Was Kubrick ahead of his time?
Was Kubrick ahead of his time?
Other urls found in this thread:
this guy should learn what composition means
This nigga lost and went home and made slime and live streamed it. Fucking boy snapped.
He just another subversive commie loving jew
I didn't watch either debate. Can anyone give me a fair and unbiased tl;dr.
what the fuck is it with slime and how did it get so big last year
Asmr coupled with those satisfying videos of soap or whatever
Hello please stop from using my image on 4channel I did not give you permission
Fuck off Beto
i want to bite her
Weird but not a sin
milk truk
my ex-wife once informed me that seeing the whites under the pupils during someones open stare is a sign of psychopathy.
that's some retarded pseudoscience, was your wife an asian by any chance
He knows zoomers can't vote, write?
>shot composition
my favorites, ranked
1) Barry Lyndon
2) 2001: A Space Odyssey
3) Spartacus
4) Eyes Wide Shut
5) The Shining
Is your ex-wife the hacker known as Yea Forums?
isn't he a gaymen, how does he have kids?
Respect the pronouns pls
We're all fucked no matter who wins.
The faggot wants to tax Americans who haven't served in the military. Fuck him with a rake that's been dipped in AIDS.
very depressing pic
Yogurt bus
Who are they?
We're fucked if Trump wins again, we're extra fucked if he loses
Rate my gf guys
>Billie Eilish
i did not know she had big tits
Kubrick was defintley an Anti-Jew though
>I'm a failed male with an out of control fetish, please help me
He's the kike we like, user
that shot is so cringy, especially when it's overdone. every edgelord with a fedora and a katana takes a picture like that.
i want to have sex with you
this thread is a mix of so many different unique ideas it's perplexing
does everyone really have to dress like that in army?
adorable goblin/10
I don't know. Oh fuck.
you think it was delayed hypnotic suggestion by dan the man?
That’s because she’s always wearing shitty looking baggy clothes
Kubrick loved Hitler and hated Jews and NWO
l-lads... am i gay
Don't read this thread. It's cancer and drains the brain.
Has there ever been a Twitter thread that wasn't total shit?
That’s marine Corp and yes to an extent. Depends on time and uniform. One time my drill back in the army called us to toe the line while we were all in the shower so almost all of us were naked on the line or with a shitty government towel around us.
Pic related was said drills face when he decided to smoke us when we were all like that.
wtf i love her music now
It's not gay to like the female penis
I'm 24 years old and I'm a zoomer by Yea Forums standards.
now get a white one
I did
>We're fucked if Trump wins again
My taxes are lower, my income is higher, terrorism & illegal immigration are down and employment is up ever since Trump was elected.
Speak for yourself, Pedro. Not all of us have to worry about getting catapulted back to Puerto Vallarta. If Trump gets a second term.
Daily Reminder that these are the people calling Trump an "idiot" for having a typo in a Tweet.
People that unironically think the availability of abortions for men in drag is an "important issue".
Holy fuck.
Beto eats tacos with a knife and fork
Good for you, user.
just looks like a skinnyfat dude
Not happening he is still /ourguy/
The cast for this new election season is looking promising.
Hopefully it reaches the same highs and lows of Jeb and company
showering together is really gay it's funny that everyone in army has had to shower with a bunch of men
I thought Ben Shapiro did this too.
The first scene of Clockwork has the main character staring like that. I doubt he even watches movies outside of Deadpool.
Style over substance, but almost no style either. It was idiotic.
Orange man bad, muh reparations, muh Free™ shit, muh racism borders.
High test