Times television predicted the future
Or talk about the debate if you want
Times television predicted the future
>Or talk about the debate if you want
Why do poor Republicans like the ones that post here insist on voting against their best interests?
Actually we all know they're NEET's who aren't even registered
>just avoid chemicals! just dont get sick!
retard bitch. why is she on stage?
I want kamala harris to yell at my penis
Says he'll lower taxes. I made more money last year and paid less. AMAZING!
I'm middle class and doing pretty well under Trump.
Actually about to open a business.
>voting against their best interests?
lmao poor fag
I got let go from my SEO job of 8 years literally today because the US market is so bad right now.
>this is what NEET thinks being 40 and doing well financially is like
Stop making shit up, loser. You haven't had a job in 8 years
Typically it's the opposite. The libs are the ones who are shut-in NEETs and that's why they want Bernie as president.
It's not in my best interest to flood the country with 80 IQ illegals and muslims who hate me and will always vote democrat (the anti-white party)
I'd be legitimately worried about liberals health in 2020 if they didn't already get off on being a victim.
This is more terrifying than any horror film. Just imagine that orange fool getting his wall and a smug sense of satisfaction painted across his withered mug.
What’s this from?
A lot of people took this obvious and mediocre bait
That would be based.
Illegal immigration disproportionately disaffects the lower class by artificially lowering wages for residency disclosure. I'm tired of my people suffering.
SNL It parody
Hmm if only there were a higher minimum wage hmmm imagine that....
>had CIA in complete outfit and stance years prior to TDK
>had a high ranking power convince/seduce a character with burgers and fastfood in a beautiful elegant room
>blamed the Cubs not winning for 100 years on an angel, who was killed in the show, which was followed by the Chicago Cubs finally winning their championship
>>had CIA in complete outfit and stance years prior to TDK
That's not going to do jack shit for housing, it'll only rise as your wages rise. Enjoy.
That only increases unemployment of the least skilled and lowest earners you socialist retard.
what the fuck
You re white so no.
Last season.
The team must find Donald, to help with their plan to save the world.
Move out of LA retard.
>Pajeet-tier job
Yeah, "bad market".
Do you actually think voting democrat will earn you freeshit?
they’ll take to the streets and larp as revolutionary street fighting Che Guevaras — at least that’s always been the dream
seriously who does he think he is, right?
is this skit aging well? it’ll be even better after the upcoming subpoena fiasco right?
Free shit and state enforced homosexuality =/= My best interests.
Yikes. Melissa looked like she had a gun to her head
Fuck that libtard show. There isn't a single piece of ass on the show anymore.
It's pretty easy, they're bitter NEETs that want to watch people get mad because Trump.
People over profit you fucking retard
I’d rather vote against my economic interests for a thousand years then let degeneracy decay the society
Imagine being a useful idiot like this, thinking any of the elite care about degeneracy rather than bottom lines