Plays a korean war veteran in every movie now

>plays a korean war veteran in every movie now
>stationed with the coast guard in california during the war IRL
what a fucking larping hack

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>plays a gunslinger cowboy in every movie
>never even shot anyone in a duel or herded cattle across the Great Plains
What a fucking larping hack

DiCaprio wasn't a real plantation owner

Dying for Israel is not a noble cause.

wtf why did the French all die for Israel in the Franco-Prussian War
wtf why did the Russians all die for Israel in the Russo-Japanese war

>implying the coast doesn't need guarding

literally who?

Because they're idiots, too.

with what? their flare guns and a radio to contact the navy?

Ever see sharknado? Coast guarding is serious business

Those damn Chinese dying for Israel in the Mongol conquest, how could they be so stupid?

>Plays a war hero in a movie
>Wasn't but a measly cowardly sperm cell during the war IRL
what a larping faggot

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>plays a big guy
>is average height

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Tom Hardy never hunted for pelts in Montana? Wtf I hate him now

>and a radio to contact the navy
Patrolling is an important part of defense, yes

>not "is average guy"

>plays a ruthless mobster in every movie
>was actually a nice guy and a musician
What a fucking larping hack

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you mean a right winger glorifies war and the military while being either a draft dodger or not having fought a single day of his life?

Makes you think.

I believe the phrase you're looking for is.....

>"chicken hawk"

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Ran exclusively as an anti war and anti military engagement candidate. You're calling him a war mongerer. Why do brainlets exist?

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>everyone is an idiot except for jew hating incels

>already surpassed obama's drone kill count
>n-no he's a-anti war!


What??? Next you'll tell me Stallone wasn't actually a Green Beret in Nam

So desperately wanting some large military failure like Iraq or Libya is bad for your mental health. Just move on and accept reality. No war in Syria or Iran or North Korea. So sad for you

>droning brownies are wars

You are now aware that by this point in his Presidency, Obama had turned Libya into a charnel house and started the Syrian civil war, Dubya had invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, Clinton had Somalia and Sarajevo, H.W. Bush had Panama, Reagan had invaded Grenada...

hes actually really short.

>stationed with the coast guard in california during the war IRL

You mean
>Was given orders and carried them out dutifully

commie prick

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By that logic almost every single actor/actress who ever played any sort of character is a larping hack

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He vetoed any military retaliation for the drone being shot down. Are you retarded or just baiting?

*has audible, minuscule erection*

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>starting a war a year before the elections