/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Cliff, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for /ourtruegirl/

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ok so I missed the egg recap yesterday and I just missed it again today, can someone please explain the egg whites thing with jackson and ovi to me?

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so they did get to shower while we waited

No tits mcgee

Ovi will be redeemed.


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based sissy

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Have sex

there is no coming back from being labelled the smelly guy who cooks food after shitting without washing his hands.

veto ceremony tomorrow or saturday?

time for me to filter all of rachelfags new annoying spam images

Lol Bella & Kat sharing the bed.

ovi prepared a raw egg shake and forced jackson to drink it while holding him down. jackson is currently in the hospital having his stomach pumped while his identical twin takes his place in the house.

He's done. Josh didn't have this bad of a rep week 1.

holly wanted to make breakfast with the eggs. ovi said he needed them for cookies. holly wins and ovi makes cookies with egg whites. that's it


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too bad there are no "imagine the smell" posters in the house. ian would have given ovi a second chance.

literally first night of BB19

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why did you flip your screengrab? are you watching in a mirror

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oh that's probably why he was talking about salmonella last night just being butthurt

thx for upvotes! think i should X-post on r/funny?

but without paul controlling the whole season

based Ovi just picked a wedgie


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yeah ovi undercooked the cookies
>still shitting on ovi

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>it's another season where the instagrams whores complain that there's only a ton of fish and they eat the chicken too fast

cast is pretty boring, honestly. no one stands out as the brett/frank/jmac type character that makes feeds instantly better when they show up.

i like aura2's smile

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reminder that dan was a house pariah by the end of the first week of BB10. the best players always know to start off by being a little out there.

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pick me a winner

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Adam Jasinski's week 1 dynamic was way more interesting than Ovi's. They should have given Ovi a Soulmate (tm)

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get with the times, grandpa, modern best players (like Derrick or Dane) just run their season from start to finish

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i hope they show ovi not washing his hands on the episode

just ovi for the sperg

dan was only a pariah because he was teaming with Brian who was playing way too hard. and even then no one was actively shitting on Dan smelling, not washing his hands or being too touchy feely.


>le yell at the DR man

because this is a classic big brother cast without the memes

Tbh if i was the house id bully him


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arts and crafts

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jackson to ovi "just make sure to wash your hands i dont want your skidmarks on my country road know what im sayin man"

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literally everyone loves cliff. he's out there winning hearts and minds

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this is what made him be gay

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Cliff's kid having a birthday might have just saved him from early elimination.
would be based if it is all a sham to make him more likable desu

they're singing happy birthday for cliffs child

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>Hey Ovi

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my favorite feeds are backyard feeds and kitchen feeds

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>someone just fucking finally tells ovi "hey people are a little concerned about your hygeine"
>he immediately starts doing everything he's supposed to and apologizes profusely, and leaves the cooking for other hgs / cooks for himself
this is so fucking easy. holy shit. someone just say something.

>the weak should fear the strong

that was d-d-d-d-d-dope

I miss my dad.

ffs ovi. you are making this too easy

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the only time anyone picks directly into their asshole like that is when there's excessive shit from not wiping

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shes so beautiful bros...

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>mfw boss hogg legally adopted 20 kids right before coming on a season

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i'll be your daddy, bitch boy

every one has their own space in the kitchen/backyard. the boar room every one is just sitting there

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A couple of people have pointed out to him that he didn't wash his hands actually. He didn't change anything.

when someone making themselves a target u dont tell them to stop wtf thats a free week if the targets on someone else

that's not normal? what if you just want a quick sniff?

shes ok

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fo sho

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the only person who'd benefit would be kemi/nicole/cliff, everyone else wants an easy target

this is officially the HOUSE OF HOGG 2019, he's getting to f2 with nicole and sweeping the fucking jury

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Would you watch your parent on a reality TV contest show like Big Brother or Survivor?



Sorry to hear user.

yeah, me and my other family members would be laughing

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I actually expected them to become famous after the show

all with birthdays from June - September

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>no tits
eh I guess...

