Why is Yea Forums so sexy?

Pic related. No wonder every other post is "Have Sex". Bitches be asking for it cuz they want it bad.

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Hey Zach

i thought he was the 8ch Yea Forums janny

he's here too?

This guy is my favorite lolcow

anytime I type "have sex" I get warned or banned while others stay up until the thread archives.

redpill me on this 56% monkey, i see his webms on /gif/ way too often

Can I get a quick rundown?

he's a Yea Forums mod and a lolcow

He's the joker baby

Have lunch.

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He's a moderator at Yea Forums hotwheels chan

I’m gonna say it!

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name? and who is this zach character?

8 chan drama who cares

Guarenteed our jannies and mods are uglier. Guaren fuckin teed.

Gahoole or Gahool, there's a thread of him up on /wsg/, I have no no idea who Zach is lol

this is the guy saying
>omg i'm just like ryan gosling!
>based keanu! youre breathtaking! LOL
>br2049 is KINO!

also the guy posting soijack

This guy owns Yea Forums on 4+Yea Forums, stop fucking posting him.
Zach's some shitposting hapa obsessed with Emma Watson and Harry Potter. He's pure 8ch


Zach does a lot of his business here.

Zach is constantly shilling Watson here or lurking waiting for her to be mentioned

Zach's honestly not that bad. He has a very quaint, cute YouTube channel where he posts extended versions of Harry Potter music.

t. zach