Would Yea Forums watch a movie starring Arnie's son Joseph Baena?

Would Yea Forums watch a movie starring Arnie's son Joseph Baena?

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lol more like Joseph Beana

No, I prefer watching some twinkino starring Patrick.

Damn, that sucks to be that dude. He just wants a family man

It's probably why he's the best of all the children. He's working extra hard to be accepted and loved. It's hard to see because he's clearly awesome and handsome and when sad things happen to awesome and handsome people it is objectively worse.

i'm never going to feel bad for someone with good genetics, it's just not happening

I would kill for an old king conan film with Joseph as his long lost son

He actually looks like a decent dude.

it's awesome when sad things happen to handsome people though
get fucked chads

>daily spic thinks Joseph would hang out with him because there both Mexican thread
he hangs out with other chads in the gym all day dude he would never talk to you

how do you pronounce "Baena"? Bay-eena?


>single parent anons cant see why he would be snubbed from his half siblings

They want nothing to do with him because he ruined their parents marriage and made a mockery of their mothers much more honorable name.

You might not understand because your mother had you and your brothers and sisters with multiple men but having grown up with parents who are still together 3 decades later without a hiccup its completely understandable.


>he ruined their parents marriage
thats arnold fault

yeah but why the fuck are you so gay?

No, I don't like spics or any of Arnie's spawn.
In fact, I don't even like Arnie.

That's cool I wouldn't want to associate with him either. Now if he was a hot subhuman beaner half-sister I'd maybe want to fuck him.

>brooo why wont the siblings who didnt know about him until he caused their parents marriage to collapse accept him??? I dont understand mang I love all my siblings even tho we got different daddies...

Truth hurts. How many of you only grew up knowing mom and grandma? lmao

Imagine being this bitter over someone more successful than you
Literally woman mentality lmao

Im glad Arnie spends time with this son.

Its hard to blame him for his affair. He has been on all kinds of steroids for so long. Trenbolone makes people seduce and fuck their sisters.Arnie chose someone who was not even desirable - the unattractive maid - when he could have been with anyone if he wanted to premeditatedly cheat.

this but the exact opposite of what this idiot said

what are you gonna do about it, faggot?

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>no, senor, i do not even have my own name
>(arnold tries to call her a beaner)
>you aor a beenah!!
>is senor geeveeng me a name?

It is literally not his fault that he was born.

He looked so freaking much like Arnie. The pictures of him as a kid were crazy. It was inevitable that the tabloids would find out.

I can understand the other kids not wanting to be associated with him. And I understand why he wants to be friends with them or accepted by his kin. Its a tough situation all round.

>Truth hurts. How many of you only grew up knowing mom and grandma? lmao

whats your problem dude? we are talking about arnold stop projecting your fucked up life

bitter retard turns out to be a weeb, kek

Dios mio la creatura

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Easy. Suggest you hop on HRT if you haven't already.

>eyy mang how come they dont accept him ese dat shit fuck holmes
>my dad? ahh no mang he skimped out early dawg, my lil bros daddy raised us

seethe, become angrier

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Actions have consequences. Arnold and his bastard should kill themselves.

He has a twin?

Funniest thing I heard is that Arnie's life is like a fairy tale narrative right now, with the creampuff spoiled useless son, the prince charming chad, and the dark bastard seeking redemption

i can understand seeing him a representation of the infidelity but its really not his fault and he deserves better. also whatever person you are talking about in your own life

I'm not the one that gets mad at the sight of a 6/10 male lmao

>Posting anime and children
Hoo boy

He should try to latch onto Christopher. Imagine them becoming pals and Joe helps him to not be such a fat cunt

>follows all his half siblings
>they don't follow him back

Why are they being cunts? It's not his fault Arnie didn't think twice about dicking the maid.

>the creampuff spoiled useless son, the prince charming chad, and the dark bastard seeking redemption
The only correct description of his sons is the Prince Charming Chad. The Fat son is the friendly and well-meaning oaf. Joseph Baena is a really shitty version of Mordred the Usurper.

They don't have to blame him to not want to be reminded of it.

>oy vey your boomercuck dad was a degenerate so you have to accept his turd world hellhound!
Fuck off

>tfw his other son is a fat fag

the 56% is at least jacked like his dad use to be

>>eyy mang how come they dont accept him ese dat shit fuck holmes

--schizo alert--

looks like he took the bogpill

No it doesn't.


this. imagine forsaking those genetics for ice cream.

>the virgin legitimate son
>the chad bastard

no. because he's still a beaner

>t. Juan Jose Julio Taco Burrito Enchilada
Joe Baena is a cheap Mexican replica of a European masterpiece.

his son I mean, looks exactly like a younger version of these dudes

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and the only decent piece

I know what you meant, it doesn't look like that at all.

>He follows all his half siblings on Social Media , none of them follow him back.

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he needs to realize that the Kennedys have never been good people and he needs to stop worshiping them just like everybody else needs to stop

Shouldn't his last name be Schwarzenegger now that his has been accepted by Arnie?

Ironically he's the only one that looks like Arnold.

You are an actual piece of shit with no sense of empathy lol

I keep hoping Arnold’s fat son has a redemption arc, he’s so fucking good looking underneath all that fat it’s physically painful looking at him knowing what he could be. He and the bastard should team up, get in shape together, and marry a cute pair of twins.

Imagine being his proper son and wasting those genetics being a lazy fat fucking slob

imagine a buddy cop movie about both sons having to team up to stop an old enemy of their father

I follow him on Instagram, he seems like a pretty cool dude.