Toy Story 4 discuss

Toy Story 4 discuss

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This is going to happen to every film without a black lead isn’t it

LOL, now I have to see this movie.

Niggers are so damn ugly.

Indians make up 1/6 of the world's population, all films need Indian leads.

Dicks inverted for Harambe

>no black leads
fucking hell will these stupid hack journos ever be satisfied? every single movie has to feature not only a diverse supporting cast, but a diverse lead cast as well, otherwise it’s regressive or not in support of diversity? they are going to eat themselves alive, but not before they destroy all that’s left of good art first.

fuck niggers

There’s no such thing as boy toys tho so why would there be black voice artists

Why are British film critics so insufferable?

Mr Potato Heads? The Spring Dog?

>good morning britain

Trash TV made for idiots and middle-class reactionaries. They've been doing these pointless "debate" segments for a couple of years because they know it'll enrage the morons who watch the show.

>Shola Mos-Shogbamimu

>going to

Isn't there a really small black female cop toy? And Key & Peele too. That should be enough.

I read that as "Unlaid," would've been apt.

Wish things went another way, Moishe?

There toys, they don't even have a race, wouldn't that make the whole point mute, is Disney just creating these articles as a way to trick people into seeing toy story four

In this case they're not film critics. They're political activists who got a platform to yell about Toy Story.

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Actor died, they only used existing audio that wasn't used in previous projects instead of recasting.

>Transgender hate crimes rise by 81% in two years, according to police
Lmao that's awesome, gave me a chuckle and makes up for this retarded article.

Why the hell does a person's race even matter in an animated movie?

Shit movie
Looked nice but shit story
Villain cuts out woodys heart then is redeemed seconds later.

>Villain cuts out woodys heart then is redeemed seconds later
wait what?

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why do people with dreads always have trash in their dreads?
They look like a drag net

the hero we needed

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The stuffed animals from the scene where buzz is ziptied up as a carnival prize are clearly two black characters, and they play a main role in the second half of the film. What are these ignorant ass niggers talking about?

based and dubspilled, nice to see a feel good story for once

I wish those filmmakers understood your point too.

The doll cuts out woodys voice box due to her wanting to get a kid and then. Woody forgives her seconds afterwards to help her get a kid.
Before this she kidnaps the fork and hurts woody's friends.

Both look more ape than human and i'm not even trying to be edgy

dreads are dirty by definition

I want a Wataten feature film

>Toy Story 5 introduces a black toy
>And here's why that is not okay and why it vaguely looks like a Golliwog

it's not about fair representation, they just want more for their people. Every race/ethnicity is like this except whites. You could have two black main characters and they would ask 'why not three?'

Shit, as long as they were retconning Bo Peep into a main character, they might as well make her black.

dear god what the fuck did they do to woody


normies don't deserve the kino that is /ll/

>Toy Story features a new black lead! Here's why depicting blacks as toys is disgusting and problematic.

How is this a retcon? Do you know anything at all or are you powered by a hatred of anything female?

>No democratically elected President has the right to a licence to pursue a divisive agenda of bigotry & hate


Jesus I hate niggers

They killed him user.
It doesn't matter since pixar made their money back in opening weekend alone.

Does the movie have asian, hispanic etc leads?

They changed her character, quit the projection.

They had a black guy toy in that Halloween Special they made

you only get diversity points for niggers and trannies

"diversity" means blacks. For instance a movie with 100% blacks is 100% "diverse." The leftist meme definition isn't the traditional dictionary definition.

>Afua Adom and Shola Mos-Shagbamimu

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Did you guys miss the Asian shit with Crazy Rich Asians?

kek give them what they want

Did they complain that there weren't enough blacks?

It's Toy Story, not Nigger Story

Tbf the Scottish one on the left doesn't agree.

Gollywogs are based.

No, Asian Americans have started to complain about their representation too.

Stop giving these worthless sociology majors jobs. No one cares about their opinion. If it weren't for the racism Boogeyman, they'd be forced to get a job instead ofaking a career out of whining. The main girl was fucking brown for God's sake. I can't wait until all communiats hang.

