This movie isn’t fucking funny at all

This movie isn’t fucking funny at all.

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Surely you can't be serious?

Don’t call me Shirley

Literally only boomers find this movie funny

Stupid retard Zoomer die

t. Sub-90iq boomers

One of the few films I've ever seen to make me exhale air through my nose. For my money, it's funny.
t. 24 y/o

>little girl talks about how she loves bbc


The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading only

>And that among everything else led to my drinking problem
*pours glass on face*

>first time?
>no, I've been nervous before

You could never come up with a joke that good

>reddit: the movie isn't funny
I'm surprised.

There is trolling and then there is saying Airplane is a unfunny movie.

Never go full retard.

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Family Guy stole a bunch of jokes from it so I dunno.

How? Every single joke falls flat on it’s fucking face at best and more often than not drags and drags and DRAGS insisting it’s funny when everyone knows it GOD DAMN ISN’T except for the retiree boomer fucks slurping down Miller high life going “HARDEE HAR HAR LOOK AT THOSE BIG OL KNOCKERS HAR HAR YOU DONT SEE *THAT* ON TEE VEE” while you quietly sit there physically restraining yourself from stabbing their fucking eyes out

The most beautiful set of milkers to ever grace the kino screen.

You can’t be serious

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lol you're retarded

kek anons sperging out are always the best posts on this board


Imagine hating yourself so much, you can’t enjoy airplane.

“Would you like something to read?”
“I want something light”
“OP’s heterosexual encounters”

Airplane isn’t funny, the emperor has no clothes, you’re old and soon to die. I win, you lose.

are you the guy who made that cringe vocaroo? damn mate

okay bro, whatever

You may have autism honestly, they tend to not understand sarcasm, get checked out user. Also, have sex.

It is if you like SNL humor.

Kys zoomer

I'm 21

You never even watched Airplane if you say the jokes "drag on" faggot, stop memeing


Lose weight

This girl had great tits

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The unfunniest movie is Dr strange love, don't @ me

I love PG movies before 1984

you little bitch

I'd ask if you've ever seen a grown man naked OP, but we all know the answer to that.

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And you know it was a completely innocent joke with zero indoctrination agendas involved. What a different time it was...

Ok. So we know where your "taste-level" is

It's always funny seeing idiots like yourself thinking you're capable of appreciating humor.

you guys had naked breasts on your spoofs!? horney 13 year old me had to settle with bouncing clothed breasts to beat his meat with on the family's tv when he was home alone :(

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Why was the dance sequence so long? because they paid for the song and figured they might as well get their money's worth?

this movie is fucking funny

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>while you quietly sit there physically restraining yourself from stabbing their fucking eyes out
Damn zoomers are edgy!

I wonder who played her stunt tits, those are some hefty milkers

havent heard of it
when did this come out

according to the dvd comentary is that pole dancing school girl, but she looks way more thanned there than in the other gif.
Maybe was another. I'm just sure it was one of those school girls.

This nigger cant even put a proper sentence together.

honestly the joke is timeless. still gets laughs nowadays

>tits out of nowhere
Always makes me smile.

Never understood this scene until I flew into Seattle.


its decent, but i still enjoy club dread more

whatever motherfucker

so who was he?

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he busts his ass up and down the court several times a week

You stupid fuck

It's funny. But only funny because you have to work out some of the jokes on your own.

Kinda boring to read those jokes but the bits where funny. Better than anything on TV.

have sex

Die unglaubliche Reise in einem verrückten Flugzeug

His name is Roger.

He's a co-pilot.

You might wanna pick a good day to start sniffing glue? Maybe then your unfulfilled fantasy of sitting on a mans lap and being asked that magical question "Have you ever seen a grown man naked?" will come true.

>being this boring and tight ass
dumb nigger or zoomer 100%

The humor is too good, you are trollin

Cool story

I turned it off like 3 minutes in after hearing some of the "jokes".

Controversial opinion:
Top Secret is funnier

Hello Jay and/or little Canadian from rlm

yeah but a little girl says she fucks niggers so its in fact BASED

People are going to think you're just a RLM baby but honestly they and you are right.