What the fuck was this shit? At the end of the movie Woody abandons Bonnie and all his toy friends, including Buzz...

What the fuck was this shit? At the end of the movie Woody abandons Bonnie and all his toy friends, including Buzz, to go hang with Bo Peep and her buddies at the carnival. What?! Woody, the one character through all 4 movies who preached the value of loyalty, never giving up, never abandoning your responsibility, talking about how great it is to have a kid...suddenly and without warning decides he'd rather be a lost toy. What a load of bullshit, that is absolutely ridiculous and out of character for Woody.

So he left because Bonnie didn’t care about him. Which is even worse, as Andy specifically told Bonnie that Woody was special and to take extra care of him. Which she didn’t at all, despite practically forcing Andy to give him up. This completely destroys the impact of the 3rd film's perfect ending and basically makes it irrelevant. Especially considering she will likely not take care of any of the other toys either, except her ever so precious Forky, of course

You fucking blew it, Disney and Pixar. Shame on you. I'd rather watch Cars 2 than watch this again.

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It ended at 3, I don't see why anyone would see this movie.

It's tough because woody deserves happiness but it's fucked he doesn't return with the other toys. Buzz is cool but toy story 5 with just buzz and Jessie? No thanks

The whole concept of secret sentient toys is fucking creepy and this movie above the others really makes that clear. I was hoping this would recapture some childhood wonder but it just made me really uncomfortable thinking about the toy/child dynamic of these films.

Who the fuck cares about a second (or third) unnecessary sequel to a children's film made before most people on this website were even born?
Why would you care whether this toy cowboy figure gets his happy ending undone? It's not like there was a toy story expanded universe, is it?

He leaves because Bonnie doesn't want him anymore, and he'd rather spend time with Bo than languish in a closet. He trusts his friends to take care of Bonnie too

There are tv specials, the star command show, video games, and disney world attractions, so technically there is a toy story expanded universe

>abandons his best friend for porcelain pussy
Fuck you Woody, what happened to being together “to infinity and beyond”

This is the same Disney that completely eviscerated the ending of Return of the Jedi so they could peddle SJW girl powah minority bullshit, what did you expect?

He leaves to help other toys. It's the greater good

So the lesson is that a woman will cry, beg, and demand stuff from a man and then dismiss what he gives her because the acquisition of the thing is what was important to her rather than the thing itself? And then Woody basically said, "Fuck this shit!" and decided to be a TGTOW?

I figured you people would be all over this as the "most based" Disney movie ever made. Buzz and all the other toys who stay behind are a bunch of cucks, or some other nonsense, right?

Bo sue was the bigger problem.

can't wait for the shitty video essays made by former youtube poopers that get one million views on this movie

And it’s completely out of character. Woody, until TS4, was always the responsible toy who stuck with his owner and his friends, not some Toy-equivalent of a guy joining the peace corps

It's to setup for the soon to be announced Disney+ series about Woody and Bo going around helping the lost toy of the week.

Was Woody Justified in keeping forky hostage against his will for the first half of the movie?

Dude, forky was funny as fuck. Even if he is Trans agenda

you care about a film for literal children because..?

are you being sarcastic? Because the calling everyone trash joke got old pretty fucking quick.

Nah I actually found him funny. He had some good jokes considering it looked like a shit new character

kinda odd too that Bo didn't comprimise at all during this movie. she just wanted to stay lost and that was that, if woody ever wanted to see her again he had to go her way or the highway so to speak.

It's a really bad message

>kinda odd too that Bo didn't comprimise at all during this movie.
That's the message young girls are getting from Disney as of late. Diminishing responsibility, it's not good.

nothing in the movie was her responsibility though

>It ended at 1, I don't see why anyone would see this movie.
Fixed that for you. Their character arcs were complete. Woody learned how to accept new toys into his life and to be okay with not always being number one. Buzz learned that it's okay to be a toy as long as you're there for your kid. Even movie after that was rehashing some combination of those plots, usually by reverting the characters to their pre Toy Story 1 state just to get them back again by the end.

Not just the 3rd, the second movie is ruined too. Woody would've left Andy if only Jessie opened her pussy for him

Bonnie is so fucking shit, I really hate how not only she didn't grew up in 10 YEARS, but also she seems more retarded and immature than she was in Toy Story 3.

It just seems like a bummer. Let her go, Woody, she's not the same

2 takes it a step further, though you could argue Woody is learning Buzz's half of the first movie in it.

