*ruins your 10/10 show*
*ruins your 10/10 show*
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It never was a 10/10 but he was a shit character, agreed. Revisionist history. Sopranos > The Wire and it's not even as close as some would suggest. Also pic related was a terrible character as well.
>You don't expect me to put any of my people against Brother? SHEEEIT, nigga got more bodies on him than a Chinese cemetery.
The absolute state
how so?
how in the show did he make money? i'm guessing it wasn't girls or drugs.
Snoop was kino
who said he did? this is why religious people are crazy
sopranos is garbage
>behold! I have now shot you with a bullet of my own devising: a marvelous yet nonlethal concoction. what do think of that, “nigga”?
what the fuck were they thinking. that scene with him and Omar in the rain would have been too over the top for fucking breaking bad let alone the wire
>my compatriot at the entrance, is he deceased? come hither and cast your eyes upon my wound omar, no need to draw out this confrontation.
>if you are to take my life then so be it. i do not ask you to relinquish your 'hammer' though i do ask that this is ended promptly.
that scene in the motel felt like they brought in a guest writer, wasn't expecting it at all.
Translator's note: Nigga means brother in AAVE
Ah yes, the educated street thug that speaks poetically trope
he was a hitman from nyc u retard did u not watch
*distant whistling*
And also played by a real Baltimore criminal. Last I checked she is still in prison for murder.
no you
Been a while since I've seen the show, but Snoop was far and away a better character than Mouzone. I loved the creepy, psychotic dynamic between her and Chris. Seeing Mike lose hope and get sucked into it was fucked, too.
>Thread about the Wire.
>Gabagoolist makes it about his show
Every time.
Mouzone was fine, you guys are just illiterates. The shit with his magazines is funny and his standoff with Omar is kino.
Neat. She always seemed the dirtiest
Yeah when you're 13 and think that's how smart people talk
Snoop was great retard
in a show that was so focused and praised for its
realism, this negro was straight out of a Tarantino movie
is that jordan peele?
who was worse?
Refn did the same with the Pusher trilogy. The guy who sell guns in Pusher 2 got arrested 6 months after the premiere for peddling weapons
left fit the tone of the show, right didn't
>nothing more dangerous than a nigga with a library card
>gets btfo by Omar who is most likely illiterate
lol whatever you say urkel
He's for sure the only character 100% created by David Simon and not based on anyone real
Mouzone is the worst Wire character for sure, fortunately he wasn't in too many scenes but unfortunately he was integral in one of the biggest plot lines in the series.
>disliking Snoop
Opinion discarded.
>constantly and successfully robs drug dealers of their money for years without a scratch
>people are scared of him for some reason and run at the mere mention of his name
>has a gun just like any other person in America
>oh also he's gay!! #lgbt
this guy was honestly almost as bad as Mouzone
One on the left dominated it seemed like 2 seasons. Brother was only in a few scenes. I will take mouzonne
Based retard
I always post this and retards go
>uuh u don't know what the hood is like, sheltered kid
>it's about fear and respect
he's a retarded character
but he was part of some key scenes like this guy said and it makes no sense that stringer bell and prop joe were scared of one nigga in a bowtie and a pistol in that universe
Fuck jiggers
you gotta recharge the mitzvah
Snoop was totally legit, she literally played the IRL version of herself
>'tis with great displeasure I must tell you you have run out your string, String, for thine eyes will see the morrow never more. Now I must bid you goodbye.
The monologue really ruined Stringer Bell's death for me. I don't know what Simon was thinking.
tend to agree, somehow I don't find gangbanging homo thug characters believable
What is Simon's problem? SMAH is really triggering me. It's so honest yet dishonest. It literally shows that it's the kikes forcing niggers in white neighborhood and shows blacks being niggers but then it wants you to empathize with the niggers and antagonizes the white families who are angry about it and if you are conscious it's the kikes doing then oy vey you are probably a nazi. What a weirdly written show.
he almost never kills people, so many times he holds someone at gunpoint and just tells them something and just walks away and they're just like "shit man... he got us good... oh well!"
unironically stop
Found the kike nigger
>10/10 show
It's good but nowhere near a 10/10. Stop overrating this shit. It had 10/10 scenes but also 1/10 scenes.
>the mods.... are... faggots....
he also strolls down neighborhoods with a sawn-off while dozens of armed niggers are scrambling around trying to hide. it's fucking retarded
what is morale
something that shouldn't drop when it's several dozen vs 1 dude with a fucking sawn off
what is morale
epik trole
>smart people
He's a hitman. You think he's supposed to be smart just because he reads fucking magazines?
t. jive ass turkeys who've never met a NoI nigga
I tried watching The Wire a bunch of times because everyone talks about it as if it's just as good as the Sopranos, but it was just too fucking horrible. Corny overacting, nonsense go-nowhere plots. I kept coming back to Yea Forums and trying to glean from people's posts what the "good" parts are, I kept forcing myself to consider that I might be wrong. I really tried. Then I'd watch the show again, and that cornball fucking nigger who plays Omar would start chewing the scenery like he was in a high school play, and I had to shut it off.