My mom would suck
She has dementia

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both areas seem to always create comfy feeds

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her ears are really smol

they probably would be production favorite and i would be complaining on the internet about season being rigged for them

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bimbo just said she wants sam to use the veto on cliff. remember this until wednesday when she breaks down a few times a day

That would be interesting to watch considering both of them are dead.

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god she’s ugly

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I could listen to jackson talk all day

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>"Jamaican place"
>camera cuts to Kemi

remember kat's vibrators?

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honey, i dont think you know, but quarky is the new sexy

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a true alpha

wtf that laser in the background. they have snipers in this house just in case devin busts down the door

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meant forcommunication error go fuck yourself

according to michie every number is lucky apparently

>walks into big brother house
>does not say a word to anybody
>distances themselves at all times

has anyone besides kemi ever done this before?

go outdoors. get a life. stop being a loser.

i wish this bitch would stop talking about manifests, glows, and auras

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if you mean the annoying user who used to post on an ipad (image.jpg) that wasn’t me at all, so it looks like you have a new friend.
no picture related so you actually read this instead of having it filtered.

what the fuck is their thought process behind casting someone with motherfucking malaria? dont they screen for this shit?

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Christie has very kissable lips. Is she bi?

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Thank you. I'm glad i'm not the only one that noticed his cringe.

I really hope one of Anals exes post her nudes online

they all want brett to come to the house and yell at them, for a punishment

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every other black girl does this on BB.

Audrey looking CUTE

Chemo and ClifHogg on opposite sides.
Bimbo grooming future bimbo
Jack Pack trine
Sam hiding his hands as Tommy presents his ass

Gotta have that mic higher bro

Imagine putting CringeMac in the same group as the GOATs. YIKES!

>tfw no mommy sheila in the house

his voice is insanely aesthetic

too bad he is busy with Winston and Swayleigh on Fiji promoting Love Island

filtered your image md5s bbo

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>fuck the catholic church
a day later
>I'm catholic

iirc she only turned to girls in the last decade. plus we know that all lesbos are straight for the right dick

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oh shit twin twist

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Dominique would have likely gone far if Paul wasn't in the house.

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he said he was catholic about 30 seconds after saying fuck the catholic church yesterday. he did 100% damage control

I want to stick my peepee in holly

first was nick, second jackson, who I think was in the room when he said that

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I just want to cuddle with Sissy

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>Nick already banged Bella and Analyse

shes hiding her 3head

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prettiest /bb/ grill ever

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does she ever speak?

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what if it's not cliff's son's birthday? what if it's strategy?

new arts and crafts champion? will he battle bugs too?

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anal is cute CUTE

>tfw you try to do the strong independent black girl who dont need no man strat from day 1
>tfw you ignore instant dr coaching to be more friendly
>tfw backdoored week 1

I don’t care about you and they aren’t meant for you, so that’s unironically a good thing.
my posts should only be read by the people who aren’t so fragile that they need to filter everything.

hiding that hairline...

Oooooooooooo tell him

its not about fragility you are just a boringposter

>no even worried

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she should always werar it to be honest
I wantt some bikini beanie pics

sissy and bb18 jess should breed

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You are cringe CRINGE

they could create an ultra manlet with a perfect hairline

so whos controlling the game
jack or jackson?

does anyone smoke in the house? they haven't been outside yet

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you don't know what an image md5 is. rest assured the ones spammed for waifu talk are filtered

trump is so far

Jackson controls the house, Cliff controls space and time, and Sis controls my dick.

And he doesn't even realize it

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aura 2.0 has a smoker face

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If i was in the house id smoke in the shitter desu

Oh god I'd be embarrassed if I just had to sit in a circle but I couldn't come up with a single thing to add to the convo



Jessica has gotten even fatter in the past week

she's been sitting in this exact pose silently for 20+ minutes now

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I know it's early, but I'm loving this season

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wait until grodner reveal the twists

same face every time. same position. does she hate them? is she secretly a sperg? what is her game plan?

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I don't think sams insanity can be topped ever

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im really good at that

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qute qute

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she has a patrician hairline

Should you even try and include her in the chat? Or do you just leave her out so she's an easy target?


he explained about his kids birthday and they all sang. she's maybe said 3 words.

