Why do people actually pretend to understand what the architect was talking about during his speech with Neo...

Why do people actually pretend to understand what the architect was talking about during his speech with Neo? Everything he said was literally just buzzwords and pseudoscientific gibberish that made 0 sense.

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It's about heuristics. He simply repeated what the Oracle had said twice before in a slightly more convoluted way.

they tried a few versions of matrix - a perfect one that people rejected, a nightmarish- where people suffered too much, all shit in-between, and the version based on snapshot of 90's - zoomers nightmare but humanity seemed to peak at this time so this version was picked.


don't you EVER question the Wachowski sisters' writing ever again

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have sex

Buzzwords? Don't use terms you don't know or understand.

Is this when you finally realize you're not as smart as you think you are, OP? The Architect was not speaking gibberish any more than The Merovingian. It's time to open a book, amigo, and get to reading. I recommend any beginner's philosophy textbook. Ciao!

ergo the matrix

>i'm an american and i don't understand baudrillard or descartes

back to your mcdonalds, burger brainlet

Why would anyone reject the perfect one? Makes no sense

>Why do people actually pretend to understand what the architect was talking about?
I didn't understand it so nobody understands it because I say so! Waah!

Jeez, you're a fucking imbecile.

ergo proxy mogs the matrix

>Truly, we have entered into The Matrix™
Had to turn it off at that point tbqh

Give the guy a break he’s a troll

People notice when everything is too nice and thus wake up.

In the film's context it's because humans we are not built to tolerate perfect lives. We doubt EVERYTHING and refuse to believe, accept, or tolerate perfection in our daily lives.

Apropos: prior to current events
Vis a vis: in other words
Concordantly: following logically
Ergo: as a result
You now have the capacity to understand the evil white man

you zoomers are absolutely nigger tier

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Sounds like an excuse to justify why many people have shitty lives
>You'd hate a perfect life, believe us

why is he using words from a dead language?

what a stuck up cunt

He knew he was speaking to a white man who would therefore possess an IQ of at least 100 thus enabling him to understand.

even a "perfect life" wouldn't be without some form of difficulty whether it be real or imagined.

>language skills = high IQ

literally go kys

Is it just a coincidence then that you've displayed such dismal performances in both?

shut the fuck up little nigger

stay in school youngfag

the architects is god/satan

neo is jesus

the oracle is a religious atheist/witch who helps the jesus figure discover the mysteries of the world/matrix

pretty simple stuff.

>It's a zoomer doesn't get it episode

Life is inevitably built by conflict and struggle. It is our drive to overcome opposition and obstacles in our way that gives life meaning and purpose.

I sure as hell wouldn’t reject it. I don’t believe anybody else would either. To say human’s would not tolerate having a perfect life, no mental illness, happiness all the time, basically life on God mode seems empirically false to me.

Entire crops were lost

That life wouldn’t be perfect then.

It was the smell

You don't have a choice about rejecting it, it's about becoming aware of the simulation

it was straightforward

The mind unconsciously knew that it was fake.

They also said that the nightmare version where nothing was good was also rejected as fake.

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but from an outsider perspective it would be

at least he didnt say "qua"

I assume the perfect life would give the illusion of absolute purpose. Or you would be to knee deep in beautiful whores and having people worship you to care.

From a certain point of view anything can be perfect.

I wish I could plug into the 90s.

good times

before i felt so cold and dead.

>the Matrix is in a state of non-time where the 1990's are forever and years do not have distinct feel because culture has stopped moving forward
Ah, just like real life

>durr my opinion
Kill yourself brainlet

Did people really NOT understand what he was saying? Sure, maybe you don't pick up on everything he says the first time, but you should get the gist of what he was saying

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Even if you figured out it was a simulation why the fuck would you leave it?

not my life

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Like what?
If you do not understand philosophy, don't even try adscribing names to concepts.
What throws people off are the connectors.
>Vis a vis
So they don't understand the relationship between concepts.
Try again a few years from now, zoomer.

So the perfect simulation becomes the not so perfect simulation. I bet that programmer got fired.

Nobody chose to leave. Their minds were unconsciously aware something was wrong with their "reality"

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They felt saturated by it

You would choose to life in a shitty post apocalyptic world run by machines, or drag in a simulation where you are God getting your cock sucked by angels?

Carlin did it better.

I assumed in the movie you had to take the pill to leave the simulation? You didn’t just realize one day you lived in a simulation and then just woke up.

Cypher had the right idea. Fake steak is better than real starvation.

how are you this fucking stupid?

