about UFOs and ancient explorers.


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I thought this was great. Is his podcast any good otherwise?

I've started getting into audiobook to supplement my podcasts, I listen to enough music when playing games so I've started those while out. I mostly just listen to gaming podcasts, been trying some hbr ones too and also slowly getting through hardcore history.

Blank Check

Gavin McInnes is such an obvious fag who is over-compensating for his insecurities over his masculinity. A LOT of far right fascists were fags for this very reason.

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People's opinions on him might be divisive, but Colin moriarty does a good "nostalgia" one with his brother which is pretty good, it's just nice reminiscing with no conflict

Is MBMBaM intolerable now? I dropped them completely when Travis asked everyone to vote for Hillary for his birthday. I wasn't even trying to be a butthurt magapede, I just saw the writing on the wall. I maintain their move to Max Fun was a mistake and they lost a little of their spark post-move.

I don't know that's the only one I've watched

Not my favorite, but pic related is pretty funny.
It never was tolerable

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