I’m white and younger than her
Just busted inside a married Hispanic woman
I jacked off to a FANTASY about that today.
Anywho, how'd you end up getting her to fuck you?
based and redpilled
Based and colonizedpilled
Latina catholics don't believe in condoms or abortions...
>if you're hispanic you must be catholic
>if you're jewish you must be jewish
Literally everyone is getting cucked in 2019, you're nothing special and your sense of wrongdoing is false, cucking is just fucking nowadays
Tell us more
describe her pusy
>older than you
>non white
lmao what a retard
he's a Yea Forums user, you gotta start somewhere on the sexual ladder
How could you?
I'm not really into fucking my help but hey good for you
Idk she really pursued me and I just let it happen. I was a NEET loser and my only hobby was lifting, then I got a shitty job and a lot of the women there seem horny as fuck so I ended up with one.
hope you like paying child support for 18 years, dumb breeder
The good news for you is that the supposed Catholic family-values Mestizos have no sexual morality beyond "early and often."
The bad news is you might get knifed or beaten up by the husband and 1d4 of his brothers or cousins for being white in their barrio.
this is the saddest thread I've ever experienced
Incredibly based
If this is the case with op’s latina he’s three times as based
I lost my virginity to a latina that was older than me and I wish I had waited for a white girl my age. Beggars can’t be choosers though
you banged a cougar didn't you
>he doesn't like cougars
get those cocks out of your mouth user