>"plays" a racist character
"plays" a racist character
*ruins everything*
>is the best character on The Shield
>did nothing wrong
Can this be a thread for The Shield now?
This guy is an angel.
nah, he's a cheap faggot who doesnt tip.
Tipping is for racists trying to stand out from black people
>gets btfod so hard by chadvic that he kills his pregnant wife and son then shoots himself
he didnt even get enough time to finish his suicide note, kek
>yet manages to be charismatic as fuck
how does he do it?
le dae le think it le suspicious when le white actor le plays a racist character le too good xD
walter "reddit" goggins
"We dug coal together."
he's a fucking great villain
cant wait to see him in the righteous gemstones, looks like it's gonna be entertaining
>implying Mara wasn't to blame for literally everything that went wrong
possibly even previously on the shield
>Here you got it all, don't ya'?
>You got money.
>You got power.
>The hillbilly's been listenin' to my speeches.
>It's too bad about your son, though.
>Tell you what, if my boy turned out to be a fag, I don't know what I would do.
>They say you're born that way.
>You doin' his mother out the ass when you knocked her up?
>One time, doin' time, for a long time.
>That poor little kid. He's gonna be found face down, in the shower, with a back full of shiv and an ass full of cum. Word hits the street, what's that gonna make you look like, huh? I mean, your people don't cop with the homo vibe.
>My people... ain't your worry.
>Yeah? But you know with all that money, all that power, at the end of the day, you're still just a nigger! With a faggot nigger son! And where's the respect in that? HUH? Where's the respect in that?
>[Sits down and puts the cuffs back on] Now... what were you sayin' about my nigger faggot son?
He ruined everything. Season 4 and up was literally him ruining everything.
I watched this episode for the first time a few days ago and felt like a basedboy with my jaw dropping at how amazing both their acting was
Based Gog
this. lol fuck shane. never could stand him, the crybaby.