Who is the most mentally ill poster on Yea Forums?

Who is the most mentally ill poster on Yea Forums?

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You, frognigger, dubs confirm

Literally me

Alita Battle Angel general posters

Cunny poster
Literally every sneed poster


avatar poster

This. Particularly the mentally ill sheboon who ironically posts in them more than anyone sperging out about "trannies" or some shit.

Krager and CreepyThinMan which I suspect is the same person

not me!
but I may be the saddest since bonbi is dead again

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It's been declassified as mental illness you transphobic fuck

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Jumpscare bad

the "have sex" guy.

the "who is the modern day cynthia rothrock" poster

I mean hes kinda right, anime makes traps look good, but it doesnt work that way in real life.

S O I Normalfag wojak poster

t. who is the modern day cynthia rothrock poster

not me

Who said anything about trannies?

Any of the waifufags who post the same celeb over and over every day without fail

This guy, fuck him.

and a mentally sane and discerning individual can differentiate pretty drawings from real life

correct posts

The janeane garofalo guy

Brie waifuists

>How many TIMES ya gonna post CRINGE, Stayvun?

>I don't knoooow

>The sneed posters ain't gonna stop. You know that!

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soijak spammer

the soijak poster is pretty based tbqh, makes redditards and janniggers seethe

Fuck off to with your garbage.

This for sure. Is he ok? Haven't seen him for a while. If anyone in this thread has seen, heard from, or chatted with the Janeane Garofalo guy, please share your stories.

he doesn't even post often so he's probably ok the Endgame shills or the Chernobyl shills are much worse

Sneedposters have to be mentally ill to post the same thing over and over. Even if the goal is to annoy random people, who derives pleasure from that? Somebody with nothing going on in their lives, or somebody with mental problems.


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all me