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>people are unironically waifuing this


>Going on a show like this
She knew what she was getting into

shes about 3 hours away from taking over a room to stew in until she gets evicted

in real life, absolutely try to include a shy/silent person in a conversation

in BB, take any reason you can get to turn someone into an outcast. ez nomination, no blood.

when i say im really good at that i mean me not ch3

she looks like Rockstar's marginally less ugly young sister

reminder paul was going to wear blackface nominating dominque

yeah he got butthurt when someone posted that clip the other day

but he didn't, which is why he isn't based

>implying he didn't

they filmed two ceremonies

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Kaycee took home 325k from last years prize money

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have friends

looks like neither of us got our wishes, oh well...

I swear someone has their mic too close to their mouth or something

i bet christie is a top tier lesbro

and they say trump is bad
ian got only 300k

why is he obsessed with her when anal is soaking in her panties over him?

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I bet she likes dick.

who the fuck is DAN 143?

tyler did the same when aura was in power

different states have different income tax rates you fucking moron dont ever post again

Cliff started watching from BB8
He is communicating with outside like Evel Dick

true. didn't even draw that comparison

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my stream froze on this frame

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I'm sorry for saying that, I hope you don't relapse friend. I hope this season is fun for both of us

how mean was the shit he just dropped?

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he has IBS, you know it was probably really watery

What would they have done if BB5 Cowboy and Nakomis hooked up?

fap prob

>has ibs
>doesn't wash his hands
wow no wonder the house hates him

taking shits is the one reason why i wouldnt go on bb. i have been trained to take a shit and then clean up via showering and washing my ass. i literally dont know how to wipe

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hit reality show following their forbidden love

what happens if you're out with friends and need to shit? or at the mall or something

the bidet chad has logged in


probably because anal is too mature for him

>shits constantly
>doesn't wipe
>doesn't wash
>doesn't shower
>doesn't change clothes
>hogs food
>snores loud and weird
is he doing some kind of challenge run

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i just hold it

Fuck thats a ugly sweater

I know this isn’t actually him, but I appreciate the sentiment anyway.
don’t worry, I’ll be okay.
and now I’m going back to talking about big brother.
the season has been fun so far. I hope you enjoy it too.

He's setting the high score for spaghetti dropper until I get on Big Brother

dont judge him, he is used to his designated shitting streets

is the university of tennessee full of mouthbreathing retards or something

mustard color is in with the kids

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he is playing BB on ironman hard mode

Are they going to play Rocky Top when Ovi gets evicted too

every room he is in becomes more tense

they actually got kc to host the comp? i guess they needed to remind everyone that she won bb20

poovi thinkin about his next shit

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>I know this isn’t actually him
it is I'm actually sorry. I hope you don't relapse I've lost too many friends to it

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forgot the cap

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i laughed way harder than i should have

ovi scared kat

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>ovi scaring kat

why are brown people so bad at big brother?

lmao kaycee was in the house today longer than david was

feels like i haven't seen her in forever

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Don't compare kaysar to those plebs

>if you put me on the block i will wipe my hands on your face

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would be fine if they didn't win HOH
would be fine if he didn't enter the house


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can't hear a fucking thing

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At least fessy was amusing.

i like that one user

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bimbo should socialize

dirty feet not a footfag though

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okay I’m sorry I was mean back.
when I’m unprovoked and posting normally, Ive been trying to just blend into the crowd.
I know it’s rough out there right now. I haven’t lost any good friends but I know a ton of people who have died too.

bimbo still thinks she is getting backdoored but Kemi was breaking down in the HoH room

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is cliff hogg the only hg that 4channel, twitter, and redditfags like

what is the nightmare? nicole was just talking about it and they cut feed

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I think bella is supported by all three
at least at this point in the game


some of them actually call him pooh bear

i want to kiss her so bad bros

I don't like hogg, nor do I hate him

pretty sure she is talking about the whackness comp or whatever that retard shit is called

it's that split of anger and sadness for me between my friends that got into one of the best schools in the country with me that could've had it all like I have now and lived with me and I tried to make them do the right thing but they threw it all away and died or dropped out because of it for such a stupid reason. I feel bad for them and wish I did more but I also hate them

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Does twitter actually like Hogg though? He's an old white male

where the fuck has bella been? have barely seen her since feeds came back up

she said the DR session last night really fucked her up because the DR was trying to scare her into being evicted. when she mentioned the DR last night fucking her up we went to feeds for a while. so she's pretty much calling the DR the nightmare

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>tfw you watch poobear touch his mouth

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what is momosa eating?