Also I really hated the plush animals voiced by the unfunny negroes from Good Burger, they literally brought NOTHING to the movie except annoying, unfunny one liners.

>if only Jessie opened her pussy for him
I always got more of a siblings vibe from them.
inb4 incest brigade

Yeah I don't think I laughed once at them. Was it those hacks Peele and the other one?

>I'd rather watch Cars 2 than watch this again.
Surely it can't be that bad

The whole movie felt like a boring, predictable, unfunny, long Toy Story Toons episode. I HATED IT I HATED IT I HATED IT!!!!!! REEE REE REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

>bittersweet ending of separation but acceptance
>repeated calls to how the fuck does any of the toys living works
>all those characters with dead voice actors reduced to silence
>reminder that life goes on and things change and there’s no happy ending unless you make it
Honesty regret seeing the movie if only because I absolutely loved the kino ending to 3. The maturation of Woody as a character was great and so was his growth. I also enjoyed the closure the series has in regards to showing the audience who have seen the other ones that you still have a long life to live and to continue fighting. Wish it ended at 3 though personally but this was a well made finale.

He probably meant to say commitment.

TS5 they’re all sent to the skip and the kids are on their iPads watching peppa pig.

>inb4 Toy Story 5 starts right where 4 left off
>Bonnie notices Woody's missing
>Flips a shit
>The entire plot is Woody trying to get back to her

I heard they gonna do a bo and woody series on disney plus

That pissed me off too. These toys live to be played with, that is their purpose, nothing else. Then they give Bo Peep free will to decide what she wanted to do. Huh, reminds me of another film that did the exact same thing recently. Then again Bo Peep wasn't exactly a toy to be played with but a lamp decoration.

Women smart man stoopid

So wait, is Buzz a fucking NPC now?

It's just supposed to be a reference to Captain America leaving his teammates to be with Peggy which in itself was a reference to the couple in UP who live a normal life in a quaint house instead of going on adventures. Try not to think too hard about it.
: )

Well, romance has almost always been held in higher regard than friendship. He knew Bo Beep for years, it's not like he abandoned his friends for someone he just met.

More like Little Blow Peep

Movies 2-4 are shameless cash grabs that are terrible and shouldn't exist.

2 is better than the first one, though I'll admit that I barely remember anything about 3

How is forky trans at all? He never does anything remotely feminine and even gets his own hetersexual romantic partner at the end.

Rainbow sticker, no gender

>though I'll admit that I barely remember anything about 3

It mostly repeated a lot of beats from 2, then threw in a prison break sequence, then ended with a "like this if u cry every tiem" ending, but it was just cringey watching a college age man play with little plastic toys that he's kept around for his whole life.

>Brushing Gabby's hair with the brush turned backwards
>"Such pretty hair"
Made me lol

Forky was definitely one of the better parts of the movie

Inclincation to suicide, struggles with identity, literally hybrid of fork and spoon

See? Heaps. I have to thank user that called this when Toy story 4 teaser was released

How is 2 better than 1? While I admit I liked parts of 2 and 3 better than 1. 1 will always be the best pixar film and one of the great halmarks of animation.

1 is peak Pixar. Maybe followed by monsters inc

Why did the make Peep a Spanish Civil War-era anarchist leader?

If you are over 9 and care at all then drown yourself

how is Bo peep SJW feminism but Jessie wasnt? She was "tough cowgirl who dont need no man"

-voiced by a man
-gets female partner
-may lack significant masculine traits, but so do Rex and Porky.
-may be a hybrid between fork and spoon, but female utensil is a knife, not a fork or spoon.

>Inclination to suicide
kek, you got me

Though you gotta remember Toy Story 3 was pretty politically incorrect, too, and that wasn't very long ago. This is classic gay panic.

I think people have issue with turning a historically feminine character (who frequently needs saving) into a stronk, independent character (but then they contradict that in this movie by giving her a romantic interest who she falls for pretty quickly)

>Buzz is cool but toy story 5 with just buzz and Jessie? No thanks

That's where you got it wrong, bud.. They're not closing Woody's arc, they're closing Buzz and everyone else's.

Woody is Toy Story.. The moves they made in this movie allows them to ditch 2 dead actors and a red pilled Tim Allen.

Disney and Iger fake me'tooed Lassiter because he wasn't a jewish or a liberal.

