Todays the day Im finally unbanned

Todays the day Im finally unbanned

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How's it feel? What were you in for?

>fuck community college
>I'm gonna get drunk
>I'm gonna have my bros from Yea Forums and Yea Forums over
>I'm gonna post an off topic thread that'll hit bump limit

>things are gonna be different this time

>cut to the car speeding away from the liquor store

>he doesn't know bans are voluntary

Fuck jannies. Upvote if you agree.


and we're gonna have chicken fingers, the good kind

NIce, I just unplugged my router the other day but these gayfer mods wanted me banned for 90 days for simply posting the N-Word. Can you imagine? These so called moderators hate the white race, they loathe their own kind because they are weak and they project it on to others. They are communist colluders who work with liberal special interest groups to actively harm their user base

*blocks your path*

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>being from Canada and knowing those were in fact Janes; the good kind

>8 dollars

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Getting caught masturbating sucks.

Boys, this is the best day ever

Its funny. It says all discussions should be dedicated to fìlms or actors despite them leavin up dubs shit, sneed shit, politics shit Aand other trash like pedo threads unless they dont like your thread banning you and deleting it. Just proves theyre biased powrtripping cucks.

But thats what router reset is for :^)

>this user did not get double's
it's okay they expected one of us in the wreckage, brother

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Don't worry boys, I hear the life span of trannies ain't that long

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based radioactive heat coin

>You are been banned for replying to an off topic post

Da fuck, get fucked

I'm done with all these greasy threads, rick. Freedom 35

>It says all discussions should be dedicated to fìlms or actors despite them leavin up dubs shit, sneed shit, politics shit Aand other trash like pedo threads unless they dont like your thread banning you and deleting it.
it's more than that user, they actively go after anything pro-white and anti-nig. Shit is disgusting because you know these hambeast jannies and mods are white themselves. Imagine hating yourself. Fucking sad shit

This board deserves to be trashed if the moderation is trash and cherrypicking

My social worker said its the mods fault not mine

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4 4s, based 1/10,000 poster

based so I wasn't alone

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coulda said "chicken tendies" instead to make it more relevant

user, life isn't about getting drunk and eating chicken tendies all the time

if you really wanted their attention, you coulda said lolutk him2dabar instead

>See this? All right? Oldfag taught me this back when I was in grade 7. Low effort shitposts. Spammed a lot of cunny - VPN always off. Oldfag told me I made him kek once. Fuckin prick.

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>I could sit here and tell you i'm going to stay on topic and post good fuckin content
>But that's not fuckin true okay
>I'm going to fuckin shitpost all day
>It's what I know how to fuckin do
>It's how I feed my family
>Give me one of those fuckin (you)s, I havent had a fuckin (you) in months!

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Big enough waifu, Rick?

>not thicc enough waifu Rick


Just don't eat any of my fuckin pepperoni boys.

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Welcome back, bruh!

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>VPN always off
Fucking based


This has happened to me before as well. This is some "Even the passenger gets in trouble" bullshit.


There’s a place that you can’t say nigger on Yea Forums? That just confirms that jannies are niggers


>captcha...always on

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I once got banned for posting in a pedo thread telling the people they were immoral and evil etc. The ban reason was "replying to pedo garbage" or something like that. Do these jannies realize people that get banned have housemates? If anyone in my house tried to post on Yea Forums and got that message, they'd instantly think I was a criminal, and all because I was critisizing literal pedophiles.

you stole em first ray


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It's worse than you can possibly imagine... they're not even white