I watched the whole goddamn show eventually and it never got any better. Plots regularly resolved in ways that showed the writers only ever thought a week ahead, at most. Cornball characters and horrible dialog were frequent. I don't know if this is a "thing" with black people, but actors frequently misread their lines and emphasized the incorrect words in the context of the scene, like they'd go "I can't believe YOU did that" instead of "I can't believe you DID that."
I think the kind of person who enjoys The Wire must be retarded. There's no other explanation. You have to have no standards at all.
Almost none of those armed dudes have no interest in getting into firefights, especially not with someone who actually knows how to aim his gun.
It's like when you see a lion take on a bunch of hyenas. Together they could rip that lion to shreds... but none of the hyenas want to be the one that gets slaughtered by the lion so the rest of their buddies can attack. So its much more even than you would think it should be.
no user, they literally only need 1 bullet to put him down, and they're avon's gang. there are dozens of them, NOTHING is stopping one of them from taking a potshot from a window or shooting him from behind
>Together they could rip that lion to shreds
which is exactly what happens. also, that's melee combat lmao
>no interest in getting into firefights
what? he's taking their livelihood, they're a gang. they have every motivation in the world to just put him down then and there
nice selfie, retard
They're a gang, but they aren't muscle.
They just want to sell drugs and not be killed.
Dudes like Weebey, Savino, and Stinkum are the muscle in the Barksdale organization. And they're generally never around when Omar is knocking over stashes.
I'm a big fan of the show and even I found this waaay too over the fucking top. Like, in the same shot they show that Barksdale crew can see him from the window, they're all criminals, all presumably armed yet it doesn't occur to anyone to put a bullet on his back
I liked Omar as a character but some of the shit they did with him was cringy. IIRC he was supposed to die after a couple episodes but fans liked him so much they kept him around
scene in question
jesus christ user why are you pulling these excuses out of your ass? they're armed thugs in areas where murder is sky high and he's robbing them with zero consequences. he doesn't even have a proper crew
it's retarded as fuck, I don't understand why you defend it to death
you're beautiful, user
Anyone with real life experience of niggers knows this is nonsense. They will start a fight that escalates to gun violence in a McDonalds over a hamburger. They don't have conversations like this, they just yell ooga booga at eachother until someone's dead.
They need to hit him to put him down. Look at their general accuracy when they actually do shoot at something; it sucks. Omar's is pretty good.
Couple this with the fact that most of them do NOT walk around armed. They are drug dealers, and they get frisked, a LOT.
Also what is a metaphor, lmao.
No, I'm saying that's what a 13 year old would think, retard.
The worst part was him in the final season where he pretty much becomes Spiderman, a vigilante hunting criminals and surviving drops from four story buildings. Then again the final season ruined everyone so idk why a character as shit as Omar already was should be spared.
What excuses? You mean, reasons?
Zero consequences? He gets shot up throughout the series, and eventually killed.
Also, stick up kids are a real thing in Baltimore. You know that, right? They're a big part of the reason the violence is so high in the city.
Get off this board, underageb& retard
Omar is a worse character than mouzone.
The show is good but has flaws, it really takes a dive in season five.
t. Finished third watch through last week.
see he would've been dead. it's that simple
see above
Best take an English class before you post another reply, nigger.
Based and objectively true
Can't remember if he actually said this shit or if you guys are satirizing it
noo man you don't get it niggers don't shoot each other even when it's 30v1 because muh honor they have bad aim they're scared they don't want to only weebay killed etc etc
I'm a nigger, you're the 13 year old who thinks holding a magazine makes you a smart person lmao
I hear people bitch about him being a cartoon character all the time but it honestly seems like he's accurate to how Nation/Fruit of Islam members behave. Look up Fruit of Islam and you'll see plenty examples of them dressed like Mouzone or in over the top military-esque wear. Also, arrogant, smug faggots seem to think larger than life are absent from real history. There's plenty of examples of people that you smug faggots so certain of your own supreme intelligence would scoff at if they appeared in some film, and then feel stupid when you find out its entirely accurate cause reality is filled with colourful characters.
lol, you're getting so butthurt
>you made fun of me, that means you're mad
ok man
>first omar stickup
>takes them completely off guard at night
>small crew
>in and out quick as fuck
then later
>whistling down the street in broad daylight
>just demands the goods
>then walks away
it becomes so stupid
You want it to be one way, but it's the other way.
but I said ok and played along with your childish narrative
The show is definitely overrated but it did have consistently great moment throughout it's run.
Season 2 and 4 especially are on par with the average Sopranos episodes.
