Was it autism?

Was it autism?

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It was a desire for purpose and heroism lost in the post-modern society of Los Angeles.

Is the title supposed to have a dual meaning? Like he Drives a car but also HAS Drive? Let me know what you guys think.

Damn , I dont know how I didnt think of that!! MIND BLOWN. This movie is actually DEEP

He is just simply put too cool for school

>when the car chase scene starts in too old to die young

almost made up for the 4 hours of panning shots

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Has anyone read the novel?

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Yes. It's different from the movie. Driver is the most talkative character. Irene is Hispanic and doesn't have anything to do with the Bernie Rose subplot.

Breddy gud. Can read it in one sitting too.


not even gonna lie, chicks dig the whole "man of few words" thing

Is that true?


Only if you pull it off right and are attractive/dress well. Otherwise it’s just creepy.

How come this is the only character Refn can write, is it self insert?

I thought he was a psychopath and he tried to be normal but realized he couldn't, and the song at the end was meant to be ironic.

I was just bumping the thread t.b.h

He was too empathetic and selfless to be a psychopath.

No its an incel fantasy as any other stupid unproven shit here
Have sex

It's not a great show but I didn't expect to like Miles Teller so much. He really sells "Remorseless heartless killer who stands still and stares at people before shooting them"

Suck and fuck my dick, user.

Absolutely not. It only worked in high school.

why didnt refn cast gosling for too old to die young ?

I have almost mastered his expressionless stare.
How can I become the driver?
He is actually depressed.
It was kino. He has depression.

It's the best part of the entire series, imo. I liked the series as a whole more than most, I think, but it's not easy viewing.


I watched Drive when it first came out as a freshman in high school and I was already very flat, quiet, and cold externally
I unironically think it taught me how to channel my mild autism in a somewhat cool way and saved me from being a complete sperg
Plus I'm very conventionally attractive and legitimately have an interesting personal life so it somehow works

Good advice

n- yes

who /nightdrive/ here

Why is everything the goose touch such kino, lads?

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Do people still flaunt the gold scorpio quilted-jacket?

Projecting nigger YOU ARE THE SEXLESS ONE

Not having to fill the space with le epic antics will set you apart from the crowd and show confidence by virtue of not constantly appealing to others for validation.

Have sex

Maybe. Some sort of social problem either way. The way Goose plays him I got a History of Violence feel to him as well. Like he grew up dealing with that sort of thing and shut down. It was a bit like a love story for Travis Bickle.

This is what I like about this movie. The main characters personality is left mostly up to interpretation without taking away too much from the movie as a whole.

Has anybody read the book? Is the movie a good adaptation?

Yes, and the book and character are pretty damn different. Particularly the character. He's a Chatty Cathy compared to the film.