Dirty liberals. It was all just to fuck over buzz, wasn't it. Moral of the story is you can't have Toy story without both buzz and woody

Woody/Cowboys are supposed to represent 2d animation and Buzz/Spacemen represent 3d animation. Woody leaves because 2d theatrical animation is finished at Disney.

I don't even have enough brainlet reactions to describe how stupid this was to read so take your (You) and be done with it.

Not to be SO hyperbolic about it but in a sense this movie went out of its way to kick Buzz Lightyear to the curb..

Toy Story is 110% The Woody and Buzz show..

Yeah, you can feel Buzz's limited screentime and dialogue

>but female utensil is a knife, not a fork or spoon.
Wrong. Spoon is female, fork is beta cuck boi, and knives are the true chad alpha males.

In the movie the female romantic interest that shows up in the mid credits scene is a knife.

>red-pilled Tim Allen
More like white-powdered Tim Allen lol

Bonnie was literally in Kindergarten

It was so bad man. Repeated jokes, tired retreads, the plot points held no real weight, side characters given barely any significant time. Truly a disgrace

>getting mad over a kids movie

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>red pilled Tim Allen.
Wait what?

I 1000% agree OP, they threw out the themes of the first 3 and butchered the characters and story here.

Allen is among the rare breed of actors whose lives do not revolve around making disparaging statements about Blumpf

You “fictional/children’s story, who cares?” fags are the worst. If a story is of good quality then it inherently matters if the story is altered for the worse. What if I have children that like Toy Story? Then it suddenly matters that the moral of the series has been drastically altered.

It’s always bad when a good story gets a bad sequel.

in the first one he made it adamantly clear that being a lost toy was his worst nightmare, why would he change all of a sudden? for bo peep who he hasn't seen in years, and they obviously grown apart from each other?
it's just so out of character for everyone in this movie. perhaps it's not out of character for bo-peep, but that's because we hardly knew her in the other 2.

>bitching about someone caring about a film on a discussion board for television and film
literal brainlet nigger

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Watch Toy Story 4 as if its like Shrek 4, its an alternative universe where everything is backwards and makes no sense, to Bonnie abandoning Woody, Buzz being a retard, Bo being an action wahman. It all checks out.

It makes perfect sense. A lot of the movies have dealt with toys being abandon. In 4 it starts happening to Woody and and the kid has plenty of favourite toys. He decides to ride into the sunset for more adventures instead of staying to rot.

When Bo was off on her adventures I was thinking it was the perfect set up for a TV show on Disney’s new streaming service.

I feel the same way and all I remember about 3 is that it's a bummer.


>no gender

He’s a male fork who falls in love with a female fork by the end.

>getting mad over a girls movie

It's HER turn now bigot

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did you not notice bo peep's ass? i don't blame woody. it's time to move on to bigger and more interesting things.

i enjoyed the movie. the theater crowed enjoyed it as well. i had a good time.

Sounds like a redpill on roasties

...how do you people know this? you didn't buy a ticket and went to watch a movie for actual, pre pubescent children, did you?

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Anyone who holds this opinion is stupid. Woods 'turn' was his character arc in this film, his uncompromising stubborn loyalty was his 'lie' here, because he himself was conflicted with it yet unwilling to admit that Bonnie doesn't give a fuck about him while he secretly didn't give a fuck about Bonnie but felt obligated to keep his moral code. His lowest point was also the one in which he goes back(again stubbornly) to get forker- despite losing the support of his allies. It's a lie that's both good and bad, and that's what makes him a great character even in 4.

Based schitzo leftypol

rent free

no that's terrible and subversive. more post modern takes on traditional stories arcs.

imagine thinking this 4th installment is canon at all
the movies finished with the third. its obvious this is a cash grab and Woody's departure is due to Hanks new contract for more movies. Wont be long before they drop the numbers and each sequel is subtitled

Once subversive becomes the norm, traditional becomes subversive.

Because Jessie was a new character that they put the work in to make people care about, where they just changed Bo Peep this time

People are starting to catch on


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LOL! Now they understand what old Star Wars fans have been saying since at least 1999-they're not just made for kids, so don't use the "it's for JUST for kids!" excuse to escape valid criticisms.

They should have added the scene where Woody jams Forky up his ass

he left for puss m8. he wanted the pusay

They are toys , bro.

I liked the movie, but the main "villain" didn't have the same impact as previous ones and Bo Peep being the hero the whole time was dumb, as was Woody abandoning everyone for that toy puss.

