Yfw you realize the One Ring in LotR represents not power, but technology

>yfw you realize the One Ring in LotR represents not power, but technology
>everyone who says it's a tool and can be used for certain ends tries to wield it but they cannot and are instead corrupted by it

Attached: ted-kaczynski-2.jpg (900x750, 67K)

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the next time you're about to post a thread maybe don't do that

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Pretty sure Tolkien explicitly stated in an interview the ring represents technology. Would be curious if anyone has a source.

Did you read the wiki? It's well known. Tolkien didn't like technology.

The Ring represents The Ring. Tolkien was pretty adamant about none of his works being allegories since he hated them.

I never thought of this comparison before. Knowing Tolkien was something of an anarcho-primativist himself, very skeptical of industrialization, globalization, and such, these actually marry very well.


OP pls kill yourself

>Tolkien was something of an anarcho-primativist himself,
Fuck off psued

based and tedpilled
Wonder if he ever read any Tolkien.

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Tolkien especially hated automobiles and how they ruined travel. He never drove unless he absolutely had to. Traveling by foot or by horse is an adventure, while traveling by automobile is all about efficiency. It's desiring utility over beauty.

Yeah and thats why the innately evil ork species had the most advanced technology by far

Which character would Ted be in LotR? Who would play him?

Radagast, no idea on the actor though

ted was kinda based

I think it should be this guy.

On the topic of who plays Ted, was there ever a good biopic? How was that Mindhunter series?

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>yfw you realize the One Ring in LotR represents not power, but money
>everyone who says it's a tool and can be used for certain ends tries to wield it but they cannot and are instead corrupted by it

Are you a psychic op, because this is some real vague shit you're spewing

How is it vague?

kinda based post

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>“I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history – true or feigned– with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse applicability with allegory, but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.”

is that real?

Yeah, Nike has had some weird ad campaigns.

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But Tolkien said the ring isnt a metaphor for anything

Ted extrapolated the true meaning that Tolkien didn't realize.

Its Saruman and isengard that represent industry and the destruction of nature

I mean shit nigga the trees end up literally and physically getting revenge and destroying and flooding isengard and letting nature destroy it.

tolkien confirmed as brainlet

Nah he was just a grumpy old catholic.

He ripped off Wagner

So Wagner was also redpilled on the dangers of technology, interesting.

To be fair, their slogan literally comes from a convicted murderer who said "Let's do it!" before getting executed via firing squad.


Die in nuclear fire