>There is something wrong with my perception of reality as I have learnt to accept it
>In the midst of this pure bliss full of sex, whores and adrenaline and carelessness I am plagues by visions of the ones running the show
>The most hideous machines using humans as brainpower (HEAT IN THE FILMS) forever shrouded in dark
>"Nah, I'll ignore the vision of what I somehow feel is more real than a life I know is fake yet can't escape"
Toppest Kekrix

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what was hard to understand? the best matrix they were able to make still has woke people but Zion is easy to snuff out. And a consequence of making the matrix the way they did is Neo and his predecessors. a natural occurrence as a result of an unbalanced equation

The pill is taken to interrupt the connection. Some humans can interrupt it by accident or at will. Also,
>The pill you took is part of a trace program.
So that they could pick his body up.

>A religious atheist

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If in a perfect simulation you could have visions of being in a simulation somehow, I’d still opt to be in a perfect world.

He designed the original Matrix to be perfect. Like "Leave It to Beaver" or an equivalent. People rejected it because there was no striving or struggle.

Then he created another one where everyone was at war all the time --war being the ultimate struggle. Humanity rejected that because constant war would be awful.

Then he got with the Oracle and designed a third system which modeled present day 1999. People still rejected it but only like .006% or something.

Of the people that reject the Matrix, they're allowed to leave and build Zion. Eventually someone carrying a specific version of "the anomaly" that lets them reject the Matrix (The One) would come around, be assimilated back into the Matrix after choosing a group of survivors to rebuild the human race (which along with Zion is wiped out by the machines), and then the whole cycle repeats.

Most instances of The One have a strong, general connection to the human race; they're like a great leader or something. Neo has a strong specific connection to the human race in Trinity. When they say, "the problem is choice" they mean that The One at any point can choose not to save the human race. The One should want humanity to survive, as the machines do, but the problem is that he still has a choice. As Neo does, and he chooses to go save Trinity and apparently doom humanity over the guaranteed survival of the human race.

It borrows a lot from existentialism, where the original was Descartes' brain in a jar.

>I sure as hell wouldn’t reject it. I don’t believe anybody else would either.
Why do rich people kill themselves? Lol. They're all sad. Nobody likes the end of the grind

He still had to make the effort to find the people to set him free, and was even given a choice if he wanted to stay in the simulation or not. I guess I can’t speak for you, but I’d stay in the simulation if it was a perfect one.

Atheist Believes there isn't a Creator. Of course this is retarded because all things Atheist can attest for was made.

Concordently, the Matrix sequels were not great, not terrible. This facilitated the expansion of the application of scene selection in DVDs, whereby a user would skip to the car chase or chateau, on account of the rest of the movie being a 3.6.

But in a perfect simulation you wouldn’t be sad, you’d be happy. Your emotions would be programmed into the reality. At least the way I see it. In my mind a depressed person getting all he’s ever wanted but still depressed isn’t a perfect simulation.


If there even is such a thing.

you are a legitimate brainlet and I completely reject your hypothesis

It's not that they didn't like living on easy mode. It's that their brains rejected the perfect world and they woke up from the illusion. The machines had to put some struggle in their lives for it to seem real, and for the humans' brains to accept the false simulation as reality. The perfect world was too much of a dreamlike fantasy to seem real.

It's a perfect simulation of reality, it doesn't affect you beyond making you think the simulation is real.


That's the point, nigger. He's a dry and logical God that does shit for order even if unnecessary.

There are no humans in the movies, they're all machines that got put into a Moriarty-esque simulation while humanity continues without them.
Some of them are machines who believe they're machines that destroyed humanity, some of them are machines that believe they're human survivors of the war, and the faux conflict between the Matrix and "reality" keeps them from having the time or the inclination to figure out they're in a double simulation.
The One (and Smith) is just someone who can transcend the first simulation and without their knowing, use their abilities in the second one. This is why Neo has his powers.

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I live in burgerland and I was taught about Descartes in public school which isn’t even good here. Delusional eurocuck

More like the Wachowski things.

You're free to prove me wrong

people rejected it because our brains could subconsciously tell we were in a simulation

There have been several versions of the matrix. Neo is in the most successful yet. Morpheus is not exactly looking for people to liberate, but THE ONE that, according to prophecy, will break the cycle of simulations.
There are several comics, and one of them depicts a young hacker who chickened out and took the blue pill. And she regrets it deeply, because she knows there is something else to the world, but she will never experience it. Yes, the hacker is a woman.
Also, the people that get out of the matrix are contacted because they ask the right questions in the right places, and there is someone there to answer. If you SUSPECTED that the real world is a simulation, yet made up your mind about being content with your life, you probably wouldn't be contacted in the first place.

Check that grammar, rewrite your post and try again. I am not sure you are making yourself understood.


Rejected as in didn't take to the system and knew they were in a simulation, not reject as in deny wanting it. World isn't perfect, very obvious when you're living in a fantasy perfect version.

Nah but to be fair I had to listen to it several times to understand it all as a teen.

