What was the moral of the story?

What was the moral of the story?

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>they cucked the ending

it's okay to relax around the cool black guy you wash underwear with in prison

what's the religion irl of the director of American History X?

Niggers gonna nig regardless of race

Around blacks never relax

That as long as you stick some random yelling or violence behind facts or obvious points that are true, they become invalid.
>Get raped, become liberal.

I believe he was Jewish.

I dunno

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Pretty much this

>we are all damned by our own violence

Neo nazis take it up the ass

Just a coincidence

Never question the PC narrative, or niggers will come after your family; Regardless of whether or not you've repented.

What has that got to do with anything and what are you trying to insinuate?

never relax

hatred causes more hatred, violence causes more violence

getting ass raped makes people less racist

>niggers cause more violence

Don't be a skinhead but also don't trust blacks or jews

>Niggers violent when Norton was a Nazi.
>Nigger was violent when Norton wasn't a Nazi.

Norton's character seems to have very little impact on the world around him.

thats not the intention, what they tried to do was show a nuanced take on a really smart guy who got roped into an extremist ideology filled with brainlets because of personal trauma and bad influences.

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his past caught up to him, not to mention that his brother was also a nazi.

Don't be racist or you'll be visited by totally random tragedy

You posted this same thread before which then magically becomes filled with leftist faggots who somehow enjoy this kike-made movie. Fuck off

Uh don't be a nazi cause it's cringey

lmao, no they didn't never once even refuted anything he said, they did exactly what I said, just put out a true statement, they put in some random racism or violence to invalidate it. Like when his dad was making good points and then "NIGGERS" because you need to know that even if what he said is true it's still "bad".

“Put your head on the fucking curb!!!”

Go back


the book his son was reading is actually great imo but the dad assumed that its shit because it was about a black guy. what often starts out as a rational concern often evolves into irrational ideology.

>totally random

Did he MAKE those niggers dangerous in the first place though?

And how come black hoodlums never have their pasts catch up with them in the same way?

This EXACT post word for fucking word was also posted on the last thread with the same picture and OP post made. Fuck off you zogbot faggots no one cares about your precious small groups of nazis bullying you.

>the book his son was reading is actually great imo but the dad assumed that its shit because it was about a black guy

Nowadays that assumption is more warranted.

>And how come black hoodlums never have their pasts catch up with them in the same way?
did you forget about the curb stomping?

I think that was the joke. ((((totally random))) or in this case, a typical violent ape

Racism is unironically bad.

Thieving niggers deserve to be curbstomped


yeah, affirmative action does harm the credibility of many things. the politics surrounding black people is obnoxious and is often based purely on ideology but thats not an excuse for you to buy into some other ideology.

Fuck niggers and fuck jannies

Um I didn't see any jannies in this movie?

Who were the jewish characters?

I know all you want is /pol/ tier FUCK NIGGERS type answers but here's a real answer.

Basically, the moral is that just because you redeme yourself doesn't mean you deserve a happy ending, and redemption doesn't right your past wrongs. The story is akin to a modern Greek tragedy, in that even after Derek reforms, and all seems right with the world, his final satisfaction is taken away in how his brother is still pointlessly killed, as if by the gods or fates in Greek stories

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Constantly larping about affirmative action makes us look weak. We have distinct advantages in American society, and have for many years. It's more annoying to pretend like we have not, as if racism doesn't exist at all. That shit makes us look bad.

There wasn't a moral because Edward norton is a liberal faggot and ruined the original ending which would have been much stronger thematically and would have had an actual moral: Violence is cyclical.

>He never saw the movie

Trying to alter board culture before the election by spamming anti racisim pasta threads eh?

Taking a dick in the ass cures racism

>t. nervous Jew

Holy shit you ARE the JIDF that samefags a shit ton in lots of threads the last couple months here aren't you?

I haven't seen it in years, schizo, I don't remember the Jews in it.

>the truth has to be /pol/

what are you talking about? im european so im not sure what you mean, in what way do white people have distinct advantages in america? also why are you occupied with how people view "your" group?

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His dad had n*gger fatigue, happens to the best of us. Why would he want to read or watch media about the people that were constantly making his life a living hell? I mean, I have the same fatigue and it is living near them that has given me it. Not some ideology, real world experience.

Good response

Sorry, it was a minor scene I guess...

>im european so im not sure what you mean,
Oops my bad. Didn't mean to speak to an irrelevant.

His mom's boyfriend...(talk about a slap in the face to his father's memory) A true woman-move.

who the FUCK is "us"? You're the only liberal faggot here.

Oh yeah I remember now. Wonder how much Norton changed

Fuck off redneck.

don't negate the premise

you are incredibly naive if you dont see how its still ideology. your excuse is basically that its very easy to fall into but that describes all ideology.

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You first communist filth.

See this? Know what it means?

>reddit image
Yeah you're from Israel. Fuck off.

Based schizophrenic poster

Blacks have the world handed to them nowadays and are worse off than before the civil rights in many ways (single parenthood, employment, crime, income inequality). Your eternal suffering will be the byproduct of you culture unless you correct it.

I'm sorry that living around actual black people reinforces negative views about them but you don't have to be a White supremacist to develop those views. Mere proximity will do the trick and most people aren't going to start shaving their head and wearing an arm band as a result.

>smug reddit image reaction posted every post
>Doesn't think niggers should be dead and gone
JIDF please leave

You're European, so you don't know.

>The same "You're a schizo!" brainless response you use everytime to everyone
Yeah, it's you

This. We all should be so lucky as to be ass raped. The government should stop doing it only figuratively and start doing it literally as well.

Night of long knives part 2 soon

I'm a different person you retard. And facts don't care about your feelings anyways.

Then why did you reply there and not here .
Attain some reading comprehension.

I was replying to you you felch monger

Peace is not an option.

You weren't though. I'm a different person you retard.

Kike thread. Same exact thread word for word picture for picture in OP. Also is the same exact post word-for-fucking-word-as the last thread. Stop replying and hide and ignore.

The point remains. Soak it in.

Every neonazi flick is some jewish power fantasy.

>man get less racist after going to prison

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I got that too

Hmm I wonder what a (((Hollywood filmmaker’s))) religion was?

nazis sure do get mad when you point out how dumb their ideology is. sad


I agree. Socialism is retarded.

Yeah, never going to happen but feel free to keep dreaming. Unlike 1930's Germany, we're now protected under law in every western nation in the world. Touch us and you'll end up in prison getting tag teamed like the racist fuck in this movie.
Plus, we have our homeland back which ensures our continued survival whilst your own lands and cultures are consumed by multiculturalism. In short, go fuck yourself you nazi fuck.

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Shut up jew