When did you realize that Buster Scruggs was the best movie of 2018?

When did you realize that Buster Scruggs was the best movie of 2018?

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Maybe The Favourite got close, but it was a terrible year otherwise. A mediocre Coen Bros flick ended up being the most enjoyable thing I saw in 2018. Well acted, great soundtrack, made with an earnest respect for the subject matter (hollywood westerns AND real pioneers) and a true love of Americana.

Let me tell you buddy...

>best movie of 2018
That's like being the fastest person in the special olympics desu senpai.

Buster Scruggs was the only good part. The rest was ass.

A mediocre Coen Bros flick is still better than a lot of director's magnum opus.

what did he mean by this?

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Not even Tom Waits kino or DOGHOLE?

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Ain't that the truth
He meant that real women are like ferrets

when I saw who directed it