When did you realize that Buster Scruggs was the best movie of 2018?
When did you realize that Buster Scruggs was the best movie of 2018?
Maybe The Favourite got close, but it was a terrible year otherwise. A mediocre Coen Bros flick ended up being the most enjoyable thing I saw in 2018. Well acted, great soundtrack, made with an earnest respect for the subject matter (hollywood westerns AND real pioneers) and a true love of Americana.
Let me tell you buddy...
>best movie of 2018
That's like being the fastest person in the special olympics desu senpai.
Buster Scruggs was the only good part. The rest was ass.
A mediocre Coen Bros flick is still better than a lot of director's magnum opus.
what did he mean by this?
Not even Tom Waits kino or DOGHOLE?
Ain't that the truth
He meant that real women are like ferrets
when I saw who directed it