Analyse wants to fuck Nick actually.

Is she in the house alliance? Do people like her? What...is she

they took a bunch of counter space away with these retarded cabinets

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Same. Kek.

naw, the back part of that space is usually just filled with toasters and dry foods in containers. its all just behind the doors now

women deserve rape and shouldn't be considered human

i dont think ive heard her speak in hours

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on one hand i feel bad for kemi. on the other hand, what the fuck was she thinking when she joined the show?

>i can act like a twitter cunt irl on tv and i will be iconic!

yes she’s playing a bad game

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I think this house is too hunky-dory for her to mesh with. A more combative cast would've suited her personality more.

they never had any counter space. it's incredibly annoying for everything to be in cabinets for sure and I would hate it but the kitchen bar was always where they did their prep work, now it's a couch so they have nowhere to do it

KC said the house smells

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big fish in a small pond is now in the larger pond and realizing she's not that interesting

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please spoiler pics of her

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every visitor ever says this

yeah but nick said that while point at ovi

fuck you

trust me I hate myself and other junkies too.
the crazy part it that it was never the scumbag pieces of shit that die, it was always the nicest guy in the rehab that I eventually hear died.

just know that there was probably nothing you could do that would get them to stop. when someone is in that mindset, they tend to do the opposite and double down on being shitty. concern just leads to “fuck you, I’m gonna do what I want and you can’t stop me!!”

this. black women thrive on loud chaos, not gossip and subterfuge.

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t. mr skeltal

even from here you can tell kemi is an outcast

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im not physically attracted to christie but something about her gets me

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how long has she been in that spot making that same face?

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it's probably the fact that your gay

in all of the cases for me you're right but one. they were cheaters, liars, getting out of jail on technicalities and just kept going. I was just drinking and smoking weed with them not the worst shit. but this poor as fuck white trash guy got into a very expensive private school with me on a scholarship and we roomed together and I actually got him to be straight for a few months.

but then he kept going back home on weekends to sell weed and got involved with a high school chick and got dragged back in and dropped out after 2 semesters. he got her pregnant. I was so fucking close to breaking him out his brother and dad have both been in jail and I'm just so pissed some high school bitch ruined his life

I may also have a savior personality because one of my best friends killed themelves in 8th grade

What's that? You want more pictures of Quarky? Well, if you insist.

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i've noticed he checks himself out in the mirror a lot

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no i exclusively watched gay porn for 3 months to see if i was gay. it was alot harder to cum so i know im straight

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you'll get there, it took me half a year before it finally kicked in

even Kemi of all people doesn’t want to be too close to her

new thread

nls has a prettier face but angela had a better body and was a cuter eater

you stress me out when you do this

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>i exclusively watched gay porn for 3 months
>i know im straight

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is your goal to get the next thread to 100 posts before this one gets prunced?

her face is still straight out of a horror movie but holly seems like a good person. she also has 2 jobs apparently and a really nice apartment so she has her shit together

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we’re not so different, you and I.
just on opposite sides of the equation.
be good friend, I’ll see you in the next thread. I’ll be the guy posting rachel probably. I’m going to bed now though. so I guess tomorrow’s thread.

kat laying in bed again

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don't be a faggot and make me hate you. don't be a fucking n-bomb and stay on the drugs

has kemi said anything yet?

same face still

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I’m honestly trying. and to be fair this conversation didn’t even start from an argument or getting called (because it wasn’t me), I actively said who was posting. I don’t like doing that, but it seemed appropriate for what I was replying to.

*called out