HoH: Christie
Veto: TBD
Noms: Cliff, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Christie
Veto: TBD
Noms: Cliff, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Previously on /bb/:
first for /ourgirl/
first for /ourtruegirl/
haha you lost
queen of the quarkys
I would lick every inch of her brown body.
someone post the picture of her from the feeds advertisement
ms skeltal
I hope jack goes soon so they don't start calling jackson mickey 100% of the time because I don't want to change
you now remember the times of seeing this on the feeds
While you wait!
body checking poo bear
would you let nick bully you like ovi, Yea Forums?
Jeeeez Thats a shitter
please just one sniff
id probably apologize to him ;-;
has she dishonored her famiry?
6 hours
it's weird that i don't hate anyone in this cast.
even the people i thought i would hate after the interviews.
fatcow is irrelevant and inoffensive for now, wokeman doesn't behave that woke and the gay is ok. even autismo isn't spazing.
I'm not a manlet and have a deep voice, people don't bully me.
>No Holly or Nicole nudes yet
dont ask me why. but her butt in that webm reminds me of this dudes butt
Devin is in the house.
if I could use getting bullied by him to my advantage in the game I would
the gay is actually super annoying but not in a traditional flamboyant gay kind of way. he's just too loud. nick is annoying as fuck and wont shutup.
I found a lewd shot of Nicole for you
It hasn't even been one day you jamoke.
My favorite cap of the season so far. It's like the male version of sweetie posting.
Why are the feeds not back up reeeeeeee
id like to see them change the feeds info to something like... comp is ending soon and feeds will be back shortly
or something like that when its getting close
too bad
Fuck man feels like the feeds have been down all day
because they have. they went down around 11/12 EST
Ok, I'm going to sleep. I would just like you all to know that I hate you.
never let shit like that happen
call him a bitch in a low voice as he pushes by and prepare for a fight if he challenges you
why is kemi wearing the veto?
so who is competing in veto again? christie, cliff, kat, nicole, and who else?
goodnight grandpa
a feel as if paul was on this season the feeds bought be twice as lit
look at this quarky drawring. itll cheer you up
Bikini is weird
She stole it, duuh..
i really liked this cap
These look like porno flicks
you mean paul dominating conversation and sheeps listening, yeah a real hoot.
we already have jackson for that
same budget
i cant get over anals freakish hairline
i see you cut her retard move at thge end of moving her hand over her wet head in an attempt to be a seductress of the 10th level
They really don't
someone with better skills then me please place nicole's quarky drawing on her quarky pillow fort
Cuter than Christine
Not as cute as Helen Kim Fitzpatrick
found the balding manlet
>tfw sissy will never kick a soccer ball right into your face
does anyone have any good shots of the memory wall?
>fags over at reddit speculating that there will a vote to save either David or the next evictee
>N-bombs on twitter will be choosing which darkie they want to save
best i can do for now. cliff was looking at it this morning as he as his oatmeal
so you're a faggot n-bomb?
autism is hawt
Nah, I just like to keep tabs on them so I can laugh when they seethe. season is a goldmine so far.
at least frank got his wish and didn't get stuck in the jury house
its like those Wolfman halloween masks
he wouldve railed bridgette every night in jury
>Jackson, Hogg, Bimbo, Bella on the winners side
he was a changed man from bb14 to bb18
Did her nudes ever leak?
I'm honestly not sure he could have kept her at bay if he was in the house for much longer. towards the end she was attached to him like a tick in bed at night.
So Jackson, David, Sam, maybe Ovi have same picture as their cast photo?
>jackson in the prime spot
blue hair showed thong, tampon string, and pasties on feeds
Victoria slipped bush, nip ass on feeds
>We will never see the timeline where Frank and his angels make F6
what happens in the jury house stays in the jury house
6 hours 38 minutes
>Victoria slipped bush, nip ass on feeds
Why would he risk a total qt gf for a 4/10 childish Asian?
she couldnt resist his effortless alpha charm
bridgette is cute
>tfw we will never get FBT final three
phone buzzed
because he can get another qt gf ez so its worth the shot to see if bridgette is an absolute demon during sexytime. weback btw
i dont see anyone waering the veto
oh right it's still early season they're all just going to talk about the comp all night because they think people care how they did it
something about catching meatballs??
sam is
sam's wearing a necklace but i can't tell if it's the veto
fucking faggot camerman
is he down with the darkie elimination plot?
Would /s/ be a good place?
this cast sucks they all talk at the same time
maybe similar to the catching comp kc won last year
okay sam confirmed won
Sam going to save the boomer or bimbo?
sam wearing the veto
lame they let them shower before turning the feeds back on
uses it on cliff calling it now
well there goes the gametalk
>uses it on cliff
>puts up kemi
>kemi gone
week is over and we have to wait until next wednesday
fuck this cast they gave him a round of applause?
>tfw you will never be a camera operator that gets to spy on naked houseguests
Seems like they're all talking for the first time now
Others talking about showering now
people said that last year when it was a definite that sam was going home week one. there's six days until eviction. anything can happen.