Woody? More like Hoody

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it's a movie about toys

I was gonna say, not only are Key and Peele there but I’m pretty sure there’s an Asian lady in the cast. Keanu too if he counts as Asian

>Movie made by a studio founded and made famous by a bunch of pasty ass white geeks
>No black leads
Imagine that.

Toyz in the Hood when?

and no one cares because they aren't trannies or niggers

I didnt see many native american, chinese, indian, aboriginal etc either. Why single them out?

Neither one of women in this screenshot look human. They look like orcs.

To be fair, Asians get totally cucked when it comes to movies. So many iconic Hollywood films have been influenced by Asian cinema and culture and they’re getting minuscule representation on most audiences in the west being too retarded to comprehend watching a foreign Asian film with subtitles

Except Obama who hated Christians and babies. Oh but he was black so that's the end of the discussion!

Sure, these people are mentally ill, but you guys aren't much better when you complain about every single black person that appears in a movie.

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If by "Asians" you mean Japanese then they got casted a lot

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This. /pol/ niggers unironically complain about black people in films MORE than black people complaining about the lack of it.

Finally things are looking up in the world. Maybe there's hope left.

>Asian cinema
I don't understand the problem. When Asians make up 6% of the US population why the fuck do they need to be in more movies, especially when they have "their own" cinema production.
Like holy shit, make your own goddamn movies. It has never been easier in the history of film to produce your own movies.

here's your black toy bro

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I hate that I have to vote for Drumpf in order to keep the psychos that pander to these baboons out of office.

They do make their own movies, but nobody in the west watches them apart from outliers like Oldboy or whatever. I also don’t get why people always bring population statistics into why certain races shouldn’t be cast. There’s no reason to not look for people of any race unless the director/writer sees a character having one particular ethnicity. If Hollywood gave more of a shit about foreign movies representation really wouldn’t be much of an issue (or a justifiable one at least)

>They do make their own movies, but nobody in the west watches them
Maybe Asians should stop looking for validation from white people.

Goodbye Oscars.

This is all so tiring. I have nigger fatigue.

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They had purple dolls, blue dolls, pink dolls. There was plenty of diversity. But yet this mud land whales want to bitch about nigger toys(i never saw that many) in Toy Story? I hate the left with a passion

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Keanu is like

So why are two of them shaved?

>I also don’t get why people always bring population statistics into why certain races shouldn’t be cast.

Because retards like you complain that Asians aren't cast enough, and the only metriic with which to determine what is "enough" is by using what percentage of the population they are.

If it was fair, then only 6% of all movie roles would go to Asians, but as it is now more than that do so if anything they are over represented in media.

absolutely based

the film also must be made by a diverse crew behind the scenes as well otherwise it doesn’t count

it’s not just about introducing feminism and diversity, they also have to destroy all of your childhood heroes as well


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I didn't like the part where Woody put Forky up his ass but otherwise it was a pretty good movie.

Generally I agree. A lot of them have god tier bodies but I just can't get past the faces and personalities.

Your life will get easier when you realize that "representation" doesn't matter, and nobody outside of the US gives a shit about representation in Hollywood movies.

You also didn't explain why "making your own movies" is not the solution to "representation"

>Good Morning Britain

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>User was BANNED for this post

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Literally not what happens you moron. Woody doesnt forgive her after, he agreed to it beforehand. Get it right if you're gonna shit on it.
It was great by the way.


this but unironically
>The doll cuts out woodys voice box
serves him right, maybe he'll think twice before mansplaining in the future.
desu they do this with women. They demand movies feature women, then when movies have female characters and treat those female characters the same as men, they claim that's misogynistic because male characters get treated like shit but female characters shouldn't

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>desu they do this with women. They demand movies feature women, then when movies have female characters and treat those female characters the same as men, they claim that's misogynistic because male characters get treated like shit but female characters shouldn't
they do this IRL too. See, eg, Hillary's 2016 campaign

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>sign in the back literally saying "muh reparations"

Why do black complain about almost anything?