>on account of the rest of the movie being a 3.6

I understand that. So the matrix is going the route of lucid dreaming? Knowing you are in a dream and not wanting to wake up but you do anyway.

I do not agree with you, sir.

That's why people who awoke from The Matrix were a minority. Most people stay plugged in.

Why can’t the simulation program your emotions too?

Guys its a fucking metaphor.

>who can transcend the first simulation
If you are saying there is Matrix within the Matrix, you can take your mental masturbation somewhere else. Because if that were true, then Neo was also a transexual. You can't prove me wrong. And both would be wasting our time.


did the wachowski sisters take their prank too far?

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It is inextricably necessary for you to proceed back to the sordid bowels of contemptible and loathsome cretins from whence you crawled, rejoining your brethren in the sap-sucking ineptitude of your intrinsic natures. Make no mistake that I am referring to the dit of red - the one word so heinous, wretched and vile as to be considered "spam" by the 4channel automated system that governs each and every keystroke we make while composing a message on this unquestionably elite and intellectual forum of vocabulary giants.

in other words fuck off faggot retard

There are literal billions of people who have perfectly fine lives who just bitch, moan and cause drama for no reason.
People with money, power, fame, loving families, fulfilling jobs and even all of the above. They just feel bored and unfulfilled with comfort and great lives, so they cause problems of their own.

Not all people live to complain and play victim, but think on it a minute. Look at social media, victim culture, the "struggles" of this generation being almost entirely all inventions of their own minds with no basis in reality.

You really think that humans want perfection?

>Lel it's just a movie, don't make me think
Wrong movies. Wrong thread.
>You have to let it all go; fear doubt, disbelief. Free your mind.

"So, we created a world in which you would never have to work or sorry about money, where you would fuck the likes of Kiernan Shipka, Elizabeth Olsen, Izzy Moner, Jenna Coleman, Emma Watson and many others, everyday, where you would never suffer, where people talked to you and liked you...and what did you do, Mr. Anonson? How did you show your gratitude to use?
You kept waking up. and going into websites and posting memes. You...are a disease, Me. Anonson."

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You will try nothing, lug nut.

More or less, yes.

I suppose I am giving the “perfect” simulation too much credit. In my mind a perfect simulation would not only control reality, but also the person’s emotions. The person would be perfectly content living in the simulation, and it would be programmed in such a way that the subjects wouldn’t realize they were in a simulation, since it is said to be perfect.

You're not programmed, your inputs are hijacked away from your normal sensory organs.

Exactly that's a great way to put it.

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Are you on drugs right now?

I assumed the perfect simulation would also program a person’s emotions not just the reality.

>I suppose I am giving the “perfect” simulation too much credit.
I think you are not giving the human psyche enough credit. Or the human body, if you wanna talk about chemistry.

The washed out colour pallette of the Matrix movies strongly resembles PS2 games with their shite VRAM muddy blurry textures, resulting in distinctly less colorful games.

The perfect world versions of the Matrix, we can surmised, looked like Dreamcast games.

I'm telling you to think in abstract ways you fucking goddamn idiot.

I just assumed if a entity could make a simulation of reality they would understand the human brain enough to be able to program emotion as well.

They understood enough to fool the senses, nothing more.


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Those machines needed to fucking man up and figure that shit out,

Ah, I remember you from the last thread. No matter what I reply, you will include an insult. If I take offense and prove that even your insult is wrong, you will say that I am changing the subject.
You are in the absolute right now and forever. Be happy in your simulation.

In my day trolling was a art.

I remember that days.

>the architects is god/satan
No. The Architect is God.
The guy who runs an underground club called Hell married to someone named Persephone is the Devil.

I understood it the first time I saw it and I was literally a baby. Let me dumb it down for you.

The Architect: Hello, Neo.

Neo: Who are you?

The Architect: I am the Architect. I created the Matrix. I've been waiting for you. You have many questions. You're an idiot human, you may not understand my answers. Your first question may seem important but really it doesn't matter.

Neo: Why am I here?

The Architect: While I wanted the Matrix to be perfect, there is still an unavoidable flaw. You are part of my attempt to control it.

Neo: You haven't answered my question.

Arch: Quite right. Interesting. That was quicker than the others. The Matrix is older than you think. This is actually the sixth version of the Matrix.

Neo: There are only two possible explanations: either no one told me, or no one knows.

Arch: Precisely. The flaw in the Matrix recurs every time, ruining my shit. There have now been six 'Ones'.

Neo: Choice. The problem is choice.

The Architect: The first Matrix was a perfect paradise, but it failed because human beings rejected it because they are imperfect. I tried again, making it shittier, that didn't work either. Another program came across the answer, the Matrix's mother.

Neo: The Oracle.

Arch: Nigger, please. Her solution that 99% of humans accepted was to give them a subconscious choice to reject the Matrix and escape. That 99% of humans chose to stay in ignorance. However, the 1% who escaped could pose a threat.