>first week is boring and predictable
not a good sign
Honestly we kind of need David to come back into the house to spice this game up. There isn't even another alliance going against the stacy/chad brigade. It's just them vs a bunch of social rejects.
they were all segregated in separate rooms
>the absolute state of americlaps
>sweating steve cap
Sam just won the veto and he is not in the chad/stacy brigade
>bimbo freaking out
yeah maybe not, christie was talking about shit in her hair and needs to shower. i guess they must have just got wet
bimbo crying
they just removing the lame floaters
kat is trying really hard to get herself evicted
crying kat on cam 3
bimbo is rachel
>tfw swaggy keeps assuring you you'll be safe but all the cool white kids keep meeting behind your back
lol kat doesn't understand backdooring and kemi was crying
yes we also need kemi and ovi to win the powers so they can really spice things up right
bimbo is being a dramatic retard
lmao bimbo told them not to backdoor her
>who flipped?
reminder that she claimed she has been watching the show since bb1
>"the DR told me something last night that really fucked me up like-"
she said not to reverse backdoor. she's so smart she invented a new strategy
she ded
christ can they turn the mics up i cant hear shit
Really hope we get to see her tits this season
cant have the hot blonde go week one
its like jackson's voice has bass boost
Sam says probably cliff to take off the block. Jack and nick agree
The boys are dyin to take Cliff off
playboy model says hi
1 hundo p
kat won't win anything and is a wild vote. powers also confirmed
I hope Ovi wins HOH next week, would be lol
the hot blonde of that season was britney
drastic times call for drastic measures, haleigh
holly seems to have a solid grasp of how this shit works
i thought she was going to be clueless
who'll be the replacement nom?
why would you underestimate Bogdanoff's child
hell yeah she was
bimbo faces freak me out
her face has no emotion its so weird
tryingt o form a 5 man alliance
nobody trusts their alliances already
They want to call themselves Stage 5, so original lol
jodi arias vibes
>another alliance with a number of people in it in a name
amateur hour
>ovi walks in
solid group
KC Hosted veto comp
its mostly recruits who have only seen bb20
and someone actually thought aquaman will be a target lmao
they only watched bb20 what do you expect
>has that name been taken before
>i've only watched 4 season
i want one of those camp bb zip hoodies
he seems smaller than JC to me
>hey guys remember me? believe it or not i won bb20!
sam is such a boomer
nick christie and aquaman in two giant alliances
>wins veto
>everyone surrounds them
every time
Katheryn reminds me of this chick. They're both generic and dumb.
did the dr flat out tell kemi she is gonna get btfo
>hardest thing I've ever had to do - bimbo
wow, tough life.
Anyone got an alliance chart? Idk who is with who
they still don't understand that if they're not on the block they need to talk to HOH not veto winner
KC says she wouldn't want to live in the house again lol
jk, fuck those degenerate retards
lol nobody said a word to kemi
she is just standing by the door, poor girl
guys are going to get cucked by secret duo twist
attractive people vs the fuglies with smaller factions in the attractive group that wont become relevant until the middlegame
she hasnt said a word since coming in
did she host the comp or something?
based old ladies in this bb chatroom
I had no idea she was there lol
>does anyone feel a breeze? is the backdoor open?
That's not really a good place to be. People are going to start comparing notes eventually.
we really dont care
read the thread or something
>Bros and broken Kemi on Cam 1/2
>Mich and his ladies on Cam 3/4
recapping the comps is the opposite of comfy
yes read the thread. sam makes a lot of sound effects when he talks
Not him but I find it funny
ovi and kemi really dont belong in that room
Holly titties sittin' right. I can't get over the fake lips though.
you are a terrible community member. thats no way to treat your family
the first giant alliance doesnt have a name
stop worrying
also not him but i kek'd
Meh they're going between that and talking about things like how their perception of the game may change over time etc.
Jackson etc were talking more strategy and how to lay low
yeah kemi needs to be talking to christie right now
kek nice
their faces are so retarded fuck
bimbo asmr
Kinda cute desu
it's the same thing we see every first week, them just talking meta about being in the house it's boring
i cant hear shit
so bridgette's doctor is a fireman now or something? I don't know whats going on
then turn off the feeds and go away
why is bimbo worried? the house has created the easiest path to a nbomb free house in BB history
get fucked nerd
don’t go to bed angry
I actually don't hate kemi, but I couldn't stand bayleigh and her snorting last season
volunteer fireman or EMT or something idk
holly telling kat she is looking to be paranoid. like going through a girlfriends phone
stop wrongly using the word comfy newfag
I’m looking for something to do, so I’ll see if I can cook something up
I don't think you're alone. Kemi seem pretty chill and cute. It's too bad she's fucked.