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she lives in UK so reparations for who and for what?

Isn't the main kid a shitskin mutt, or are they taking about a black toy?

Why do you complain about people defending their own interest?
It's whites who get outraged in behalf of others.

>except whites.
yeah nice try
they're all like this. all of them

Uhh, racist and sexist much?

for her
for everything

You do realise that trump just insites these loons.
The sjw problem wouldn't be near as bad if trump wasn't elected.

Yeah, we'd have gone to war with Russia and have been blown to hell. No more sjw problem with Hillary in charge.

I don't



kys Chamberlain

Not with those ching chong eyes.

>diversity and inclusion only means white females and black males (both mixed) in America
How tiring 1/3 of the world is Asian yet you hardly see them I in anything
Where's my Thicc qt Asian girl leads
Don't pay attention to these fuckwhits if it wasn't for Yea Forums is have no idea what (critics) say
Haven't paid attention to them in years msm is retarded

It's the exact opposite, Zion Don was only elected out of fear of this shit; remember how everything spiraled out of control after nationwide gay marriage in 2015 We went from extending marriage to infinite genders in a matter of months, and this was before Trump came to prominence

>without a black lead
Even that isn't enough. Thirteen percent must receive greater than fifty percent representation, it's only fair.

>How tiring 1/3 of the world is Asian yet you hardly see them I in anything

They casted many pajeets and sand niggers

Do these bitches know that they had Key and Peele cast in the movie for no other reason than nigger diversity and zoomer humor? There was also that black G.I. Joe in the playground and the credits.

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>black G.I. Joe

Going purely by demographics every American movie should be latinox mcs anyway
Critics can go fuck themselves and dialate

ive tried to find black nigress attractive. i just cant do it. they are nothing like tan elf girls.

First movie I've watched in several years at the theaters, took my 2 children, they enjoyed it but it was mediocre at best to me. I watched the original toy story in theaters and I felt like 3 ended the story pretty well, the ending of this one had no emotional feeling. They had the Key fella for some cheap schtick and some unknown sidekick. The OG toys played the tiniest of roles in the film so maybe that is why it didn't have much of a connection with me... kids loved it though, crafted their own "forkies". Guess I'm just getting old.

>the only time Key gets to see Peele is in a cameo for Toy Story 4
he must be fuming


kek, third world immigrant or nigger?

Shit I didn't realize Peele was the other stuffed animal, didn't recognize his voice, kinda funny.

Legit thought the thumbnail was this

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this post is based
this post is redpilled

Basado y rojoempastillado

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I suppose slavic and finnish people aren’t white either, huh?

stop consuming mainstream media

meh, cinema has been zombified for while now.

It's probably not true. There probably is something to the idea that there are objective standards of beauty.

>Shola Mos-Shogbamimu
This is some Mordor-style Black Speech. What's her brother's name, Shagrat?

Of course it’s true. Why the fuck would you find monkey features attractive? There’s a reason dogs barks and children cry at blacks.


>brainwash yourself into thinking crackwhores are the epitome of beauty
>live the life of a fucking rockstar

how can i achieve this lads?

>YOU are to blame for our own degeneration


they made him a strongheaded retard who makes retarded decisions just to move the plot forward
>come with me inside this store forky, even though we're feet away from the RV
>fuck your plan Bo Peep

This guy gets it

Yes every form of media

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The media has been trying to push the narrative that strong-willed men are foolhardy, vainglorious idiots who need a group to make any rational decision. Strong Men and Strong Women have no place in this world of committees and quotas.

What was deleted lads

Janny is a nigger

They're fucking toys.
Do they need a fucking Mace Windu toy to join the cast or something?

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that doesn't make him not black

>caring what she-boons think


packed in like a slave ship


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This but native americans


If 1/3 9f the world is Asian, then they aren't really a minority then.
Check and mate, Asians.

why can't modern minorities just shut the fuck up and enjoy things? the italians and chinese never bitched about all this pointless shit

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mite b cool and shitpilled

Please post an example of any white group demanding more white representation.