>it's not even as close as some would suggest
Yes it is you fucking loser
>American reading comprehension
*smirks mysteriously* Perhaps...
Does he need to repeat himself? That kind of language has no place here on 4channel
He's literally problem-free, that kind of uncertainty is the only way he'll get to say what he means to say
I'm sorry you lack appreciation, but don't say it doesn't come nowhere near a 10/10. Just say you don't like the show
beware of solipsism
no it's not
this guy gets it
complaining about mouzone is as good a pleb filter as any
She went to prison when she was 14, for like 6 1/2 years.
He was twice as bad. Why did they put gay Batman in a gritty detective story?
Just started watching this show a couple weeks ago. Finished S3 last night. All the criticisms itt are accurate.
I am enjoying how accurately they portray nogs though. Especially all the little things and mannerisms. Did they hire actual hood rats to play the secondary characters?
Thoughts on season 2?
2>1>3 probably because i can relate to it
Bunch of them are Baltimore natives, including main cast like Daniels and minor/background characters. And if they aren't it's largely informed by real behaviour considering creator is a Baltimore native and former journalist and characters like Bubbles, Omar, etc. are inspired by people he encountered IRL.
>translator’s note note: “brother” is an AAVE word for “friend”
I like how the White savior teacher raised the underprivileged Black test scores by teaching them math in hood language and turned his classroom into a peaceful calm monastery kek.
This show is cucked.
This. It’s incredible that people complain so much about the quirky NOI guy and not the literal capeshit character.
kill yourself
The perils of an outlandish character becoming a 'fan favorite'.
I haven't seen SMAH but David Simon is earnestly anti-white. He said he didn't want weed legalized because it would keep white kids out of jail.
>dozens of armed niggers
they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, that's even if their guns could fire. they don't know how to maintain them either. the guns are more likely to blow up in their hand than hit omar.
yes they would, and they'd definitely try either way. they don't do anything because they're scared in the show, not because they think they won't hit
Snoop was a literal retard who could barely speak fucking English and tried to turn into her character to promote a fucking rap album lmao
>a real criminal
So a retard and a piece of shit
I will give him credit for portraying the criminal lawyer Levy as a Jew. When he, a Jew, was confronted about it he basically said it would be hypocritical if he showed every ethnicity under the sun in negative lights at various points except for his own and outright said most of the lawyers for these drug criminals and gangs were Jews.
muh lybians
That was back when he made The Wire. He's become a lot more 'fuck why pepo' since.
Most people outside of Chicago/East Coast have never seen NoI or FoI, I don't understand why they bothered with a character most people wouldn't get.
you know the drop happened to the real Omar and he survived, right?
There are so many moments in The Wire that are obviously white dudes trying to put their thoughts into the mouths of streetwise black people, and it's painful. D'Angelo's speech about chess, and his analysis of The Great Gatsby were pure cringe.
The wire is a 6/10 but because Reddit fetishises niggers and catch phrases it's overrated as hell.
no memory of this character at all
>it's another insecure sopranosfags talk about the wire episode
keep the (yous)
you earned that like a motherfucker
I did like the show. I just think faggots who believe it's GOAT are retarded plebs.
This. It's a good show, but it's nowhere near the levels of hype that wirefags have talked up for the past decade.
Gonna be honest with your guys. Too many niggers in this show for my taste.
and then he died to a 9 year old
the only kid in his class who got good life results was weebey jr and thats purely because he got adopted by a disciplined rich guy
Slim Charles
>Well developed characters I had the most sympathy for
Stinkum is the only GOAT
who the fuck is dennis
cutty, boxing guy
Brother Moves On is no better than a nigger with a dictionary
This actually happened in real life, for a cop in the 20s and 30s.
FYI there are black girl dykes that are exactly like this character
>t. Worked with at least 10 Black dykes at my job
Also these black dykes are unironically based and redpilled. You can pretty much say anything and they don't get offended. I think they just want you to acknowledge them as boyish and they will love you for it.
See? They ain't no problems, just beautiful as hell, D.
>without a scratch
He has a massive scar on his face!
Back to pleddit
jesus christ why did they have to go super full TELEPORTS BEHIND YOU mode with him? it completely breaks the "MUH REAL LIFE" feel of the show
>*teleports in front of you*
>I'm going to stand in here, alone, with my back turned to an apartment full of armed to the teeth niggas who hate my guts.
>*they give him the stash, no shot fired despite a perfect , unobstructed line of sight and being like 10 vs 1 while having the advantage of cover AND Omar not even pointing at them*
Are you 12? That might get a giggle from the other washouts on /pol/ but you can try harder than that
Dude literally watch any WorldStarHipHop video u sheltered cuck. There's mountains and mountains of videos showing how real hood niggas act. And it aint whimsical like your sheltered whiteboy cuck TV show faggot.