Neo: This is about Zion.

Arch: We're going to destroy Zion.

Neo: Bullshit.

Arch: This will be our sixth time. We're quite good at it by now. The function of The One now is to return to the code source, where we'll analyse your data and use it to reboot the Matrix. We'll allow you to pick 23 humans to free and build a new Zion. If you refuse, then the Matrix system will crash killing everyone connected. Combined with us destroying Zion, this will result in humanity's extinction.

Neo: You won't let it happen, you can't. You need human beings to survive.

Arch: There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept. But are you prepared to be responsible for killing every human alive? It's interesting watching you. The previous 'Ones' felt a generic love for the human race, but you're the first one to actually be in love.

Neo: Trinity.

The Architect: She's trying to save you at the cost of her own life.

Neo: No!

The Architect: So here's the deal. There's two doors. The door on your right leads to the source. The door on your left leads back to the Matrix, which as I explained will result in everyone dying. As you said, the problem is choice. But we already know what you'll choose. I can already see the love you feel for her. It's blinding you to the truth that she is going to die and you can't stop it.

The Architect: Hope is a delusion, it's humanity's biggest strength and weakness.

Neo: If I were you, I would hope that we don't meet again.

The Architect: We won't.

yeah, not sure if you took notice, but the wachowskis seemed to only have 5 minutes worth of plot for reloaded and had to stretch it out with filler to make a feature film

People who do what you just did have no love for the matrix reloaded and its absolute ple-filtering status.

brainlet filter

The Merovingian created the second Matrix. Instead of making it a bright perfect world, it was one where pain and fear was the means of control. It failed because people rejected it as a horror show.
Then the oracle was brought in who understood the problem was choice. The whole "a prison is home when you have they key."

What I never got is, if Zion is meant to be a release valve for the Matrix, so the system doesn't crash by keeping the ones who reject its choice, why not just kill those who reject the Matrix? Seriously, just ping point the human rejecting it or has rejected it, and shoot them. Or flush them down the tube like Neo, but just let them wander the ruins of the world until the die of natural causes. What practical purpose does Zion serve? Genetic diversity? A reboot of humanity in hopes this cycle gets their collective shit together and doesn't fuck up like those before them? Or are the freed humans the only one who can get those who reject the Matrix out of the Matrix, present the pill and gooify them?

Because its a controlled opposition.

Im hot and im drinking

user, dont die. please.

>contingent affirmation

thats not how you use ergo, pseud

#ergo #vis a vis #concordingly #fuckzionniggers

ergo sneed

Zion adds dramatic tension, even if it's a plot hole. After all, why not just lobotomize all humans (or use cows) to get your battery juice?

The point is brain function, so lobotimizing them would be counterproductive.

The whole concept is sci-fi pseudo-science anyway. You need to suspend your disbelief in order to get on with the themes present in the story. The Matrix is more a fantasy film with a science-fiction coating anyway.

No he didnt. The oracle never told him about the matrix being reloaded or the ones function

Got the shits so im stopoing for nkw

In this “perfect” world, the aechitect had not given humans choice, therefore they reject the program

>it was straightforward

This, it doesn't take being a philosopher to understand it. It is pretty fucking simple if you actively listen and are not a retard.

Pretty sure he was being loquacious just to fuck with Neo, he even gives Neo props when he realizes that the Architect is running his mouth a lot without actually saying anything.

It wasnt that the world was perfect or not that mattered, it was that in neither simulation was there CHOICE. Choice is the central theme to all three movies. Humans need choice, even if its at a “near unconscious level.”

Oh man we could fall down a deep philosophical hole here

He created the first matrix has a paradise perfect in every way that was the mayor problem "it was just perfect" and humanity realise ver y quickly that was a simulation. The second and third matrix was full of torments and horrors like monsters, vampires, good and evils gods etc... The "merovingian" is one of this horrors is "satán" himself or Hades if you want in orden of don't get deleted he hides in the matrix togheter with is crew of human monsters Neo fights them in the second movie like the twin withe ghost, the vampires in the gun room and the werewolf that Persephone kills with a silver bullet, if you don't want get deleted you go to the merovingian but it's give your soul to the devil. All other matrix after those were try and error in diferents timelines all of them with a chose one and all of them failing in the end causing to Zion to get destroy and starting again until this matrix were the ilusión of chosing was perfect for the simulation, nobody want to know the true if they don't want to

I’m assuming English isn’t your first language.

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No sorry

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You're wrong about apropos, vis a vis and concordant

I don't remember that much of this movie

But why did the Architect said to Neo that he had to choose between saving Trinity or the rest of the world?
What was the purpose of putting him in that situation?

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It was a fluke, as far as the Architect was concerned.

>yag sbarro.jpg