This is the same thing they did with Star Wars. The OT had a comfy ending: The republic won, the death star was destroyed, Luke, Han, and Leia all lived to see the "end" of the war and the viewer presumed they lived long happy lives free from conflict.

Then Disney releases the nu-wars and inexplicably there is a bigger, badder death star that succeeds in blowing up an entire solar system, killing billions of lives, Luke is a crusty old hermit in exile, Leia and Han split up, Han dies, the dark side is stronger than ever and the the Empire is a bigger threat than ever.

They weren't satisfied with just releasing a whole new story with different characters, they intentionally ruined the happy ending of the first movies, which undermines the entire series. Who the fuck cares about the first six movies and stopping one death star when you already know the empire comes back even bigger and blows up seven planets in ONE movie? And then they just throw away the StarKiller base for one movie anyways. Its such a colossal fuckup i have to believe it wasn't an accident, it was intentional, they are intentionally trying to ruin people's childhood for some satanic dark magic ritual and toy story is the next installment.

Based. Woody being out of character in this makes no sense, he'll be completely empty after a few years of living as a lost toy.

I can't believe anyone thinks that there won't be a Toy Story 5. There's going to be a 6,7,8,9,10, it's not going to end, and when more actors die, they'll just make them silent or mimic their voices. I might ironically watch another one when they have the toys outright turning to evil because being toys have driven them insane. It'll be marketed as a kids movie still.

Imagine actually thinking this

(((They))) are planning on killing nostalgia in general. Brotherhood and strong friendships are not allowed to exist anymore.

>ruin people's childhood

lmao,imagine being affected by shitty movies as an adult

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Fuck Bonnie.

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>Leia and Han split up, Han dies,
Don't forget that they framed the woman as wise and that the man essentially never grew up since they made a Republic general (and a hero one at that), go back to smuggling because women are strong, men are pigs.

It's the same kind of person that would have you believe that they don't own a copy of Return of the Jedi because SW and TESB were "way more hardcore".

>they are intentionally trying to ruin people's childhood for some satanic dark magic ritual and toy story is the next installment.
Probably closer to the truth than you think. Demons do feed off of negative feelings, so just ignore Nu-Wars, watch the originals and be happy.

Why are cute and funny girls always named Bonnie?

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I think I'm just going to stick to my set of the first three films and then just memory hole this one.

Can't speak for that user, but think of it this way:
Ever go to a Fairy Tale Land generic type place? Think Peter Rabbit, Little Miss Muffet, Hickory Dickory Dock;ect. Ok, now suppose it was law that all those comfy old tales had to have a brutal, soul-crushing addendum, all in the name of fun.

Did any characters get any real development in this film? TS1 gave everyone characterization, of course, specifically Buzz and Woody; TS2 gave Woody further characterization, then developed Jesse; TS3 was sorta mixed; and TS4 felt like nobody got anything and most of the original cast was relegated to the background.

Because the name "Bonnie" immediately crowns girls with a combination of funniness, smugness, and cuteness.

no and they were all out of character

All you guys talking that he compromised his values, have you never actually had a crush? I am a virgin, but I've had crushes that have made me compromise myself lots of times. Probably the 'worst' time was when I met a really cute girl who was also a rape victim. I've always prided myself on being able to make jokes about anything and hating offence culture. but to try and track her down I went through every journal article published by a professor at our university for the last year and found anything that could be considered triggering to rape victims (even words like 'force' in physics essays) and complained to the school about them. of course she didn't even date me for this.
woody is a virgin, this is the meaning of toy story 4. virgins are pathetic.

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Dont watch em?I havent watched any of the new star wars because there is no point , and i knew they would be shit before they even showed the trailers

the whole ruining childhood thing is fucking ridiculous...you decide what's canon for you not someone else

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Not really. Goes towards forky and unfunny plush toys. Have any threads figured out wtf happened to RC yet?

yeah dude! what would someone bitch about a movie and a sequel to a classic story on the television an film board? can we juat talk about Banjo being on Smash? I WANTED STEEVE

>Have any threads figured out wtf happened to RC yet?
PTSD after the opening scene; killed self sometime after.

I stole the question from an user in a previous Toy story thread but it's a good fucking question

I assumed Bo cut the poor guy up and turned him into the skunkmobile. We never see him after Woody saves him, so I think Bo took him along.

