Is this the golden age of comedy?

Is this the golden age of comedy?

Attached: self-proclaimed comedy 'Death Squad'.jpg (750x1334, 129K)

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No. It's literally the worst time for comedy ever.

There's that fuckin holocaust denier Adam egret

this, emphatically this


>Brendan Schaub.
I only think Joey and Tony are good comics so no. Golden age of podcasting maybe.

Fuck off with this (((social media))) trash.

But I don't see any comedians besides Adam

I heard he sucks off guys under the bridge

Someone needs to have a sit down with Joe and tell him this comedy thing just ain’t working.

You can't mean Eget...

To be fair Stalin killed more people


>stand up comedy

l to r
>dude weed "pull that chimp up" manlet
>literally who
>cte victim
>literally who 2: electric boogaloo
>fat old liar

I know right, where does that guy get his ideas from?

That guy is sick

he owns a Comedy store surely that counts you going to tell me Jon Lovitz isn't a comedian?

This guy fucking hates jews. It’s like we have no mods.

It is the golden age sadly it's from real life. Future generations will look back on this era with yakety sax playing in the back ground. CLOWN WORLD

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Adam is a funny guy

I wonder how many times Adam Egret mentioned the smokestacks.

ah cool another assortment of greaseballs. are there any fucking white people at all left in the world? meaning Protestants? am I the only one fucking left??


I hate joey dias because he often changes his tone randomly mid sentence to really quiet THEN STARTS SCREAMING LIKE A RETARD HAHAHAHA shut up

Protestants are fags. Take you as an example.

It’s a tell when he’s lying.

Legitimately this. I honestly believe stand-up comedy is dying. Partially because of retards like rogan getting all his unfunny friends jobs and partially because being a youtube comedian is probably a better route to go down if you want to be a comedian. I mean who’s the newest rising star in comedy John Mulaney is the most recent I can think of but it’s been over a decade since he got big.

His tell is breathing.

Attached: diaz.jpg (2208x1242, 105K)

My favorite comic retired unfortunately

Attached: vince champ.jpg (360x303, 24K)

Comedy has never been less funny than it is now
I wonder if it's because the sheer volume of inane shitposting people do online means that there are precious few funny ideas that haven't already been expressed in a funny way

And comedians are still in denial

we truly live in a society

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It's because all these fucking "comedians" forgot that their job is to make people laugh, not soapbox for some dumb political shit or whatever other "social cause" these cunts shill for.

WE do

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Daily reminder Joe isn't funny, his standup fucking sucks and hes a prick who drove mencia (who is 100x funnier than joe) out of the business.

Joe is part of the reason comedy is dying.

Adam Eget that fucking retard

Adam is the talent guy at the comedy store. No wonder everybody sucks his dick.

>this will literally never happen to you

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Holy shit you're retarded.

He had a bar mitzvah...

>brown eyes

Somebody post his dick. It's pretty nice.

Communism has shown itself to be an effective way to kill communists.

Attached: Frank Zappa on Communism.jpg (400x509, 35K)

BASED Adam Egret

Attached: Amy Schumer.jpg (720x480, 48K)

Iowa by Slipknot

Attached: iowa.jpg (1500x1500, 419K)

>doesn’t understand the entire reference chain

more like he said hasta la vista to the jews

> forced to have sex
Why don't they just say he was raped?