Also Bimbo seems like her lips would be fairly kissable
unfortunately ive been here too long
she got shit for brains
Yeah I haven't even noticed Kemi. Bay was fucking annoying
her too cool for this game schtick was an absolutely retarded way to open her game she really earned this backdoor
then why would you think feeds immediately after the veto comp are comfy? this is when the most shit happens
ovi wearing the same clothes for several days according to acquaman. and ovi is starting to smell lol
exactly this, she didn't even talk to michie before he had to choose who got banished so she dug her own grave
Imagine this as the final two.
im not the original user you replied to
based sam for changing the topic and not joining in on the shittalk
You will never eat her pie...
she doesn’t interact with anyone
yes, crosslink it please
thanks for being honest bby
i always find it comfy when they talk meta about their perception of the game, sue me
pretty based
>Indian guy smells
I’m shocked
was it confirmed that ovi was the one that holly/michie were talking about last night who didn't wash his hands?
his whisper voice has my subwoofer rumbling
kek I like this one a lot
Yeah, apparently he keeps shitting, not washing his hands and then making food for the house.
Ovi is sneeds gold
Sam says ovi may still go since nobody likes him. i think the backdoor is still in play for kemi though because sam also mentioned they can get ovi anytime since every one will vote for him
cbs doesn't give a single fuck what twitter thinks because the boomers make up the viewership
which room is the designated shitting room?
christie eating more of that pasta. they said she did 2 portions of it last night
celebrity memory wall being mentioned. not sure of the context
>"ovi will be an easy vote... in a couple of weeks"
the bathroom. stop being lazy
they literally didnt change it out before the HG entered
Anal is cute! Cute!
No tits mcgee
really need them to stop hanging out in giant ass groups it's boring as fuck
people actually liked josh
Watch how everyone who said Tamars records counted as being the first black winner etc. will now say that it doesn't count and that we're being robbed a first black winner and CBS is racist etc.
noms cams
are they eating peanut butter and thin sliced turkey wtf
they all hated him week 1. just like ovi's shit on his hands they all complained about josh pissing all over the bathroom
t. chubby chaser
melting plastic
Production told him he could use the have not room. It's part of the punishment this year, they are only allowed to clean it once a week.
josh stayed in the game because he was a great pawn for paul
Sorry I'm just now able to sit down and actually watch the feeds. Why is the kitchen counter also I couch this season? That's the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
they hated josh until they realized they could use him to piss off cody
>last 2 winners are minority women
they’re never happy
man im starting to feel bad for kemi. whenever there is a group she is just there
he stayed week 1 because he won immunity and then didn't go after paul. stop being retarded he was the exact same position as ovi week 1
josh singlehandedly got grod's fave hg to self evict
damn I want another round of fessy asking haleigh point blank if she's betraying him and covering for jc
that conversation with foutte and tyler/jc in the have not room was absolute kino
>only allowed to clean it once a week
Im a chubby chaser cause I dont like washboards? Lmao
I thought it was funny too
not him btw
>talk about production
>cameras cut out again
they aren't good at following rules
>kemi gets thrown on block
>the hunger from preseason starts to come out and she throws bella utb hard
>bella, at the core of the 8, scrambles to cover and fucks up
>all the tension and shittalking begins to surface, hogg and holly take the opportunity to create 2 clear sides by turning a number of people against supposed mastermind jack
>kat voted out by a close vote, kemi next hoh
>attempts to nom ovi, ovi has the power, it's immunity for the next week
>kemi has to choose someone new on the spot
>throws up jack
looks like kino is back on the menu boys
It doesn't count because they aren't black.
this reminds me of week 1 of bb14 feeds when they talked about ian
they're terrible
maximum revisionist history
>inb4 misted lol
she's just not for this game. that'd be me if i were in the house, sadly
Tamar is
Retard. How does it feel to have bigger man tits then Anal
Ovi getting lit the fuck UP
>Everyone though this was going to be the "woke" season
Did the lesbo call Angela evil? Stupid bitch is cancelled
Sam earlier said that the bullying of Ovi is ok because Jackson starts most of it but this entire anti Ovi thing is being run by Sam lel
cbb is not bb.. its not even close so stop saying this
she wouldnt last a couple evictions in a full season
when will someone pull ovi into a room and give him the jace/steve conversation
ya seethe?
Pretty sure Jack talks the most shit about the shitter
Oh she won CBB? I didn't watch it. Then what are they bitching about?
i love this constant shitting on the shitter
>he doesn't like dfc
Shit taste
tangela "stans" are mentally ill
based trucker
quirky has a hot little rack
new thread
they’ll never be happy until there are no wypipo left.
Have sex.
hi twitter
You offering? She bobs before this goes any further.
>he didn't watch cbb2 kino feeds
>he didn't follow the arc of tom green and kato kaelin vs 3 angry professional athletes
>he missed out on tamar gheesling taking the unanimous win after being picked as the final 2 goat out of the final fucking 5 by the most strategic player in the house
what are you babbling about? twitter loved her and they are the ones who consider her to be the first black winner... i dont
dont ever reply to me again
stop pretending it wasn't total shit
based mama wang
I work full time. I only have time for 1 BB.
Am I bad person for loving watching Ovi getting bullied?
boomer builds a b-day contraption for one of his kids?