>the whole ruining childhood thing is fucking ridiculous...you decide what's canon for you not someone else
I agree, but SW ain't cool anymore and it used to be. It used to be special and now it's like a raped woman. Tragic.

>changing values for a crush
absolute stupidest thing you could do

Yeah but that means RC was taken along with Bo? And it was only Bo that was taken, right?

This movie sounds retarded. my sister saw it and said it was a tearnerker, but then two days later she said the movie wasn't really good. she said she didn't want to spoil it for me. she just said to remember that bo peep wasn't in Toy Story 3. probably she was thrown away and then she started her carreer as an enpowered woman while also changing the materials she was made off.

Movie would've been 1000x better if it starred this Bonnie.

nah the remote control is different

spoil the movie please. if they really ruin Woody's story I won't watch it or even download it.

Where did the Army Men go?

>planning on killing nostalgia in general
that sounds pretty based honestly. tony soprano was right, Remember When's are the lowest forms of conversation
>Brotherhood and strong friendships are not allowed to exist anymore.
shut the heck up and put actual effort into forming bonds next time

Forky is a metaphor for a severe psych case who wants to kill himself (return to the trash as the dead return to the earth) and is temporarily held in the ward for his own protection. Then he finds purpose and doesn't want to kill himself anymore.

>than watch this again
They already have your money, goyim, they don't need you anymore

Woody dogs the gang in the end like an asshole for Bo peep.

>brutal, soul-crushing
jesus i never understand the soi meme until now

Replaced by the gay G.I JOES

Woody is not you and you are not Woody. Woody has never shown to be emotionally unstable. he is also a toy so he doesn't think with his dick. We see time and timr again how Woody risks his life for his friends and owner. Do I have to remind you people of the whole premise of Toy Story 2? he could have made tons of people happier and that would for sure be the "most practical" thing to do. Yet Woody chose his friends and Andy instead. You fucking retards have a attention span of a dry noodle.

Wherever whores go

They actually might need more of your money, it’s not doing so well compared to TS3’s release

>all one color
very problematic

consider suicide unironically. why would someone blogpost on an anonymous imageboard on the television and film board while trying to project his insecurities on characters that have been shown to be brave and loyal. Hang yourself ypu pathetic waste of space.

combat carls are in the first one guy

I genuinely laughed, buy also agree

what a pathetic human being. stick to /r9k/ and make sure to finally succeed in something by commiting suicide. anyone who vows to the posibility of having sex instead of sticking to his values is not a person worth pf respect. It surely made you look like a beta, further allienating people from you.

>I am so cool that I care about nothing ha ha ha ha
>having a valid and intelligent opinion is soipilled lolZ

good read

Those are the same people who think that Soi Wars is brave and powerful.

There will be a Toy Story 5 for sure and here is the premise
>After tons of years, Buzz and Woody reunite again.
>Bonnie has been searching Woody non stop
>The toys are not happy with Woody
>the whole story will be about how Bonnie finds Woody again, recognizing it by the name in the boot, add it to the now toy collection and trying to reform his old relationships.

>Woody becomes depressed as Bonnie (his new kid) doesn't choose him for play time several days in a row
>Bonnie starts kindergarten but cries because she doesn't want to go
>Woody smuggles self in her bag
>dumb kid throws away her art supplies during arts and crafts and Woody retrieves them as she mopes
>Bonnie creates "Forky" out of a spork, googly-eyes, and pipe-cleaners
>Bonnie falls in love with her creation and Woody sets out to protect him and keep him by Bonnie's side, all while Forky sees himself as trash and desperately wants to be thrown away
>Bonnie and family go on roadtrip
>Forky jumps out of the RV window and Woody jumps out too to get him
>they end up at an antique store
>psycho doll depressed because her voice box is broken and so no kid ever wants to play with her; she's specifically drawn to the granddaughter of the owner of the antique store
>threatens Woody and demands his working voice box system
>takes Forky hostage
>at a playground, Woody reunites with Bo, now a stronk independent wynym
>they team up to save Forky--Buzz and others join to help
>shit happens
>Woody actually agrees to give doll his voice box in return for Forky
>doll, now with working voice, gets rejected by granddaughter anyway
>Woody invites her to come with him and become Bonnie's
>instead, she goes with a sad lost girl at a carnival and lives happily ever after
>just before returning to Bonnie, Woody decides to stay with Bo and be a "lost toy", helping to unite carnival prize toys with kids, and says goodbye to Buzz, Jesse, and co
>the end

Honestly, while I liked TS3 ending, It would feel more wholesome for Andy to keep his toys and then give it to his kids. I still remember how my dad gave me his old toys and how happy he used to look when we played together. But I guess it goes against the whole Toy Story premise of "Toys exist to be played with and to be taken care of"

wow. this shit is sounds fucking awful. I am sorry you had to waste your time, but I appreciate the fact that thanks to you, me and I hope many other anons, don't get swayed by nostalgia and give easy cash to the kike mouse.

wait.. does forky gain life on his own? does this disprove the Pixar universe theory that said that Toy's had chip's created by the corporation Buy in Large that, thanks to the old magic from Brave, could make Toys become animated?

Bonnie creates him and therefore he instantly comes to life. I feel like there were a few rules broken in TS4

that's a shame. One thing that kept people exited about Pixar was that damn theory of everything being connected, starting with Brave and ending with Wall-E

Now that you bring that up I swear I saw boo? From Monster's Inc in Bonnie's kindergarten class

Because Bonnie leaves him in the closet with all the losers. He goes insane, gets some femenist bitch and turns her into a talking fleshlight and her Midge friend who he probably fucks on the side

Yes. Forky comes to life in from of all the toys after being brought home. Starts out as a literal retard but slowly some semblance of a working mind starts to form. Also, during the credits, Bonnie comes back from 1st grade with a female Forky, which acts just as retarded when it meets the toys, and the now year-old Forky has to try to acclimate her based on his own experience being in her position.

As for giving life, it was sorta implied that Forky only gained life after Bonnie wrote her name on his "feet", thus turning him from trash into a toy.

Yep, that was her. Or at least a lookalike.

>all these incels seething that Woody found a girlfriend and moved out while they are still living under their parents basement

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But he is not going his own way.

Hoes tearing friends apart since the 60's

>Bo Peep wasn't exactly a toy to be played with but a lamp decoration.

This, how the fuck was she even alive? Like Forky, eventually got life because Andy used her as a toy?

They fucked off in Toy Story 3. They believed Andy would throw them away so they used some parachutes to float away from the window.

They already had a strong woman character in Jesse. I guess they wanted to recicle the lack of bo peep in ts3 to make it look like it was planned all along.

I wanna fuck Bo Peep

she is a toy! and you couldn't handle her now you know? she is a strong independant feemale doll now. her character is so strong she stopped being a lamp decoration.

And in the process they turned Jessie, who was far more likeable of a character, into a hallow, empty husk in this movie. I truly feel sorry for Jessie fans, because TS4 shit all over them.

woody pls

It's the whole having to be played with + some human/living being features, since there's some toys that don't seem to have any kind of consciousness. Remember that Bo is not even a toy herself, she's an ornament part of a lamp.

What ever happened to the little green alien men?

Toy story 4 also changed the gender of the sheep, didn't they?

Fuck off, faggot. Anyone who compromises his values because of having a crush on a roastie is not worthy of respect (nor any other good thing).

I was pleasantly surprised actually.
It was fucking great, and I really enjoyed the ending.
Line delivery was great, cinematography was excellent, I liked the new villain and I'm satisfied with the direction.
Showing that woody was no longer the director of the toys at the beginning like he used to in the classic scenes like the birthday in the first film was truly the most heartbreaking thing in the film, aside from the final goodbye to buzz of course.
There better never be another film though, this one was stretching it.

Imagine the embarrassment of being born after Toy Story came out


Did you people not watch the films? Toy story 3 and all the films was woody always putting his kids first. He gave himself to bonnie, not because he wanted to be played with, but because he knew it was the selfless thing to do.
This film shows him throwing himself out of a car to find forky to make Bonnie happy.
I feel THIS was the ending. This was woody's ending. He finally put himself first for once. He also knew there were thousands of toys he could save at the carnival.
Toy Story 3 was the ending for the toys. This was woody's story and I think it ended perfectly.

Probably just sold off in a yard sale.

doesnt surprise me, Tim Allen is red pilled. Need a way to cut buzz out

This, Buzz was not Buzz at all and Woody seemed to be portraying a Mel Gibson movie. Everyone else from the "gang" were absent background characters. It's honestly pathetic, I'd feel ashamed if I were the writer or director of this shit.

It ended at 2.

Fuck man, Star Command was great.

>nd decided to be a TGTOW
Except he decided to stay with the bitch and not go his own way.